/pcc/- Pistol Caliber Carbine

Fixed vs. Collapsible Stock Edition

Anyone who posts a .22 gets shot in the dick.

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You know my choice

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For me it’s a 175$ folder or ~650$ collapsible. I like the folder anyway

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Whats up with the PSA AKV? I hear they fixed most of the reliability issues and they look p cool. Is the recoil impulse shitty because of blowback? I have an AR9 that is fine IMO but I may try to switch it up if its not utter shit since i get bored

I like the .45
I like the ump, not sure about the vector. Umps are unicorn babies.

What other options do I have for a .45 PCC?

You kids and your "good" PCCs.
Back in my day we got guns made of plumbing parts and god-damn it we put them to good use!

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discord is barely alive, don't bother

Ok so I installed a franklin binary in a separate trigger housing/frame for my sp5k only to discover the frame doesn't align well. I'm going to have to do some filing on the frame to get it to fit.
I'm really fucking retarded. I bought a gearheadworks mod-2 tailhook brace and a gearheadworks folding bar for a brace, but didn't realize the folding bar is only compatible with the mod-1. I ordered a mod-1 and will eventually order a KES mp5k guide rod with brace adaptor thing (stenparts.com/product/kes-mp5k-pattern/) for a separate setup with the mod-2 tailhook, which I like more.
I'm still on the fence about the micro t1 on the b&t pic rail. It's not 100% clear to me with this setup what optic mount (in between micro t1 and the b&t rail) I should go with for a perfect cowitness.
Luckily the pistol is pre-2019 so I can drop in a magazine paddle - I have the kit but don't have anything that I can use to pry off the push button. What punch pin is this guy using? hkpro.com/forum/hkparts-net/353922-hkparts-net-sp5k-drop-paddle-mag-kit-4.html#post2641578
I'm going to have to find a gunsmith to install the B&T barrel as I don't have a press. Also does anyone have a recommendation for flash hider as I can't ran a suppressor in my shitty state?
But anyway the SP5K feels fucking great in the hand. I can't wait to shoot it.

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wait jk I can't use the mod-2 brace with the safety harbor setup. fuck. is there a buffer tube setup for the mp5k buttplate? lmao
I guess I'll just sell the mod-2 tailhook brace or build a .300 blackout AR or buy a psa 9mm ak pistol

If i recall, mp5k housing is not the same as full size mp5 housing. Are you sure you aren't mixing the mp5 housing with mp5k?

nah I got this from HKParts
>HK 0,1,3 Burst Trigger Housing or Frame For MP5K
It's so close but it can't be forced more. I'm going to have to figure out where to sand/file

Is the sb tactical folding brace for the mp5 supposed to be really difficult to take off? I need a mallet just to get the thing on and off, and I've been thinking of taking some sandpaper and working down some of the contact areas.

> 2019 in the year of our lord
> using meme PCC's instead of a pistol

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pdw like the kurst are very useful for vip defense in civilized urban areas where you're wearing a suit jacket
i know you're trolling

Beretta cx4


I'm pretty annoyed that the HK mp5 frame isn't fitting on my SP5K. Like the fuck.
It's also made by HK for Chrissake

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How is it not fitting, exactly? I had to do some filing on mine to get it on.

PCCs and SMGs aren't PDWs

Pic related for the not fitting frame. I can push it up a little bit more with force but can't get it high enough to line up with the other locking pin hole.

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I just can't get it flush with the upper(?) (receiver(?))
dunno what the serialized top part is called :/

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So the MP5K isn't both a SMG and a PDW?

Had that exact same issue. You should see a bar of polymer just ahead of the rear tang inside of the housing. I very carefully filed that down until I could get my H&K housing flush with my Zenith receiver.

here is the factory frame that fits right for reference

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tfw can’t afford an MP5 right now so I’m stuck with blowback

Still. Pretty happy with it so far. It seems to be reliable. Only one FTF and it was the shitty ass Winchester white box my friend brought.

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As I mentioned I'm slow - would you mind circling where you mean? Thank you kindly.

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or if it's in this image. lmao. dunno how I made it this far in life

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Apparently I got the wrong frame. God damn it.

Well if its the wrong lower, then just file that shit down to see if you can make it work.If it works, great. If not, you need another one anyway.

Put a g17L barrel with a flash hider into a roni brace. Hopping to suppress it soon. It's a pcc in everything but name.

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I know there is a kerfuffle between MCK and Roni, but the MCK was cheap as fuck online and I stacked multiple coupon codes. With a 5$ trigger block I dont get butthurt about the lack of trigger guard.

did you remove the barrel shround that normally encases the muzzle ?

do you mean this area?

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newgunz here.
what's the deal with MP5s?
I've seen "civilian" trigger groups without the reciever pin (just a hinge) but then there's also regular MP5 trigger groups with the pin. Are normal trigger groups illegal or something?

I think that actually the franklin trigger doesn't fit in the 0,1,3 ambi frame - it wiggles slightly and rides too high. I circled the contact point on the trigger where it is hitting the upper receiver

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Colt mags best mags

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Hi coltfrens

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I'll get there eventually

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Are PCC’s safer for apartment defense with regards to overpenetration to neighboring tenants?

Nope. an AR15 loaded with defensive or hunting rounds is still your best choice.
it might sound counter-intuitive but a high speed small bore projectile is actually better.

See a 9mm or 45 is slow and when it hits drywall it just punches through and maybe deforms a bit but it will keep going. The hollow point fills up with drywall and prevents expansion or fragmentation.

A 22 caliber round going fast fragments and lowers its risk of over penetration. The box of truth did a series on this.

Is this a colt mag thread

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looked good until i got to that hand guard, yucky.

Its quite girthy. YHM KR7. At the time this was built there weren't many short handguard options. I was considering switching to a 5.5" handguard from Angstadt Arms but I'd also need a linear compensator and I don't have the tools to swap it out myself. Also may end up selling it for an AKV so not sure how much work I wanna put in to it

Thanks user, but what about buckshot? I want to use an AR for HD, but for muh optics, I always feel like that would make the jury look at me as if I were a maniac. The blue state I live in makes things a bit more difficult.

This is correct, you’ll need an SEF lower.

Mine's still running great. Around 2000 rounds now. I have done some work to it (by choice), so it now has the enhanced ALG AK trigger and a CSS bolt-on oversized charging handle. The recoil impulse is really nice, and it shoots softly enough that I removed the factory muzzle brake and installed a 3-lug mount and haven't missed the brake. I've never shot an AR9, but I tried a Scorpion once and hated the impulse, felt like a brick slapping around in a shoebox or something. Maybe it just takes some getting used to.
I did shoot the AKV in my first local/small match and it worked flawlessly. Came in first in my class (PCC) and third overall, out of eleven. Had a blast and it performed perfectly.

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Good to hear, might try to trade my AR9 for one just for a change of pace

Yea. I'm worried that the flash hider is too close to the forward grip. Lost about 1.5 inches due to the shroud, but gained 1.5 inches of barrel.

Is the LOP with the B&T brace under the ATF mandate?

>not a KP-9

have you considered suicide yet?

ATF Mandate for what?

what gun is that?

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13.5" LOP limit

Don’t you have some boots to lick clean?
First of all. It’s about 10” of lop. Second, who gives a fuck?

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Got a call today that my obsidian 9 stamp came in. Took ~10 months

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Depends. A 9x19 can hit penetrate dry wall, but thanks to it not being a rifle round it won't deafen you and some loads have been known to overpen as well.

Ahh, the perpetual buttmad braceboi. What's it like cucking yourself with a horrid facsimile of a stock?

Before the inevitable "hurrrr no u are the cuck" Consider this: PCC's with braces are like having sex with transpeople or traps. They're really just fucking gay. That brace isn't a proper stock just like that open wound isn't a proper vagina.

Paying the $200 for the stock is like going to a brothel and getting a hooker. But its still straight sex.

Either way you're getting fucked. But one way doesn't leave you being a faggot.

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Good cope, pasta potential here.

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The B&T brace by SB tactical that I posted is pretty much a stock with a strap looped to it. It doesn’t act any differently than a regular stock. The big difference is I didn’t pay daddy government for permission to attach it, nor do I need permission to cross state lines with it.

Stay mad gaylord.

>tfw this shitty open bolt conversion is actually extremely fun.

Also surprisingly reliable, one malfunction in 150rds. Although there’s no excuse this costing almost as much as my TP9-n.

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I get that you kids worry about leaving state lines but try leaving your mom's basement first.

Good comeback.
I’ll go pay an extra $200 tax, that way the crown may grant me the privilege of attaching a functionally identical item to my property. You’ve convinced me.

Call we all agree the tailhook is gay?


No gayer than any other brace on the market.

>not just slapping on a stock when they are easily removable without any permanent modifications to the gun.

It’s not like these are aks74u’s we’re talking about.

But you are letting big daddy government dictate what kind of hardware you put on your gun, so how are you any less of a cuck?

>just commit a felony it’s cool user no one will know

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It functions exactly the same, except I don’t have to ask permission.

How is that cucking? I don’t get you SBR faggots. It’s fine if you want to do that, but why get so angry when someone else doesn’t want to give up $200?

>roni brace
>It's a pcc in everything but name.
Nah, nigga. According to the manufacturer it is a PCC.

>The Stabilizer Extender Brace is the new and extended stock for ONLY the Micro RONI® Stabilizer platform. It enables one-handed firing for better shooting performance, and better for shouldering.
>extended stock
>better for shouldering

Nice undocumented SBR.

the folding sb brace is great. i compared it to the a2 stock and the difference is in millimeters. if you dont want to sbr, this is the next best thing

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*actually centimeters. buts its surprisingly close in dimensions

>implying I ever said commit a felony.

I was obviously stating you would only slap a stock on once you had the proper paperwork.

Nice comparison.
The best part is it functions the exact same as a stock, and makes cuckstamp-ers mad.

congrats. if i were to get a 9mm pistol can, the obsidian 9 would be it

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>I'm letting big daddy gov tell me what parts I an and cannot use and I am exclusively limited to a few fugly pieces of rubber with velcro straps
>How is that cucking
What is more sad, the fool who pays to be cucked, or the fool is so cucked he doesn't even realize he's cucked?

Of course you were.

who cares what other people do with their stuff? i have sbrs and braced pistols. i dont care what you do or dont do.

I'm not talking to you last I checked and I do believe I'm asking a question that I would like answered.

Definitely the guy who pays to be cucked lol.
I know it’s not a real stock. But it works the same, and with the current infringements in law, it’s better then a cuckstamp.

>How is that cucking?
you're letting someone more powerful than you tell you what to do, it is the very definition of cucking you sad little man

>I know its not a real woman but it sucks the same

>butthurt, JUSTASGOODposting, bracefaggotry etc. etc.
Oh good this thread was getting real boring with its civility and shit. Also fuck the poors.

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>I know it’s not a real stock. But it works the same
Sounds pretty cucked to me brofam.

Nice comparison lmao

I bet you got physically mad when the binary trigger came out

oh jesus please don't tell me you're not one of those chodes with a brace and a gimmick trigger

>calls others poor
>has turkey stamped on his gun

lmao how did I know?

No, I don’t own one. But I think they look like a good time.

>a C96 and a turkroach gun make you not a poor

Try again tripfag

Poor salt sustains me.

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ok, then answer my question. why do you care so much about what others do with their stuff? try forming a reply without using the word "cuck"