Name a more aesthetic and perfect war bird than the Tucano. (Including the super tucano)

Name a more aesthetic and perfect war bird than the Tucano. (Including the super tucano)

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why is this plane such a fucking meme on Jow Forums

Glock can't even compete

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Attached: A6M3_Zero_N712Z_1.jpg (1600x1067, 717K)

Because like Jow Forums it's imperfections are what make it so great
The Zero was cute, but hardly Tocano tier

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Any other OV-10 Bronco fans here?

VL Myrsky II

Attached: VL_Myrsky_II.jpg (960x480, 102K)

Too fat

Attached: Air-to-air_with_Afghan_Air_Force_Embraer_A-29_Super_Tucano.jpg (1280x850, 232K)

Broncos are pretty cute too

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Basically American government shat on about two dozen domestic turboprop producers because they all wanted commercial-grade prices for their shit, whereas the Brazilians gave a much better quote and an airplane that was equal or better than all competitors, plus had tons of experience against commie insurgents and drug runners. Also Tucano was designed by Joe Kovacs a DARPA related engineer who the procurers trusted, you can ask him about it at 1 (301) 489-1143


Attached: a-29-super-tucano-afghan-air-force-3273308-1170x610.jpg (1170x610, 152K)

Stop it, goddamned!!

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because its straight wings, large prop, wing minutes M2 browings, and shark war paint make it look like its straight out of a WW2 battle
if WW2 planes had laser guided bombs, hellfire missiles, and NV equipment anyways
it also deliberately eschews expensive next gen tech like stealth to be able to operate on tighter budgets and lower per flight hour costs

its purposely built for modern warfare and sees more use everyday for its unique niche
whats the point of stealth if drug runners and insurgents dont even have missiles


Attached: a29_super_tucano.jpg (657x500, 35K)

ie senpai

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it's either boomers who are attracted to the Skyraider-like aesthetic, or boomers assblasted that it's meant to replace their precious A-10 meme plane for COIN ops

I think the Corsair is one of the most beautiful ever

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What did they mean by this?

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The corsair is very pretty, a good side chick.

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U want some fuck boi?

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Here’s some afghan Air Force combat footage of the a29. Looks like this plane is getting a lot of real world use.

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