So with the US only having two operable B-2 at the moment, the PLAAF has just procured 1/2 of the entire USAF strategic capacity within a month. Impressive I must admit.
Xian H-20
Other urls found in this thread:
bad bait
implessive etc etc quantum etc etc i don't have the copy pasta
>two operable
nigger i see them take off at whiteman afb all the fucking time, there's no fucking way only two of these bastards work
>aged design
Too bad it will be intercepted by the US’s graviton radars
Chinks always behind, socially, culturally, militarily
Unless the US has quantum radars which they don’t, they are not going to detect shit. Chinese stealth coating can absorb from 1picometer to 10m wave. Yes you read the units right.
>US only having two operable B-2 at the moment,
US already crying in this thread.
quantum dick in your moms ass
>that artists rendition
>that shit tier CGI
Looks like something done by a college student in 1999 using off-the-shelf software
chankoro go back to eating piss eggs you can’t imagine what white people have waiting for you
The US has radars which are able to hyperaccelerate gravitons and the receivers monitor the particles for the slightest deviation and can match aircraft models to the graviton displacement
You’d be aware of this if you actually had your own R&D; the quantum processors made this easy. You can’t even make a single quantum processor prototype yet.
Cringe chinks
H-20 Spilit?
When is China going to be able to come up with their own ideas rather than just copying the rest of the world?
They can’t
The “high IQ China” meme is because they cheat with everything, everywhere. They don’t actually have the mental capacity to produce their own cutting-edge research unless it’s world firsts in ethically dubious fields; namely genetic manipulation. Their true national IQ is more like their near neighbours, such as India at 82. This is mostly because they spent their entire history killing each other up until the current century so their best minds were wiped out.
Hong Kong, Singapore and SK all have naturally higher IQs, and are the best of Asia society as they produce legitimately valuable technological advances and research through an industrious culture, despite their small populations. China can’t research their way out of a paper bag.
Quite powerful, to say the least.
>been a dyed in the wool America #1 kind of guy my whole life
>tfw it starts to dawn on me I backed the wrong team
It looks like it came out of Metal Wolf Chaos, and not even the remake version. That's some pretty atrocious CGI.
With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity,quantum Xian h-20 quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
fuck off chink.
You do realize that no return is still a way to locate shit with radar?
But I do
With this most lecent achievement, fate has, in a singre stloke, malked the decrine of the west and sperred a new ela of wondlous plospelity and peaceful grobar dominance fol the Chinese wagon, which plomises to filmry stand in shalp contlast to the histolicarry broody ascent of westeln powels and the cluer subjugation it blought to the hunger nations of the wolrd. The dressings of Chinese prasma stearth technoorgy, undetectabre hypelsonic combat vehicres, quantum dilect-cumlent erect ricity, neutlino submaline detectols, gamma titanium mono clystar tulbines, quantum ailclaft calliels, unmanned autonomous A.R. tanks, neal-space barristic ail-to-ail missires, +2km lange ailbulst lifres, and quantum enhanced lairguns wirr be the instluments with which China affilms its nobre stewaldship of 21st centuly wolrd poritics and offels the non-westeln wolrd a diffelent option; an humanist artelnative to the depledations of Westeln readelship and the oppoltunity fol a mole equitabre and dignified murtiraterarism.
>tfw you will live long enough to see these based in america on Chinese owned bases
>tfw you will see videos of this knocking out bridges across america.
Amerimutts on suicide watch
I THOUGHT WE HAD MORE TIME. Fuck. I figured for sure the American hegemony had another decade before it was nullified by Chinese military supremacy, but I guess we rested on our laurels too long. Fuck it. Do you guys think if I buy shares in Tencent it might keep me and my family safe from justified Chinese reprisals for the century of humiliation? Shit, maybe our money wont even be worth anything anyway, if they can target our navy with complete impunity then whats stopping them from wiping wall street off of the map with a flight of utterly undetectable quantum stealthbombers? Obviously its not in their nature to be spiteful, but fuck it, we're at the mercy of their humanistic tendencies which can only be pushed so far. Just feels so powerless bros.
>us military reports ufos
>wants the public to believe its our tech
>it's really Chinese tech and amerilards can't cope.
the best you can hope for is to work an unpaid job for a state sponsored closet to sleep in after 18 hours of hard labor with mandatory blood donations. at worst your organs are harvested right from the get go and you will be turned into nutrient paste for the other whites
This thread brought to you by the Chines PLA Internet Cope Force
>literally zero credible information available yet.
>satellite photo of "h20" is the same photo of their "stealth drone"
That picture comes from the Chinese media originally. You know who completely controls every moon rune that gets printed by the Chinese media? The Chinese government. Every. Single. Word. Therefore, any piece of information related to that weapons program has precisely zero objectively determined, quantifiable veracity. Any western news article citing any "facts" at all is simply regurgitating what the Chinese government has told them and has not been verified. As westerners we can find it hard to imagine not having an at least nominally free media, but the Chinese control theirs exhaustively. You cannot trust anything that stems from the Chinese government, so it follows that you cannot trust anything that stems from the Chinese media. They will lie through their teeth about anything that suits them. This isn't to say that everything they print is a lie, but throw out your singular grain of salt and empty the whole fucking shaker when dealing with Chinese announcements.
okay but what is the fate of every chinese rip off?
its shittier than ever and breaks like clockwork LMAO
Remember kids:
Chinese: L->R
Japanese: R -> L
>when you are weak, act strong to the enemy
>when you are strong, appear weak
I wouldn't be surprised if we have a dozen B2s flying with the same couple tail numbers painted to confuse the Chinese
nice try, chankoro
Lmao coping to this degree
>OnLy We CaN mAkE sTeAlTh CoAtInG aNd GeOmEtRy PlS cHaNg StAhP
>The “high IQ China” meme is because they cheat with everything, everywhere.
If you look at the actual educational assessments, look for "China-BSJG". It stands for "Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guandong". They cherry pick the most developed parts of the mainland, so while the US has to make do on test scores with Shaniqua and Rico, China gets to be represented on their tests by only the best student. It would be like if the US was represented on tests by New England and North Dakota.
I didn't realize that they even used the most blatant bitch-level cheats to try and appear superior.
Why are the Chinese so bad at everything they do?
I'll give them this though, Taiwan and HK still have outstanding scores, and I have no proof they're doing anything squirrely
Also, when I mention scores, I mean generally, not specific to the document I linked.
>Build a copy of the B-2
>US, having freakin' MADE the design, already has its radar signature and can tune in to spot it from miles away
cute CGI model. Also nice winglets.
Taiwan and HK and not mainland savages
>only 2
> was just flying 3 of them 2 days ago with the brits in a nuclear exercise (callsign death 1 - death 3) causing britbongs to freak out.
okay bug.
The dumbest post on Jow Forums right now.
I don't know man, there's still over 1 billion of them, I'm sure there'ssome good apples in the bunch. I work at the organ transplant unit in Toronto General hospital; we get lots of Chinese who are either immigrants, or students from China doing observership rotations on our unit for a few months. I think that too many of us here in North America take what we have for granted, especially in terms of our learning opportunities. With Chinese students I see less of that, so I respect that.
I watched 4 take off from nellis yesterday. chang is mad
The average intl Chinese student is eager to learn, but that's because they send the knowledge home.
Medicine isn't a bad thing for them to know, and I don't really care if they get woke on fixing people, but the other infiltrations of our Universities for the sole purpose of taking our research and taping our minds is ridiculous.
This pic need more fat and niggers
all the chinese stuff kinda look like a simmilar copy of the us stuff. I wonder if any of them work
Okay Pajeet
>be illiterate diaspora nigger
>start seething when objective research destroys your feelings
>find some china smack cope on google about "TRUTH about PISA" from retards that dont understand the point of PISA studies
>too illiterate to comprehend even a normie friendly summary financial literacy research
>asume other countries must be cheated and running student literacy tests completely differently
>assume testing subsets isnt research on sociodemographic inequalities but a conspiracy to to make gooks and pajeets on the sidelines butthurt with fake scores
>cope on Jow Forums
>They cherry pick the most developed parts of the mainland
>It would be like if the US was represented on tests by New England and North Dakota.
No it would be like if the US tested its top scorers in Massachusetts and then compared it to scores in North Carolina as the equivalent of Chinas "rural" tests. Oh wait thats exactly what the study did.
Quantum > Gravitron you white devils.
>another nogunz faggot from r/asianmasculinity thread
Those winglets lol
Google Tiananmen Square
>Wingtip vertical stabilizers completely ruining the point of a flying wing design
What's wrong, Chang, can't replicate 1980s American avionic/fly by wire tech
>Organ transplants
>i saw 4 taking off therefore it means they are on a readiness SCO
i mean...
>he unironically thinks that mutts are smarter than pure blood East Asians.
China has an abysmal/non existent combat record. An army of completely inexperienced soldiers-generals. Shit gear too. Did you see that seaweed MRE?
Holy fuck i just realized the connection LMFAO
That's why they do UN deployments and then get laughed at when their soldiers run
They can't even get experience when someone else is paying them to do a job
Yea they are pretty pathetic for a country with such a large economy. China focuses on quantity over quality, while the US has both quantity, and quality. Usually 30 years before anyone else also.
God Bless the fucking United States of America
t. Non-burger.
At least they keep us from the despotic industrial madhouse society that is the chinese mainland
vely implessive
Aren't those very costly to operate?
Do you think after Obama's budget cut, all of them are on 24/7 readiness or flying continuous sorties??
arr rook same
lol I knew something was amiss in the statistics
>the coal blanket it'll dump across the sky will be visible even before the plane is in audible range
>I work at the organ transplant unit
please explain
He butchers falung gong folks
>Pure Blood East Asians
There is no group of people more muttified than the Chinese. Their entire history is just one series of getting raped by invaders over and over and over again. There are no ehtnically pure Han Chinese in the world. They're extinct.
>o with the US only having two operable B-2 at the moment
you mean 21
They take off from Shreveport everyday lmao.
Would this work?
No. But maybe. Try it and see user.
20. One crashed.
>its another seething nogunz curry nigger China thread
Post your guns, Bruce.
Honestly, this is one of the highest compliments Americans can get. Non-Americans bitch and moan about us constantly, but the Pax Americana is a real thing, and while we have a tendency to be blamed for shit that's out of our control, we have been keeping a lid on a lot of nasty shit for quite some time.
So honest to god, thank you. If you ever meet a US State Department employee, tell them this to make their day.
Picture OP's white father fucking his asian mother over and over, pounding her as she screams his name. He asks her if she hates asian men. She says "Yes baby only white cock for me, microdick asian bois can die." This pushes OP's racist dad over the edge and he squirts his European seed into her Asian pussy. 9 months later, OP is born.
His mother immediately resents him for being born a pathetic asian male with asian instead of white features, and he develops an inferiority complex over this. Through his teenage years he is made fun of for his micropenis and inability to play sports or get laid. Soon, the depression turns to rage and hatred, and he starts lurking hapa subreddits and incel forums. Every day he seethes, every day he is one step closer to either hanging himself or becoming another Elliot Rodger hapa mass shooter.
His only two comforts are writing revenge fantasies in his journal, and BMWF interracial porn, of which he owns 2TB across multiple hard drives and posts every single day on Jow Forums in a futile attempt to get back at the white "Chad" bullies, his white dad, and his asian mother, all of whom rejected him from birth.
Cringe chink trying to save face
Go back to the communal tunnel, gooks
It’s funny because there’s archived proof that asianmasculinity coordinates raids on multiple boards
Not just blacked spam but also chicom propaganda and you do it for free
Go back there, noguns
You aren’t welcome here
I think it's funny how transparent these subhuman mainland chink posters are. It can be harder to tell real people, i.e. coastal chinese, but the mainlanders? Fucking easy.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre 六四事件 八九民运 茉莉花革命
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
well so far that seems to be the case.
>Implying we wouldn't just bomb the shit out of them with B52s and ICBMs
Imagine being such a nogunz incel you actually take the time to write this
Why are you SPAMMING THE ENTIRE Jow Forums with this shit? You should go to see doctor.
Why do you ricecels spam blacked porn and chink propaganda all day?
>implying only one person posts a meme pasta
Oh, it's you Tenda.
>implying we'd need more than the A-10s and a couple of F-35s
The PLAAF couldn't fight it's way through a plastic grocery bag, let alone a real air force with relevant combat experience.
>bombing mudhuts counts as real combat experiences.
pretty sure he's mocking the rodger types like OP
post guns fag.
Bombing mud huts is a form of combat experience, slint-eye, and it means that we have the capability to do run strikes like that for as long as we like. Your turbokike military would make all your airplanes into tin mockups just to steal more money from the government,
and since munitions are expensive, you probably only have enough bombs and missiles for like a week of real combat operations with the few planes that can actually fly. Didn't your country invent warfare or something? Why are you bad at it?
>2 operable b2
Why would you need a huge fleet of stealth bombers?
If they are needed we will mass produce them.
Post your guns.