Precision pistol shooting

Does it matter what brand of pistol I am shooting with? People keep telling me to buy a CZ and get rid of my XDM. I am new shooter.

Attached: XDM9202HCE.png (1725x1270, 1.94M)

So long as it isn’t a new production SIG, it’s probably ok

It's weird. Everyone else at my club/range are unironically boomers. They upgrade their triggers, change springs and use non retail ammo. Am I a fool for just using gear out of the box without tampering with it?

Attached: 1557919322569.jpg (470x480, 63K)

taht depends on how precise you want. IMHO pistol are best served as a defensive, practical tool, and rifles are better for target shooting. Your XDm is fine, it might not be *quite* as mechanically precise as some of their ancient legendary fudd tack drivers, but it's unlikely that anyone is going to be more precise with a pistol, than their pistol, that's more of a rifle thing.

absolutely. it all comes down to gear and never skill.

XD is a POS.

>Does it matter what brand of pistol I am shooting with?
Just try a couple of handguns from different reputable brands and stick to the one that you like best. Different people prefer different grip angles, controls placement/size, etc.

>Am I a fool for just using gear out of the box without tampering with it?
Not really. As a new shooter, your money will be much better spent on ammo and practice.

Not gonna make a difference really, it's mostly personal preference. Might as well keep your XDM and shoot it a lot and then try some other guns, get a feel for what you really like

I should add, try renting a DA/SA metal framed gun, try a DA/SA revolver, try a DA/SA Polymer gun

t. literal retard