An enormous coronal mass ejection occurs while North America is facing the sun. Our electrical grid is brought down...

An enormous coronal mass ejection occurs while North America is facing the sun. Our electrical grid is brought down. The Chinese see an opportunity and invade USA and Canada.

How fucked are you? What weapons do you use to defend your homeland? How long does your ammo last?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_club

I welcome the fire.

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>the fire.
not sure you understand what a CME is.

I guess death by nuke is an interesting one, at least.

I grab my moist nugget, SKS and a shovel. Leave for the woods. I would then begin digging large tunnel networks and punji pits as well as setting other traps. Welcome to the corn fields motherfucker.

>Our electrical grid is brought down.
this happened in 2002 or some shit and no war broke out. not even any looting. and power was out for like 3 days all along new york and maine and quebec and ontario. fuck off

Times change, user. Or think of it as a thought experiment.

>this happened in 2002
how, an entirely different thing happened and it happened in 2003
it was literally one major power line going down, not being noticed in time and causing a cascading effect that lead to half of both countries being dark for 3-5 days (depending on location). that was just one accident that caused a clusterfuck because of how poorly the grid is designed. this was nowhere near the damage a Carrington level CME would do

here, educate yourself:

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I'm no scientist but I don't believe a CME can somehow create the logistics for the Chinese to instantaneously deliver, supply and support a major invasion force across the largest body of water on the planet.

>welcome to the corn fields motherfucker

christ, my sides

How will that affect US military forces?

they will use the increased photon mass induced onto the Earth to put their quantum engines into flux overdrive.

What's the tallest, least useful crop or plant you could reasonably plant a whole shitload of and leave alone so that retards can't get to your compound? I'm talking like planting 300 yard thick barriers of thorns and razorgrass and shit. This would be for hardcore bug-in or tunneler boys.

loss of central command
full of partial loss of comms on federal and regional level (there is some hardening against emp on some tech, but it's scarce, it was never made priority)
no ability to refuel or resupply food, meds, etc. beyond what is already stored at each base
likely massive increase in AWOL and desertion by everyone wanting to protect their own family, provided they are not on base, as time goes on and everyone realizes the lights might not come on for years and the system has collapsed
>TL;DR: picture military without the infrastructure, funding and logistics to support it that a functioning system provides -- in 2-3 years it would be reduced to key nuclear installations that are stocked to the gills and have redundant ways of running on backup for years, don't have too much personnel, etc. plus military base city states, and of course roaming units made up of armed single men with no family to go and protect who likely won't be much better than any other gang

China wouldn't invade, they would be deterred by what's left of the international community as well as what remains of our nuclear strike capability. most of those installations are hardened and can autonomously function for years.
with the added cost of long range naval invasion, it just isn't practical.

what China would do is what every other country would do when USA falls and is no longer the constable of the world -- power-grab and territory-grab in the ensuing chaos and power vacuum: they would immediately absorb Hong Kong and begin the invasion of Taiwan. then push for more brazen colonialism of whoever indebted to them under the Belt and Road program, likely just install puppet states in half of Africa. further down the road, they might try to get some of the adjacent Russian territories and solve their overcrowding issue, though it isn't clear if they would get into war with Russia or deal for it by way of offering Russians something they want.

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>The Chinese invade Vancouver.
How could you tell the difference?

China wouldn't do shit because an "enormous" CME would take out the whole planet, not just one side of it.

>the Chinese invade Vancouver
That is probably the only likely scenario for Chinese foothold in North America.
not a full-blown invasion, but a relief mission starting from a port city like Vancouver and slowly moving to create a pro-China vassal state out of more and more Canada, using carrot rather than stick and the sizable Asian population early on in places like Vancouver. Canada has a fuckton of territory and resources and relatively tiny population for all that fresh water, lumber, arable land, oil, fisheries, etc. Although it still wouldn't be their priority, they might try to build an extremely favorable to them relationship between China and whatever govt they help mold out of the initial chaos, starvation and lawlessness. it's hard to say people in those places would even be opposed to something that resembles a semi-independent vassal state, if China played their cards right and actually helped the people and restored order and security, but without trying to invade militarily or impose a colonial like rule on the population by military force.

I use this

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>An enormous coronal mass ejection occurs while North America is facing the sun.

No problem! A CME takes about 36 hours to reach Earth, so when it hits, China will actually be facing the sun then so THEIR grid will be the one to go down, in which case they all just continue playing GO and destroying their ecosystem and yelling "ching chong ping pong!" about everything and it all goes on as it has for the last 3000 years or so, give or take.

Oh, you meant the SOLAR FLARE? Which reaches earth in a few seconds? Also no problem. Even massive CMEs historically emit only a mild to moderate EM pulse, which is easily handled by our Van Allen Belts and modern protections against that kind of disruption in our electrical grids.

Stay in school kids!

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>powerlines themselves catching fire, fucking analog heavy duty olden telegraphs catching fire in the eighteen hundreds
>mild to moderate
you realize nothing we have making up the grid or connected to the grid is even remotely as robust and analog as what they had back then. every transformer including the central big ones we only have a couple of hundred of, would fry simultaneously, as would anything connected to the grid at the time that has any electronics in it. never mind all of the small transformers around the country, the big ones we only have a dozen replacements of, they take over a year to be built across the world in Korea and Germany and require a functioning infrastructure to replace and install. even in the most ideal case, we are looking at years without power, and the system won't be able to hold out more than a couple months.
I'm not even going to bring up all of the horrid shit the Congressional Commission asked to look into a CME/EMP scenario found out, since that shit is just too depressing. Look it up for yourself, suffice to say we are woefully unprepared for that sort of threat and our grid is a highly vulnerable mess.
I'd say stay in school yourself, but you'd have to have gone there to stay there. Apply yourself!

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We have these things called breakers and fuses. There are tons of different protection plans in place and also plans for rebuilding in worst case scenarios. Power might be out locally for a few weeks but it's never going to be out long term.
Electrical interference is a known issue and something that has been armored against. When you stand to lose millions of dollars every hour the utility is down and billions to restore operations you take threats serious.

China can't invade america, we don't have enough seafood to sustain the invading army

>china invades the USA

>Which reaches earth in a few seconds?
The sun is over 8 light-minutes away.
>Stay in school kids!

Amaranth? It grows like 10ft I doubt infrared can go through it.

Grow thistles and something viney. Catch the feet and jam the tracks. Have to cut their way through. Put punjees throughout to keep them on their toes.

the siberian landscape is mostly nuclear cities and mines
unless china can give russia what they mine in siberia, russia will never give up their territories there

>breakers and fuses
you don't actually know about the three types of EMP and how they travel faster than any breaker can react, eh?
like I said, do some reading. the grid is made up of hundreds of privsge companies and nearly broke municipalities and townships running a fragile and outdated system, with no will or interest or finances to harden or update anything, especially against a threat that most view as science fiction.

>not even any looting
What? I went to new york afterwords and was told plenty of shit was stolen. Just because store fronts weren't smashed doesn't mean people weren't looking for shit to take.

What exactly keeps the USN boomers from nuking China?

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>unless china can give russia what they mine in siberia, russia will never give up their territories there
Russia is literally dying of old age user, by 2050 Russian military will be >50% muslim. Siberia will be the path of least resistance to Chinese expansion.

Dunno why the Chinese would see this as a chance to attack, seeing as the military shit is protected from such an event.

no it won't lol, Russian Muslim population is stable, what's with this retarded meme
Muslims who could cause shit in Russia are like 2% of their population (Dagestan, Chechnya)

>How fucked am I?

Not at all. I live in very rural oilfield Alberta. Everyone has guns. Food is plentiful (in the summer), the winters would make the Winter War look like a tropical getaway. Lots of wide open spaces perfect for sniping. Lots of trails and access in the woods for discrete movement. Lots of smart men who have machining tools and knowledge of various substances and applications. Multiple Major Canadian military and airbases within 500km.

Anyone fighting an insurgency in this place would be pretty much fucked.

>What weapons?

Anything we could get and use effectively. Wage war on all fronts and by all means.

Personal loadout would be your standard AR15/.308 Bolt/9mm Glock/12ga.

But overall arsenal would be much wider. Everything from knives to explosives to artillery.

>How long does it last

Indefinitely. As a coordinated response we would have logistics arrange remanufacturing and reloading plants, as well as explore trade with other resistance factions.

Some things might run slim, but worst case scenario you expand your supply to incorporate enemy weaponry and raid as much as you can.

I remember that. It was a beautiful summer night. You could see all the stars, even the vast arm of the galaxy across the night sky. Above a city where the light from those stars hadn't shone for over 200 years.

>no it won't lol, Russian Muslim population is stable
The proportion of military aged men will be such that over >50% of Russian military _will_ be muslim.

The Russian state is ran by the organized crime groups who don't give a fuck.

Russian muslim population is 6%, and has been decreasing since the middle ages.
German muslim population is 8%, up from 0.3% in 1978.

What exactly is your point?

>How fucked are you? What weapons do you use to defend your homeland? How long does your ammo last?
Not at all.
Winchester Model 94 and Redhawk, for maximum cowboy action.
I got a few hundred rounds for each, I should be fine. China doesn’t have the capability to put more than a few hundred troops on our shores. I may have to switch to .22 or 12 ga. to get the last dozen or so.

Blackberries. Misery in plant form.

Don’t be a dick. OP posited a decent scenario for all of the chinkposters to have a collective fap session. Then you have to come along with your science and spoil their nut. You science geeks are worse than the logistics realists.

Here’s a link that says you’re full of shit-
Protip: if you’re too lazy, or too stupid, or too Chinese to provide links, your argument already starts at a disadvantage. Saying
>Look it up for yourself
is just another way of saying you have nothing to back your argument. If you make a claim, you support the claim. Telling everybody else to do your research for you is how you acknowledge that you don’t really have unfettered access to the internet.

Oops. Yeah, you got me there. I meant to type "few minutes", which still isn't technically accurate, but smoother to read.

>you don't actually know about the three types of EMP and how they travel faster than any breaker can react, eh?
And apparently, neither do you. E1 and E3 are products of a nuclear explosion. OP specified CME. Go be a chink elsewhere.

The reason that there are so many chinks in British Columbia is because China knows it's never going to be able to gain a military foothold in BC. It's literally a soft invasion so they can annex in like 30 years. How the fuck do you think you're going to fight against entrenched insurgents in a place like BC? We have like 3rd or 4th most guns in Canada behind Onterrible and 'Berta. It's like Vietnam and Afghanistan had some strange but beautiful child who, through sheer hybrid vigor was able to become possibly the worst place on the planet to try and occupy. Rocks, trees, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc make roadmapping and navigation a cunt and a half. You can't just say "Fuck it" and drive through the middle of a flat fucking desert like you can in Afghanistan. Furthermore, Canada is much better equipped than Vietnam could ever have dreamed of being. How the fuck are you going to route out all of the insurgents? You're never going to find them. BC winter is hellish in terms of keeping civilization running, but it would be Christmas for insurgents. Poor visibility, icy and wet conditions, highways surrounded by snow covered mountains.... You could literally just get two guys to go and set IEDs to trigger an avalanche on a supply convoy.

In order to take BC, you'd have to fly everything around. You're way too easy to fuck with if you're on the ground. Woe unto you, poor Chinese conscript. I sure hope they issue Xanax in Chinese mealkits.

Don't we get a few minutes warning before the high energy particles reach us? I'm sure some absolute mad lad would nuke china first and kick off world war 3. The CME will just be the cherry on top of the clusterfuck.

>refer faggot to the goddamn USA Congressional Comission report on the issue, literally a goverment document
>shits out some blogpost link and struts around like he's won the argunent on sources
LMAO, the part about being lazy and losing an argument is especially hilarious because you count be bothered to google a fucking Congressional Report and yet you call someone else lazy

You ask people to send you a link to the Constitution too or is there a level of easily available and verifiable govt document you are willing to look up yourself?

Here you go, useless eater:

And here's the report in pdf form from the Commission's official site because you are clearly too stupid to navigate the LoC website

let me know if that's good enough for you or if I need to step up my game and somehow put it into an unsubstantiated opinion form and paste it as a blog

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>around 12% chance of another Carrington Event size CME or greater by 2020
>NASA predicting peak CMEs around 2021-2022
You better start believing in apocalyptic SHTF long term grid down LARP scenarios, OP -- you're in one!

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>seething Chinaman
>posts 11 year old report like it’s the Holy Grail.
Ok, bud. Take a look at page 13 of the report you posted. Then ask your handler if you can access material that’s less than a decade out of date.

>google a fucking Congressional Report
Translation: do my research for me.
You Chinks are hilarious. Providing the link after losing the argument is classic. Did you have to get special permission from the Central Committee to be allowed access to the real internet so you could find that link?


>replies twice in a row with the same autistic insult
LOL! oof, you are a living caricature of a person, aren't you?
where did you get the idea that I'm Chinese?
Oh lawd! now apparently someone pas me to come into a Peruvian shadow puppet appreciation board convince the highly important autist of something US Congressional C omission has determined
>the absolute peak schizo

also, I don't see anything contradicting what I have stated in this thread. if you have an argument, make it.
>do my research for me
I did my research, you hilarious cretin, I'm presenting to you a comprehensive fucking report. I don't think you understand what research and sources are, I can't read the report a second time FOR YOU, I can only give it to you so you can read it FOR YOURSELF and learn that you are wrong.

There is also a 2017 update to that report which pretty much says "nothing changed but we hope Trump does something to change it".

>lel, you didn't post the link right away so you lost the argument
you got me, little buddy, I lost the argument because you can't google a readily available government report that I reference by name. I'm truly and deeply BTFO'd

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Don't. Just be happy for now.

>where did you get the idea that I'm Chinese?
Your odd spelling and labored syntax. Definitely ESL, and I suspect you’ve never heard a native English speaker speaking.
>something US Congressional Comission has determined
You say that like it’s something Moses brought down the mountain on a stone tablet. If you were an American, you’d know what kind of a clown show Congressional committees are. They’re a jobs program to keep politicians occupied, so the corrupt fucks won’t spend so much of our money. Here, have a list of the permanent committees;
>I lost the argument because you can't google a readily available government report that I reference by name
Precisely. Any time you post some egregious bullshit like
>I'm not even going to bring up all of the horrid shit the Congressional Commission asked to look into a CME/EMP scenario found out, since that shit is just too depressing. Look it up for yourself
it’s just a losing statement. You start with an appeal to authority, and finish with a demand for the reader to research your claims. This wouldn’t even be a point of discussion if you’d posted the link in the first place.
>government report that I reference by name
No, you didn’t. You alluded to the committee, which you never named. Fun fact: that particular committee has released a number of reports. You named none of them, although you did post a link to one of them after I called you on your bullshit. Now you’re doubling down with ad hom, strawmanning, and some sly fabrications. But hey, you do you.

>Your odd spelling and labored syntax
so am I spelling badly or am I trying too hard, you're gonna have to pick, lol
>and the spelling
someone on the internet not triple checking before posting, my world! to be fair, laughing at your schizo posts and phoneposting at the same time can lead to some letters not getting pressed right
>Moses with stone tablets
it's not the stone tablets, but it's better than some
>egregious bullshit like
that was literally me listing a whole bunch of shit and then saying there is even worse shit, if you want to learn about it for yourself, look over here. reading comprehension of a bonobo -- why am I still surprised?
also, how is "egregious" appropriate here? are you ESL? or are you just butt-blasted so you're being more dramatic?

I'm sorry, if I knew I was writing a research paper for peer review, I'd include the link right away; maybe include some blog posts, if I knew a scholar like you would critique it.
look, I get it, you're upset. you got called out on your hilariously bad attempt at rebutting my statements and got ridiculed for it. mind you, you are the one who started with ad hominem (not "ad hom" as you wrote it. no really, are you ESL?) and I am still waiting for a single solid argument with anything more than "I'm right! You're Chinese!"
You think my argument is invalid because I didn't link to the thing I clearly named until you asked for it specifically, because you couldn't be bothered to type "Congressional Commission EMP" into google and hit enter? LOL, if you ask me for evidence and I provide it, it doesn't make my argument weaker, it strengthens it, dumbass

at this point you're just arguing about the format of my writing and some imaginary rules by which you win de facto without having to win the argument. address what I said and what the report says, provide proof in form of reputable evidence or keep losing your mind further embarrassing yourself for everyone's entertainment

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>The Chinese see an opportunity and invade USA and Canada.

How do they cross the pacific?

Quantum rubber rafts

>so am I spelling badly or am I trying too hard, you're gonna have to pick, lol
Oh, I already did. You keep digging yourself in deeper with your constant usage of dated idiom. It’s like you’re half a decade behind the rest of the internet.
>laughing at your schizo posts and phoneposting at the same time can lead to some letters not getting pressed right
Nice. Ad hom, deflection, and excuses. Also, there’s a difference between typos and misspellings.
>but it's better than
And here we’ve got the classic yabbutism.
>that was literally me listing a whole bunch of shit
No, that was literally you NOT listing a whole bunch of shit. That was a weak ass appeal to authority, by way of an implication. There was no list involved.
>how is "egregious" appropriate here?
Your efforts are lukewarm, at best. Your logical inconsistencies, however, fall square into the realm of shockingly bad. It’s like trying to debate a Shareblue Stalwart.
>are you ESL?
Another classic. Covering for your creative ineptitude by recycling my posts back at me.
>(not "ad hom" as you wrote it. no really, are you ESL?)
And here we get back into just not getting the idiom. Ad hom is a very common and accepted (at least among native English speakers) contraction of ad hominem. And you’re bringing up ESL yet again. It looks almost like you’re defending by deflection.
>the thing I clearly named
Wrong again. You didn’t even name the committee. You made some vague allusions to both the committee and a report. That committee has released over a dozen reports, doofus.
>you couldn't be bothered to type "Congressional Commission EMP" into google and hit enter?
Exactly. You made the claim, you support the claim. Saying “google, lol” isn’t supporting your claim.
Most native English speakers lose their infatuation with that acronym within a couple of years of graduating high school. Just saying.
>some imaginary rules
Damn, how new are you?

>And Canada
That’s where they fucked up. Some people would turn a blind eye to the US getting fucked, but Canada would pull in the rest of NATO and push the chinks back to the mainland.

>Caring about the East coast

China still gets nuked by nuclear subs and stuff because the US military isnt limited to 1 continent or hemisphere. What are they gonna do, ruin the country? The sun already did that. We're just dragging them down with us.

I used to work in the bush, and the combination of these two plants was absolutely heinous:'s_club

I've heard that devil's club grows very slowly, but I can tell you the thorns it produces are a serious pain in the ass. They're pokey enough and break off easily enough that they'll get stuck in thick pants like Carhartt's, and then they'll poke you every time you take a step and that part of your pants hits your leg. The plant will grow over your head in height, too, and is quite fibrous, so it's a bit difficult to hack it down, since swinging at it can cause big spiky leaves and branches to bounce around at face height.

The stinging nettle doesn't hurt too badly if you're only exposed a bit, but extended exposure will make for a very uncomfortable sensation kinda like cold water being poured over your skin. It lasts for a few hours.

The combination of these two plants makes walking whil carrying gear a serious pain in the ass. I would consider it a fairly good deterrent.

I suppose the only drawback is that devil's club can be used to make a paste that will take some of the itch out of bug bites, so in a way you may be providing your enemy something useful in the long term.

>all that angry fedorable noise and nervous strutting, and still no actual rebuttal on topic

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Ok, here.
Start with that. It’s from
which includes the report you keep touting like it’s the Rosetta Stone of EMP lore. As far as specific rebuttals, there’s nothing specific to rebut in
>I'm not even going to bring up all of the horrid shit the Congressional Commission asked to look into a CME/EMP scenario found out, since that shit is just too depressing.
You didn’t bring anything up (your words, not mine), thus no rebuttal is necessary. Try making an argument next time.

>a few hundred rounds for each
Lord, you leafs are so cute

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Not a leaf. Californian. Few hundred rounds is all I would need, because that’s right about the number of troops China could land.

Maybe the Chinese will be better overlords than the Jews. I will wait and see before I shoot them.

Maybe bamboo? If you plant that stuff close together it's like a wall.
Plus, if you're using uneven terrain, you could hide some spike traps (made of bamboo, of course) intermittently around the place. If you do it right, they probably won't notice unless they're really looking out for it. If it's dark they probably won't see it until they're in it.

Based. If you see an user in a gorka with a vz58 dont shoot me, I'm a fren as long as you leave my toes alone, I'll even let you shoot my webley.

Holy shit imagine sweating this hard on an Antarctic fly fishing forum

The Chi Coms find out what admiral Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy knew. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Gorka suits are pretty cool looking

Hawthorns, blackberries, and wild roses come to mind

If the Big Luau occurs, how do Jow Forumsommandos find each other?

I feel somewhat confident that I'd do well. The family has a homestead centers in 100 acre plot o land in the the boonies of the Michigan upper peninsula, we'd hole up there, set up the punji fun forest, and invite fellow spergs to Red Dawn LARP

I'll bring the guac

coronal ejections are big enough to fuck up the entire world, not just the side it hits

Oldfags will know via long established symbology and shouting old memes for a friendly check. Newfags and reddit can just get shot.

>Blackberries to bring the pain. And the fuckers will take over an entire field in a few years
>Will roses mixed in, they won't get near as thick, but will wrap the legs, you cannot just push through them.
>Last add some hedge trees, the spikes on these cocksuckers will go though leather, you can't machete or brushhog them down.
When we have to clear areas of this shit in Mo, we just burn it. It's the only way to get rid of it without an insane amount of effort.

Why would China ever invade North America?

>Antarctic fly fishing forum
Well, you tried.

>The Chinese see an opportunity and invade USA and Canada.

There is none you teentarded cretin. China has no power projection nor even civilian transport to attempt that.

>not invading north america if given the chance

never gonna make it