They killed millions.
They killed millions
>Grandpa made 12 rifles for all the grandkids but only I showed up
So did Henry Ford and Budweiser, by that logic.
they did nothing wrong
This guy's killed far more by your retard logic
Imagine how much people the guy who invented steel "killed".
Based, and dare I say, redpilled
And that's a good thing.
heres your (you) faggot
No they didnt. Counting all casualties from ars and aks together you probably would even reach a million.
*blocks ur path*
Mikhail might’ve schwacked some krauts with his tank but that’s about it.
Kalishnikov just looks like he's screaming internally at Stoner's design and it's funnier every time I see this picture.
great get.
But how about this one...How many people did the guy who discovered hand held weapons kill?
Not really but I can see how a socially retarded faggot might think that.
>Oppenheimer helps invent atomic weapon
>Raleigh brings home tobacco from Indian savages
>some fuck in Somerset England invents cheddar cheese
We should all be so lucky. Killing millions of people is what the world views as an accomplishment for the ages.
I can’t stand that fucking faggot. He’s a piece of shit who cried when he got called out on his stupid political joke video.
“HURR I picked this recipe out called “ORANGE FOOL” right at election time just because! Not because I’m a freedom hating democrat!!!”
Seriously. Fuck Townsend.
Surely the Jew-Flattener couldn't have killed that many, no?
Fucking trumptards, he was at Washington’s estate at it was Washington’s favorite desert. As well as even if he did there is nothing wrong with political humor it is vital to a healthy democracy. Why don’t you read a book and distance urself from the 2 party system and modern political garbage. As well as trump is worse for guns than any other president since Clinton.
He killed trillions
Thanks for the imput guys
He is a fucking monster.
>ywn form a friendship based on mutual respect with a fellow ingenious gunsmith
why even live?
>blocks your path
>since Clinton
So like uhh 2 presidents?
>Bush did nothing
>Obama didn’t achieve anything
Reagan was exponentially more detrimental to gun rights than Clinton, bush and trump combined. Reagan embraced the Brady bill.
Who was acting President during the 1986 Assault rifle ban? Reagan stole my generation’s chance to own full auto m16s, so don’t lecture any generation after yours for what yours did to us. The boomer generation did more damage to this country than anyone else, with gen X being a pathetic and misguided offshoot. Don’t forget what you’ve done before you go on your retarded rant.
Lol why do u think I’m a boomer? I’m 25, that’s why I was only commenting on recent events of my lifetime. I think the only boomers on this site love trump anyways.
But you are right about Reagan as well, he was also garbage, also the only other celebrity president we had too. Coincidence? I think not
even more based
And? Overpopulation is a growing issue and "world peace" is boring and gay so that's unironically a good thing.
You’re not 25. You have all the typing patterns of a boomer minus the ... and the random capitals. Maybe something in between boomer and genx but definitely not after that. Why are you lying to me?
I was at Washington estate and they made orange fools 14 years ago, it's nothing new, just something they do there, just cause you think cheeto in chief isn't drinking enough jew cum doesn't mean you should get so buttblasted
Kalashnikov was asked about that by someone. He responded that he had designed the rifle to "defend the borders of my country" and that it wasn't his fault how politicians subsequently chose to use or abuse the weapon.
How was Stoner ingenious? He didn't even design the rifle. AR-10 was already in prodctuion when he joined Armalite and all he did was scale it down to smaller caliber. That's hardly impressive.
Try almost a hundred million. Which is nothing to Henry ford who killed almost a hundred million people by now.
If you consider Archimedes a inventor of urban water pipes and supply syatems... jesus he must have killed two billion by now.
I actually believe his explanation video he was very genuine. I dont think he even owns a TV or knew who was running for president.
His SON might have suggested it to Jas though, the kid is an actual cuckhold.
And I actually like Trump since hes the best president we had after Roosevelt.
He actually said he would have prefered to invent a better axe or plow but at the time he was forced into design by the situation and NKVD.
wow you're a pussy dude
go be a divide and conquer nigger somewhere else
John FUCKING Moses Browning!
>They killed millions.
Ahem, fuck Chinks, fuck Eurofags, and fuck Sandniggers.
Sincerely the great Khan.
There are JMB fan clubs in Russia who pay $5000 per replica thats how you know hes a great man.
Took me a second
Oooohhhhh. Now I get it.
>if the first person to do a murder never did it, no murder would ever happen after that
Do you also think the first bank robber was the only reason bank robberies ever existed? Human nature is to take things that greatly benefit themselves even at great cost to others.
...To save billions
>hating Townsends for any reason
God you're a faggot. Even Dump's daughter calls the guy a walking orange turd.
sauce on the picture?
Looks like a Finnish soldier. Search up “Finnish soldier meme” or reverse image search, it’s pretty popular on here
it's a youtube food channel bro
and a good one
he has earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wants and you can't do anything about it
No, you fucking retard, Eugene Stoner developed the AR10, and then Jim Sullivan and some other guy turned it into the AR15.
One designed a tool that helped Nationalist-Racialist freedom fighters to push back against (((Americanism))) and the other was just the typical, soulless American looking to make a buck and rationalizing it with the fantasy that he did it for freedom and america-fuck-ya and all that typical american bs.
Not Finnish. Latvian, Estonian, or Lithuanian.
One of those little Mexico-of-Europe post-Soviet states.
The rifle is a Swedish surplus AK4 donated as military aid to those states.
Millions of
I call that a win
Damn auto-correct
whites as well.
Just like Craftsman fixed cars and built sheds...oh wait
More like 157
What replicas?
and at a fraction of the cost!
buy today!
Estonian, says google search of "Estonian military uniform." He looks kinda like Laeffy, who's Norwegian. Funny.
the last flickering embers of summer 1746+273