So after they pass the assault weapon ban, whats next?

so after they pass the assault weapon ban, whats next?

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Noncompliance like you never thought possible.

the unregistered firearms will remain unregistered

nothing, noncompliance. The feds are now guaranteed to be able to charge anyone they want, whenver somebody becomes the boogie man or defends themselves

Next comes semiautomatic shotguns, then handguns, then all metallic cartridge firearms, and finally all muzzle loaders, and the whole time they'll saying "nobody wants to take your guns away."

Virgin grabbers eat the corn filled shit of chad noncompliers

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Nothing, most Americans would comply with a dejure gun ban (few dozen dead), and more likely they'd just bureaucratize them out of existence (own a gun? No driver's license for you, also we're leaning your house).

No faith in dumbfuck Americans at this point.

Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka!

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>How to create domestic terrorist: 101

Boogaloo, mr glownigger. Boogaloo.

if the cops are scared to go confiscating, they wont go confiscating. the problem is that us regular people's lives end when they knock, or no- knock. shitty way to go. or we form up a mob and go cop hunting.

Everyone gets ready to roll over for the next neurotic campaign against whatever the MSM decides is extra scary that week while posturing on not rolling over and how burying guns in tubes of motor oil is the ultimate act of civil disobedience. You could have stopped this, but you didn't listen.

Protest in streets with guns you negroes. I don't mean OC larp fags, I mean organized protests.

Let the Dem retards see how fucked they are. If passes, non-compliance, and demonstrate to lawmakers, senators, etc, how it's a bad idea.

repeal of the 2A.
repeal of 1A.

>No faith in dumbfuck Americans at this point.
That's because America's dead. It's been invaded & conquered and now we're just going though its inevitable demise as laws, morality and social fabric are being torn down.

They'll get the 4th and 5th in the process of getting the 2nd. They'll carve out some not so narrow exception because "We need to make sure we get guns out of the hands of dangerous white terrorists and the 4th and 5th amendments provides an unreasonable obstacle for law enforcement to do this." and then just keep poking holes until there's nothing left.

You make them irrelevant.

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Everyone has an address. Everyone has a family. Everyone has a pattern of life. Govern yourselves accordingly.

What in gods name is this chambered in ?

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Lone wolves who will just shoot civies and make other americans sick of their shit


Lotsa noncompliance. People aren't exactly happy with the state of things.

Glownigger defeatist detected.

Then nationwide may-issue, followed by no-issue. Then all semi-autos followed by pumps and levers. We're on the fast-track to Australia, if not England.

A lot of cops already won't enforce gun laws. We need a stronger commitment that they'll actively interfere with anyone who does. Local laws compelling them to shoot feds on sight. If the cops don't like it, they can step aside and let militias take control.

>Everyone has an address. Everyone has a family.
So do you, nigger. Are you ready to make mom permanently sad for the sake of performing an IRL equivalent of a shitpost?


I can finally stop worrying about hoarding ass salt rifles and buy things I enjoy.

Lolwut is this qoute real?

You've never heard of Ron Paul before?

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They go after everything else. Too bad your average American is fucking lazy or worships their country so much that they just let it happen. So long as you have your beer and fantasy football, right?

Which country do you live in, user?


>repeal of the 2A.
>repeal of 1A.

repeal? Repeal? REPEAL?! RE-FUCKING-PEAL!??!!!!???
God given rights. Can not be repealed. Shall not be infringed. The Constitution limits what the GOVERNMENT can do. It does not grant privileges to the people.

go take a nap Boomer, your self righteous indignation larp on the internet has never accomplished anything

Your "god given rights" doesn't mean shit if they have the capability to oppress you.

Literally as soon as this passes, I'm third-holing.

New Yorker here, been there, done that. Still have my AR-15 and "high capacity" mags. I don't give a shit. Most people no longer give a shit. Life goes on. One more unenforceable bullshit law no one cares about.

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>god given rights
God doesn't exist, if he/she/it did, I'm sure ownership of guns wasn't included during our making.
You live in a world shaped and controlled by people.
Everything that you have a "right" to do is because someone fought for it, or someone with more power and influence said you could have it.

>God doesn't exist

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That's not what he said lol

>implying the state cares about whether you believe in positive or negative rights

>what's next
Semi automatics (rifle, pistol, shotgun)

We will move to Israel and take our guns with us.
Who knows, maybe gun companies will go with us and we'll be all alright.

Must be nice to be part of "God's Chosen People" while us gentiles have to deal with the shit you people created.

You should go today

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not a X, i believe Israel needs to be diversified by gentiles because otherwise it will not survive,
Israel is no longer going to be monolithic country with borders or army, it will go into full holocaust mode and we will be resented because of our leading role

So why do you talk as if you don't preside in the United States of America?

I almost forgot to ban assault mail trucks

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>if the cops are scared to go confiscating, they wont go confiscating
Yeah that's why there are so few drug raids right?

>A lot of cops already won't enforce gun laws
Lol the level of delusion here.


God told us this was going to happen. The best thing to do is to just watch it unfold. I personally don't have any guns anymore, they were lost in a terrible boating accident.

An Adjournment Of The States is not possible. 3/4ths of the states need to agree, but I gurentee they can't get half. But they made the NFA and GCA and no one batted an eye, so i suspect they'll pass some new legislation that basically means the Constitution has no effect anymore. Just remember: any law that goes against the Constitution is not a legal Law. According to the Constitution, you can kill to defend those rights.

Ave Nex Alea, brothers.

>implying there will ever be a ban
>implying all of this bullshit isn't just a publicity stunt that Democrats pull every 4 years
They always say the same shit as well (gun grabbing, welfare additions, everyone can enter the country and get free gibs, no trade fights against China, etc).

I miss Paul posting


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Ban on pistols and military or assult bolt action rifles.

Eventually the supreme court decides only 18th century style black powder muskets are legal, but it's almost impossible to get a license to buy the powder.

>tfw I have more firearms and mags after the new laws than before

By this time lasers and or advanced 3d printing of any weapon will be viable for everyone making a gun ban irrelevant.

The funniest was the mag change in NJ.
>Murphy comes in and says he's going to save the children by getting rid of the evil 15 round magazines
>no grandfathering, no forgiveness, anyone who owns a 15 round mag after the date is a felon
>literally no one complies according to multiple FOIAs
>local sheriff in my county says "we don't give a shit if you have a 100 round drum unless we find it while busting you for terrorism or domestic abuse"
>see the sheriff one day at the range
>he's got a 30 round mag as well

Do you have any idea how many holes the 4th amendment has? It’s like a nice Swiss.

>Eventually the supreme court decides only 18th century style black powder muskets are legal
I love it when blackpilled retards like you try to think, it's so funny.
The SC has never upheld any gun control cases they've ever seen. It has been overturn after overturn. See McDonald v Chicago, DC v Heller, any major gun control case gets overturned.

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Realistically this
White males become the new gangsters. Like prohibition. Except we run guns

but they’ve never overturned any state/local AWBs before, so if one occurs at the federal level they likely won’t overturn it

>a couple of gangbangers with handguns at best and NO training or practice smoking weed in their hideouts, figuring they'll never be caught
>or a bunch of guys armed to the teeth who now know cops are rounding up guns and are coming for them

>a couple of gangbangers with handguns at best and NO training or practice smoking weed in their hideouts, figuring they'll never be caught
That's literally what Jow Forums preppers are, though.

>implying the current governing body and all of its deeply entrenched interests give a fuck about your rights

The man with honor and principles will always lose to the man without them

That was when we had based Scalia on the bench though

The ultimate goal of anti-gunners is an effective ban on firearms.

Not an actual ban. They just want the process of getting a firearm to be so cumbersome that most people won't bother. Thus, they've "effectively" banned them.

We ban politicians.

And now there's Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Only worried Roberts is gonna whimp out, but he was thoroughly in favor of DC vs Heller, so I doubt it. Real key is replacing RBG, then everything that goes to SCOTUS is an easy win.