Redpill me on the Redhawk bros

Redpill me on the Redhawk bros

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Basically you’re a dumb faggot

Feels pretty good to stick up your ass, long enough to stimulate the prostate

> cast

>cast frame
>ruger only got loads
The s&w cope is real

I'd stick my dick on it

It's hawt
Get the 8 shot snubby-boy

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You're a faggot if you buy it instead of a Super Redhawk in .454 Casull.

Yet it's stronger than a S&W or Colt.

I own a 7.5" Redhawk. Whaddya want to know? They're dirt cheap used, shoot well, kinda big and heavy, and the DA trigger isn't great.

>muh .454 meme caliber
.38 special kills people fine
Have sex incel

What about bears?

I mean, it's less effective. Considerably. Federal probably told you different to sell you their ammo, though.

>the "Get a Glock" answer
So you don't like firearms.

Yes, go have sex with bears.

have sex guncel

Got a 4.2” 8 shot .357 redhawk. It’s fuckin heavy and a big gun, however, you got 8 shots of very powerful .357 and not much recoil. Absolutely love this gun. Picked it up for bears

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I’ve been on the cusp of purchasing a Redhawk for several weeks now. To me, it’s a cool ass gun and I’d love to stick a big ass scope on one so it Looks like some cyberpunk hunting gun. Problem is that there’s no point in getting this if you aren’t getting the 454 Casull version and the recoil from my 357 lcr left the cartilage in my nose hurting for several days so I can’t imagine what the 454 is like. It’s probably not a practical firearm at the end of the day. It’s cool as fuck though. Especially the snubby

Where can I get a 38 special glock Tyrone?

There is no reason to get one of these. Just buy a 629

No it isn’t. This is 100% Fudd lore.

can you post more pics. i might pick this up today


Sure thing, what would you like to see? I will warn you though, ruger has some QC issues like their barrels may be 1/64 or more canted like mine is, doesn’t affect accuracy but if you look at them make sure you look at a few and pick the best one

AS you can see, it triggers my OCD but it shoots better than any handgun I own. Today I’m going to polish up the internals

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It’s very minimal, you can barely see it but you can feel it more with your fingers that it’s a cunt hair off. Ruger also put the warning label on the bottom of the barrel unlike the GP100 where it’s on the side. You can see and feel burrs but a hour with some fine grit sandpaper or I used my lansky knife sharpening stones to fix it. After about 100 rounds of weak .38 the SA trigger is pure sex. That’s without polishing also

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The sights are pretty basic but they are very good for longer shots. Holsters from the .44 magnum redhawks also fit this beast, incase you’re wondering. As long as the barrel is the same obviously (4” holsters fit 4.2” barrels too)

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ty. yeah the barrel would probably annoy me too. ill shop around a bit

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Yeah for sure, I might send it to ruger to fix it which is about a week or 2. If I were you I would handle a few of them and pick the best one. Very sturdy revolvers well worth the price

My LGS had a lew Horton's in 44Mag for sale for months for like 650ish, by the time I had the money they were already sold out of them so I picked up a GP100 instead. Great revolver, super heavy though compared to GP but I heard tons of people say that it made 44MAg feel like a 38SPL+p

Strong and heavy af. Hit things with it when ur out of ammo. Drive tent stakes. Tenderize meat. Get the super redhawk or a gp100. What are you thinking.

Getting one to go along with my .44 lever action.


You there!
do you require assistance! ?

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Literally the worst looking revolver I've seen in my life.

It's an equivalence, you brainlet.

At least you got one with some actual barrel length to put to use, so you can get some proper velocity, a snub barrel in .357 Magnum is just a loud toy IMO.

It's subtle, but I see it. You think a gunsmith could fix that for you without having to call up Ruger?

Underage b& detected

Well, apparently the barrel is threaded on then peened. I could ask my gunsmith but I’m pretty sure if you heated it up and tried to turn it back you’d fuck the frame up, and possibly the heat treating

The ruger only loads exist because their cylinder needs to be longer because its made of shittier metal. Ruger only loads aren't actually higher pressure, just longer bullets seated at the same depth.

Sounds like asking Ruger to fix/replace it would be better then.

8 shots of 357

1911 fags BTFO

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"We get hundreds of emails asking if this load can be fired in S&W revolvers or some firearm other than what is in the above list. The answer is NO."

This was the idiotic post I meant to reply to.

Cannot be used in S&W.


For whatever reason, I really want a 12 shot 22lr Super Redhawk. Would be hilariously stupid.

Finally someone else that understands it.

As user said above, the Ruger cylinders are longer. That’s it. It has nothing to do with being a stronger gun.

>cylinder needs to be longer because its made of shittier metal
"Hi everyone! I Know fuck-all about material science or mechanical engineering but that won't stop me for talking out of my ass on subjects I'm completely unqualified to make a statement on."

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He is right, kid.

He's not. The length of the Cylinder has no impact on the strength of the cylinder.
It's the thickness of the cylinder wall that matters.

He was correct about the rounds not fitting in the Smith guns. The “Ruger Only” rounds have nothing to do with the strength of the Ruger guns, they just don’t fit in the Smith guns.

heavy but also much bang

Yes, but the Rugers having longer cylinders has nothing to do with the fact that Ruger makes the cylinders out of cast steel.
The cylinder length has no meaninful effect on cylinder strength.


Unbelievable. Where do you creatures come up with this stupid shit? How do you manage to breathe at night? If you ignorant poors could afford 2 revolvers, maybe you could test this for yourself and see the cylinders are the same length.

In my pic, the gun on the top is a S&W model 57, chambered in 41 Remington magnum. The gun on the bottom is a Ruger Redhawk chambered in 44 magnum. Notice how the cylinders HAVE THE SAME LENGTH, EVEN THOUGH 44 CAL IS BIGGER THAN 41 CAL.

Wow, it's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about.

But I'm not done yet! Here's buffalo bore telling you not to fire +P+ rounds in your taurus Judge or s&w Govenor, as the cylinders don't have the strength for these rounds. How the hell could that be? The cylinder for the Judge/Governor is much longer than a typical cylinder chambered in 45 colt, therefore the Governor should be sufficient. Yet it isn't. Maybe your bizarre idea that cylinder strength is a myth and length is everything is utterly wrong?

"Can I shoot your +P 45 Colt ammo in my Taurus Judge or my S&W Governor?"

"No. The Judge/Governor is not designed to be strong enough to use +P ammo."

Oh yeah, why is it I have never heard this cylinder length crap from people who actually reload and manufacture ammunition?

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Hello there

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revolvers suck ass.

You suck ass

I have one. The 8 shot cylinder. Ask me anything.

based user putting drooling retards in their place

This I b8? How fucking weak can someone be? It left the cartilage in your nose hurting? Sell me all your guns for cheap, coward.

no it's not bait. I felt the bones in my upper lip quaking for hours.

Mein nigger. I shot mine just yesterday.

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revolver = shit

The lockup is a lot stronger and so is the frame.

>and the recoil from my 357 lcr left the cartilage in my nose hurting for several days so I can’t imagine what the 454 is like
Look, the .357 Magnum is a fairly powerful cartridge, and the Ruger LCR is a quite lightweight and small gun, with so much powder going unburnt in the snub barrel you get a tremendous concussive fireball by the muzzle of the gun, and with how lightweight the gun is, and with how small the grip is, the recoil is going to be VERY stiff.
There's a reason you'll find a lot of airweight .357 Magnum snubs for sale barely used, because this type of firearm is inherently unpleasant to shoot, for most people, snubs are best suited for .38 Special

Go try out a .44 Magnum some time, one with a 5" or 6" barrel, hell, with some rubber grips even, .44 Magnum is FAR more powerful than .357 Magnum, but with a proper full-sized gun, the recoil will be a magnitude more easy and pleasant.
A .454 Casull revolver may just give a more potent fireball than a little .357 Magnum snub, but the fact that all revolvers in this caliber are big and hefty all steel guns with proper full-szied grips, the recoil is not going to be nearly as bad as you imagine.

You may find yourself surprised with how .44 Magnum is a lot easier to shoot than you'd think, and it'd give you some perspective on recoil, even if you never move up to a .454 Casull.

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Lightweight Magnum snubs are a kind of gun that most would say are not fun to shoot at all. If you ever get the opportunity, try shooting a .357 Magnum aluminum framed revolver, it's quite unpleasant.

>The lockup is a lot stronger and so is the frame.

Forged frame > Cast frame

youtube qeer in a fag "marriage"


actual manufacturers of +P+ ammunition
actual cylinders of real guns

wow, I wonder which one Jow Forums will believe?

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Cool, can you please provide a link to smith-only rounds that my Ruger can't handle? Apparently buffalo bore doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about, and they are financial screw ups, wasting a lot of potential income by ignoring the entire market of S&W owners who could be shooting their ammo, but don't because the dumbshits who manufacture +P+ ammo for a living have no idea how smith is far stronger than they think. If they only made shorter rounds with the same amount of power, then the smiths could chamber them! Even though the cylinders are already the same length.

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>No it isn’t.
>muh billet

Cast is stronger faggot. Deal with it.

Rugers have locks too my friend.
Granted they’re under the grips for aesthetics and so fewer people will know but they do have them.

Not all Rugers have these.

based and greenpepperpilled.

This is generally untrue BUT it depends on the casting process. Yes, Ruger's casting process makes a stronger, more reliable gun, but saying that casting is stronger than forging or carving from a billet for general purpose is incorrect.

Lol no. Kthxbye.

i'm inclined to believe Rugers have somewhat of an advantage in lockwork as I've personally never seen a Ruger even remotely out of time; just my personal experience

>There's a reason you'll find a lot of airweight .357 Magnum snubs for sale barely used, because this type of firearm is inherently unpleasant to shoot, for most people
and yet manufacturers keep making them

Yeah, cause if it's rated for .357 then it's rated for 38sp (&+P)

they can just make a .38 Special only revolver that's rated for +P, no need for the ability to chamber .357 Magnum

They did, however they stopped selling them because n_-_n_ b__ght th_m. Would you like to buy some vowels?

Thank you.

They make snubs rated for +P .38 Special

lol fuckoff

Yeah, impossible to find .38 Special snubs rated for +P.

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Except they are higher pressure and all that

>Ruger only loads aren't actually higher pressure
Yes they are, you stupid faggot, look at a handloading guide sometime.

I like mine, okay gun.

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Let me explain to you how much of a nigger company ruger is. All of their guns are cast, which is known throughout the metal working world as the weakest and shittiest production process. There is a reason it is the cheapest. What ruger does is they realize that their metal is dogshit crap, so they make every part ridiculously thick. It's why all their guns are so bulbous and heavy and swollen, it's not because of ruger generosity, it's because the guns HAVE to be extremely thick to handle the same pressures as the much thinner forged s&w.

You know who else does this shit? Hi point. Hi point uses a shit potmetal type slide and as a result the slide has to be absolutely thick and massive to be able to handle the pressures. But the difference is that hipoint sells at a fair price, ruger makes cast garbage yet still charges fuckton of money for it.

And don't even get me started on what a joke the 800$ mini 14s are. Ruger makes a great 22 pistol and a few good deer rifles but their other shit is questionable to say the least.

going to clean it at some point?

So the thin S&W can handle ruger only loads?

>All of their guns are cast, which is known throughout the metal working world as the weakest and shittiest production process
>"I don't know metallurgy"
Heat treat it like you do any other steel and it will be fine.

>it's because the guns HAVE to be extremely thick to handle the same pressures as the much thinner forged s&w.
Curiously, they handle much stronger pressures than Smith & Wessons and Colts of the same calibers.

>You know who else does this shit? Hi point.
No they don't, Hi-Point uses zamak for mass, but the slides are reinforced with embedded steel plates.

>But the difference is that hipoint sells at a fair price, ruger makes cast garbage yet still charges fuckton of money for it.
Zamak castings are dirt cheap and have no heat treat applied, and the Hi-Point pistol is stupidly simple, for that matter Hi-Point has lots of deals with local automotive industry to get zamak castings done even cheaper than normal, if anyone else did it, it would likely cost more.
Comparatively, the Ruger uses no zamak or zinc, they use steel, heat treated steel, which isn't dirt cheap, and something like the Ruger P89 and later Ruger American pistol are more mechanically complex and have better fit and finish by far than a Hi-Point, on top of FAR longer lifespan.

>800$ mini 14s
You'd have to look around to find anyone selling Ruger's guns at their listed MSRP, rule of thumb is that you will reliably find them for $100 below MSRP, and finding a 581 series Mini-14 rifle for less than $700 isn't even hard.

You're either a dishonest liar and shill, or you're a fucking retard aggressively arguing with a fraction of the real facts, neither reflect well on you or your argument.

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I want to own my first revolver style gun.

Whats the best investment for a high quality long lasting firearm that I can buy cheap ammo for and take potshots at the range with.

Ive only shot 9mm semiautos so I have no idea what the recoil would be like on a revolver.

Should I just rent one at an indoor range and try it out? Any recommendation would be much appreciated

[spoiler]My dad told me the best revolver is a S&W model 10 government issue

This. They think Ruger is some kind of premium brand.

Look, I have a Mark III Hunter, but the reason I bought it was because I didn’t want to spend real cash on a 22 pistol. Hence, there are better options out there. I can admit it...why can’t the Ruger shills.

>handle much stronger pressures than Smith & Wessons
Nope, fuddlore.

Name a better revolver

>longer cylinder

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Wanna know how I know you're a nogunz faglord?

They're only unpleasant to shoot if you're a pussy ass.

You've never shot one.

>shittest thing ever
Wew lad. You should either learn more about metallurgy or engineering before making such bold claims. First of all, you are correct in that casting is generally cheaper than forging a part or taking a billet and milling it into a part. However, you can also choose what material you are casting like how you can choose the material you are forging or milling so you can cast stainless steel which is what Ruger does and not "potmetal" or plain carbon steel like you think every time casting is involved. Second, while the parts have to be made thicker than forged parts to withstand higher pressures, it is not because the metal is "dogshit", it is rather that forged parts have a metal grain that has been forged to be continuous and that provides strength in the steel's microstructure. Cast parts have no grain direction so the steel has to be made thicker in order to withstand a similar stress as a forged part as the microstructure does not have a grain direction to help distribute stress. The reason for Ruger's massively thick parts is to help account for shrinkage in the casting process during solidification and to handle the stress of firing. Also, frames are heat treated to the desired hardness in order to be even more resistant to the stress of firing on every revolver, be it a S&W or a Ruger. The difference in how the metal got its shape only accounts for part of its strength as a part and while you may not appreciate it, casting does have its uses like with triggers and other small parts to do not bear massive stresses or endure fatigue. There is also the fact that casting is generally a cheaper manufacturing process with the cost saved being reflected in price for the consumer. The fact that you can have this discussion over forged vs cast frames shows how far metallurgy has come and that it is beneficial to have such competition in a free market in encourage innovation and invention from other manufacturers.