I like gym shorts. although this isnt the best idea for concealed carry...

I like gym shorts. although this isnt the best idea for concealed carry, I don't want to start dressing like an old man just yet; besides, I cant afford new clothes.
Is wearing a belt underneath my gym shorts waistband an ok way to carry? It seems logical to me but I wanted to ask the experts.
pic unrelated im using a normal belt ofc

Attached: Weight belt.jpg (620x420, 43K)

You're a fucking adult, dress like one or dont carry
Gym shorts carry is for niggers and taco niggers


Either belly band of fanny pack. Dye your shit neon and go retro.

Attached: fanny-pack-retro-today-inline-181214_4c642423b3702f6fc80cda6a1bcdfd02[1].jpg (2500x1667, 3.02M)

how can you afford a gun but not proper clothes

Just get something smaller than a full sized 1911 for CCW'ing retard.

Attached: NAA revolver minibayonet.jpg (855x496, 159K)

Wear a belt and a holster under your waistband.
I initially thought this too, but I like to carry while hiking, and my khaki/cargo shorts make my balls chafe, so I switched to gym shorts.

Grownups wear pants with a belt, gym shorts are for the gym and sports
Where the hell do you work that you can wear gym shorts daily

Get better shorts then, or likely better boxers, if you're hiking, and dont need to conceal, and for some reason need gym shorts, a shoulder rig is a good choice

I'm not him, and I don't do it myself, but I work at a gun company, and some of the Customer service guys up stairs will wear gym shorts. I've seen some assembly people do it to before HR came down on them, and only them, on dress code. I work in the warehouse and we usually wear whatever the fuck we want, but I usually just wear jeans or occasionally shorts when it's super fucking hot.