.308 tavor
Wasnt there someone posting on AK files how they just gave up on getting it accurate? I think it was something like 2MOA with match ammo.
Isn’t that within battle rifle requirements?
I think people generally say 3 moa for battle rifles, yeah.
oy vey!
I love Tim but I don’t have the time to watch the whole video. What happens?
Side note Tavors are overrated as shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a bad review
>giving anything IWI a bad review
I have both a 7 and an X95, Tim's opinions seem to echo my own on most points.
Trigger's great, the HK-style lock-up and slap-down is a great feature, Being able to swap between left and right handed in under a minute is nice (I'm a lefty), and the overall construction feels rugged.
It's not sub-MOA, and I don't know why AR10 boys feel the need to shit on it because it's not sub-moa. It's not a DMR, it's a battle rifle. It's minute of man, and that's all it needs to be.
Bonus fun is that it comes with a SCAR brake on it, so you can piss off everyone next to you at the range.
Also, Tim's CC price is too high. I got mine for $1750ish
USMC qualification targets are 4 MOA at standard distances.