The bitter truth is this: there will be no confiscation shock troops for you and your buddies to shoot back at...

>The bitter truth is this: there will be no confiscation shock troops for you and your buddies to shoot back at, and we will discover too late that the rights-defenders’ fantasy–of one, crystal-clear moment when it’s time for everyone to rise up as one and take it all back–has been the establishment’s biggest ally and freedom’s deadliest enemy.

>Why do you think they’ve let you have guns for this long? Because those guns have given you a false sense of security and kept you from doing something truly dangerous, like mass-organizing to pull all your money out of the big banks and to vote out the incumbents.

>So if you’ve sat idly by, fondling your firearms and watching the surveillance state expand while your paycheck shrinks, relying on your gun stash to bail you out when things hit bottom, then the joke’s on you. You’ve already lost the war, and when you hand over your weapons it’ll be the last (and mostly symbolic) step in a process of total subjugation that slipped up and swallowed you while you were distracted with building your gun collection.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yup, been saying it for years but its the ultimate redpill Jow Forums doesn't want to swallow. Owning guns is the right leaning equivalent of leftist college student facebook slacktivism, something you do in lieu of actually doing something.

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Jow Forums's reaction to red flag laws says everything that needs to be said:
>dude just don't let anyone know that you own guns or that you don't trust the government
>only a fed would suggest physical resistance


Grandad always locked the boxes of stuff he had from WW2. Grandma never told me if she found anything in there after he passed. I plan on being the same way

>Except I would obviously vet my family and fucking trust at least one of them with that information before I die holy shit grandad

I hate it when the black pills are promoted with fucking pride and smug.
>society humiliates, outlaws, and isolates guns
>lol boating accident xd
>lol not complying xd
>lol my possession and interest are now taboo, cannot be mentioned or exposed to the world without negative consequences, items are becoming difficult if not impossible to acquire than they used to be, I lie about myself to pander to the world, I feel so rebellious! take that, gobermint!
but at the same time you've got people spouting this gem
>that guy did nothing about the authorities stomping on his rights? What a cuck, he should have gotten into a shoot out with the police and water the tree of liberty with blood.

Don't forget the bit about "Taking guns from the insane? They'll take mine!" showing us quite clearly how it's mostly just a bunch of "look how zany and random I am" edgelord teens who can't stop eating their own bullshit.

You'll tell all and sundry because you need the attention. He didn't, and most likely preferred it if some stories of mud and shit and lost comrades died with him.

>those guns have given you a false sense of security and kept you from doing something truly dangerous, like mass-organizing

This. Gun ownership makes confronting the government with direct action impossible, because every confrontation is a shooting war.

That, and geographically America is large and relatively decentralized. And we live in a thoroughly degenerate society incapable of community bonds.

America was always bound to end up like this, on a structural level.

That's why I preach that owning guns, while important, is only ONE option to defend freedom. Doesn't help if you only focus on guns while letting your guard down on all other issues they happily exploit to fuck you over anyway.

Indeed, its easy to advocate for a shootout when its going to be somebody else fighting it.

>Jow Forums's reaction to red flag laws says everything that needs to be said:
>>dude just don't let anyone know that you own guns or that you don't trust the government
>>only a fed would suggest physical resistance

This. Red flag laws are a huge red flag.

>There will be no confiscation
We are simply frogs in a pot of very hot water. They have been eating away at our rights for a longtime.

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Boomers should have listened

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le BOOGALOO haha free helicopter rides xDDD

it's easy to talk about to boogaloo and the top falling out when it hasn't come yet. When you're not the one who is having their guns taken away. There won't be a boogaloo. There won't be a next civil war.

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>kept you from doing something truly dangerous, like mass-organizing to pull all your money out of the big banks and to vote out the incumbents.

Really? Then how come the noguns left isn't doing those things, despite being at least as unhappy with corporate banks and a corrupt politicians as the right is?

It's simple, and it has nothing to do with whether you do or don't have guns. People simply don't take drastic, life-disrupting actions, whether literal revolt or boycotting banks, until their lives are so desperate they feel they have nothing to lose.
We're not there yet, whether we have guns or not.

Where's the right wing version of the Weather Underground?

Pretty much this. People still have food, water, and electricity. Things like revolutions and civil wars don’t happen unless at least one of those things gets taken out of the picture, it is what happened to Russia, it is what happened to France, to an extent it is what happened to Germany, and it would happen to America as well. And that isn’t bringing in the concerns of things like climate change and increasingly more powerful natural disasters.

According to the media, every white guy who owns a gun and doesn't dick-suck the Establishment is a potential domestic terrorist.

Being armed would make a revolt much easier. Peaceful protests get nowhere in a dysfunctional system, especially if the state has no issue with setting aside some land for mass graves. At that point, the only option would be to wait for the system to collapse in on itself and even that won’t happen while any of us are still alive.

Red flag laws existed for centuries, the problem isn't the laws, its the people who interpret them. That problem won't go away even if all red flag laws were repealed tomorrow, the people who interpret them would still fuck you.

And yes only a fed would suggest violence as a response to an organizational problem.

Politicization of mental health is a legitimate concern.

Meanwhile the radical left don't need to fight the establishment because the radical left already are the establishment.

>vote out the incumbents

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There will be not death squads going door to door to take your guns. They'll do do the same thing they did to machine guns. Institute a registry, close it a few decades latter, then let time handle it.

100% this

>>So if you’ve sat idly by, fondling your firearms and watching the surveillance state expand while your paycheck shrinks
No joke. There's a reason they push so much for 15/hr
So they can fire anyone too expensive and pay the cheapest labor


Great advice user!

BRB, emptying all my accounts into coffee cans under my mattress and only voting for whoever has an R by his name and only in presidential elections.

We'll beat those terrible oppressors yet!!

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people say this all the time but zoomers and fudds refuse to believe it and instead get triggered at the notion that there won't be any STALKER larping in their near future

>Emptying your accounts
Not when we move to a cashless society sweetie

Good one user.

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fucking weeb over here found a friend. pathetic but keep finding an excuse to post your cartoon abominations back and forth.

if i had a shekel for every gun owner “just waiting for shtf” id be rich and wouldnt care about gun rights because id be smoking blunts and fucking whores on the beach

Reminder that the discord trannies who control this site are organizing mass shootings and running psyops all over the boards.

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who cares

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>no fun allowed

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Nigga a group of people who sustain 40% casualties just living out their existence normally probably can't pull that off.

yeah sure

This. The Dems learned from the 1st one and know that to accomplish getting their way, it has to be in Courts and on the House floor. We've already lost due to politics. But it's not to late to take it back. It won't be easy, seeing they've already taken our education and turned it into a propaganda machine for their distractions like gender studies and social studies.

>cashless society
What will our accounts be metaphorically filled with, then? We need hard cash to give us something to remember what we're trading for goods and services.

That's some weak demoralization, mac.

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Good thread, honestly it's nice to know there's still some sane and realistic people in America.

You don't get what that means do you
Cashless societies mean that everything is done as card transfers and physical currency holds no value.
Before you yell at me and call me a shill there's a lot of stuff to back up those claims
Or watch this and call me a shill, idc

Wow, another great attempted demoralization thread from our friends at ShareBlue!

>you'll hand over your weapons

Nice try kike.

do something then
oh wait no im a fed yeah keep saying you will

You don't own any guns anyway.


here comes the lefite samefags to pretend all gun owners want to kill everyone
notice no IP changes still at 33

[Predator laughing intensifies]

>Both fucking magazines touting the .22 as the all-mighty caliber

>Are magnum rifles *really* necessary?

Fucking boomers.

>Don't forget the bit about "Taking guns from the insane? They'll take mine!" showing us quite clearly how it's mostly just a bunch of "look how zany and random I am" edgelord teens who can't stop eating their own bullshit.
I'm pretty sure the point of that follow-up is lost on you.
Nobody is saying they are crazy, they are saying that a government that decides what exactly constitute as crazy can just as easily make it so that everyone who doesn't take it up in the ass from glowies are, in fact, crazy and should be raided and all their shit confiscated.
What the fuck do you think Red Flag Laws are precursor for?

The only thing OP and OP again here is right about is that there will be no mass confiscation because it is logistically impossible. The trickle-up is just too great and there simply isn't enough willing officials to round up all the gun.
Even if only 1% of gun owners shoot back, this would still make the retrieval costs way too fucking high. It can, and has happened.
Remember Tuttle, the Pecan Park Raid. How much of a shitshow is this currently turning out to be, and now imagine it happening a few thousand times more each weeks following an All Weapon Ban? You can't tell me it won't happen, because it already has. The US is a huge fucking powder keg, everyone knows it, and nobody wants to be the one to set a match to it because the fuse is hella short.

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I blame the insane amount of connections we have now.
>Shooting happens somewhere and five people die.
>At some point these moms against magnums will actually get off their asses and riot to disarm us

>You’ve already lost the war...
Bullshit and attempted blackpilling.
Don't let anyone ever tell you that you've lost or that you have no way of winning so that you should just give up. It's psychological warfare trying to make you surrender, and they wouldn't be telling you that if you had truly lost.

Don't sit around waiting for some big event to trigger sweeping changes because it won't come. If you want to change, then go out there and do something. Take action.

(Note to the feds: By encouraging political action I'm not trying to encourage or condone fucking terrorism)

Honestly it'd be hilarious if we could get people here to actually run for office and potentially get the boomers out.
I'm planning to do something soon, I've been making connections in my town.

Sure thing - people will voluntarily hand over all their guns and stop shooting, just like that time the government made alcohol illegal and everybody voluntarily handed over all their booze and stopped getting drunk, or that time they made drugs illegal and everybody voluntarily handed over all their drugs and stopped getting high.

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>Don't sit around waiting for some big event to trigger sweeping changes because it won't come. If you want to change, then go out there and do something. Take action.

Building on this, get together with like minded people, form gun clubs, train, exercise, do all that. Don't forget to get supplies, learn how to use them, take classes and teach others, etc.

There will be no hand in
There will be no confiscations
There will be no ATF agents storming doors and shooting dogs
yes, there will be a stigma against guns in society
But the thing that will ultimately kill gun ownership is extreme taxes that will make the standard PSA AR-15 cost $5000
add to that taxes on ammunition and youve got yourself hell
It worked in Europe, it will work here
Screencap this post

I think the thought is that the world is different now and that if the 2A is taken away they have a lot more leverage to keep people against it than before.
I think that's the fallacy?

But what can I do?

>Cashless societies mean that everything is done as card transfers and physical currency holds no value.
It's like I knew that and you missed the whole point of me saying what I said. It doesn't matter what theory or thesis people come up with, the fact remains that you need hard currency to even have something to "load" your card with. Whether it's bottlecaps or paper/cotton bills, we will never be a cashless society.

Pls tell us feds more user

No but seriously what are you gonna do? And how are you making connections?
Ive tried to gently redpill people into joining my collapse cult and they all (rightly) think im crazy. I need tips

I'm not that dude but I think he means that a lot of public stuff is moving toward credit cards.
Mostly going to events, talking with the mayor and people on city council.
I'm sort of trying to get my name out there and get a position somewhere. I've got a presentation lined up at the city council for a gun safety thing.
I'm not great at this but you need to start low, teach people about guns and that they're safe and they don't randomly spin around and shoot babies.
Slowly move up from there.
Think incrementally.

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One of the amendments protects against that, for example extinguishing the right to freedom of the press / speech, by taxing pens and paper to hell, and taxing the internet to hell, is illegal. They either take them or they don't, this isn't Europe retard.

We would be a lot better off if retards actually read and learned our laws instead of spouting reddit tier bullshit

>our constitution protects against it so it can't happen here
>salami slicing tactics, what are those?

never go full boomer

It doesn't need to be us per say, but this younger generation. I've noticed a trend where most young people are way more conservative than the previous generation. A good portion are into guns too, thanks in part to good ol vidya. All we need to do is make guns seem rebellious and cool and everything else will fall into place.

You're actually either a demoralization shill or a retard, perhaps both?

>What the fuck do you think Red Flag Laws are precursor for?
A cowardly attempt to deal with the relatively high bar around mental adjudication hearings, a way out for families with an unwillingness to actually have relatives be placed in long term mental health care (similar to abused women who call the cops to stop an attack but then refuse to press charges because "he doesn't deserve jail"), and a desperate attempt by the establishment to be seen doing something about a problem with no easy solutions.

>taxes that will make the standard PSA AR-15 cost $5000
80% lowers are about to be a booming industry. Ditto for polymer 80% Glocks.

> taxes on ammunition
Hope they don't forget to include smokeless powder in there like they did with the current excise tax on ammo. Not to mention that bumping up taxes on ammo to 20% (people saying 50% have no idea how hard their going to get BTFO in court due to punative tax precedence) turns a case of 9mm from $170 to $190. Not to mention dude's running street corners only buy a 20 round box and call it a day.

I like that dems bitch about mental health but they do nothing to push for it when they get the chance.
Do we even matter anymore or are we just livestock to them now? Who cares if we die, as long as we don't touch their mansions.

It boggles my mind how mental health in this country is so fucked.

How’s that working against drugs?
Cash is never going away, and even if it did, there will always be shit you can trade or barter. Seriously, it’s like none of you idiots has ever been in a ghetto and seen how business gets done there.

> idiots
> never been in a ghetto
I thought the smart money was staying the fuck out?

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>The NSA Knows Who You Are and What You Have

Seriously, no. The NSA doesn't get involved in domestic law. Period. Because then their methods and capabilities would be exposed to foreign counter-espionage.
>Lets just pull the scariest three letters we can think of out of our ass and watch people jump.

so what should we do then hot shot?

Meanwhile in reality AR-15s are $300 and carrying a pistol is normal again.

>vote out the incumbents.


by the way, anything less than a .50cal is worthles for defending your "Rights". 5.56mm, 9mm, only good for basic self-defense.

Based and truthpilled.

None of that is going to happen, now give me your canned response about bump stocks and how we have to fight the Republicans because the commies are our true enemies.

Post your guns, timestamped.

Because the banks are in agreement with the Democrats. Corporate America is "woke" as fuck.

in reality a boy and his mother got detained just because his mom took him to a gun range.


This, and be unapologetic about it. Even if you think OC is dumb and autistic, don't let your enemies divide and conquer you.

please keep telling us to shoot up places

That's why you have a public face and private one. Privately disagree with OCtards, but publicly support them. The only way for gun rights to carry forward is to act like as much of a bloc as possible. Although to be fair, abortion and guns are the only issues where conservatives actually organize and attempt to get shit done in outside of the NR literati's sound & fury - which is why they're the only issues where conservatives have had much success,

Released with full apologies, neither saw the inside of a cell. You're not worth the pennies David Brock pays you.

Are you told to project as hard as possible when you get caught, or did you actually think that was a persuasive argument?

This, and it means tolerating boomers and fudds even if you refuse to compromise and don't let them compromise further either.

>not instead telling the family that you would leave your inheritance to the best shooter in the family
Force them to learn to shoot and git gud at it.
Eventually they will learn to love guns, or the gun lovers will get the inheritance.

That's the problem. What do you do with those types? I don't think it's a stretch to say that gun rights in America are under an existential threat and are likely to all-but disappear in the next 20 years without our side shooting itself in the foot.

How do you maintain party discipline as it were with boomers that are happy to trade gun rights for no gains whatsoever?

Self incriminating on the internet is wise

>implying the institutionalization of political opposition and Lysenkoism isn't rampant in psychiatry

>But it's not to late to take it back.
Demographics, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Good luck trying to convince all white people that guns are necessary for survival! In the mean time I'll be preparing for the shitstorm.

Trump derangement and antifa make the boogaloo closer than it jas ever been.

>Live in Texas
>Tfw my neighbor has been spying on me
>Tfw he's climbed my fence multiple times
>Call him out on it
>Says I have no proof
>Take it to the cops
>They say it's not worth their time unless something's stolen
>Tfw I know he's trying to get me to shoot or threaten him so he can try to throw his lawyer at me
I'm tempted to buy a pitbull so he stops pulling this shit.
What do?

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yeah keep pushing the gun owners want to kill everyone angle friend
you've turned most of the board