I like gym shorts. although this isnt the best idea for concealed carry...

I like gym shorts. although this isnt the best idea for concealed carry, I don't want to start dressing like an old man just yet; besides, I cant afford new clothes.
Is wearing a belt underneath my gym shorts waistband an ok way to carry? It seems logical to me but I wanted to ask the experts.
pic unrelated im using a normal belt ofc

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You're a fucking adult, dress like one or dont carry
Gym shorts carry is for niggers and taco niggers


Either belly band of fanny pack. Dye your shit neon and go retro.

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how can you afford a gun but not proper clothes

Just get something smaller than a full sized 1911 for CCW'ing retard.

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Wear a belt and a holster under your waistband.
I initially thought this too, but I like to carry while hiking, and my khaki/cargo shorts make my balls chafe, so I switched to gym shorts.

Grownups wear pants with a belt, gym shorts are for the gym and sports
Where the hell do you work that you can wear gym shorts daily

Get better shorts then, or likely better boxers, if you're hiking, and dont need to conceal, and for some reason need gym shorts, a shoulder rig is a good choice

I'm not him, and I don't do it myself, but I work at a gun company, and some of the Customer service guys up stairs will wear gym shorts. I've seen some assembly people do it to before HR came down on them, and only them, on dress code. I work in the warehouse and we usually wear whatever the fuck we want, but I usually just wear jeans or occasionally shorts when it's super fucking hot.

Working in the warehouse, ouch.

> Needing a gun in the gym
If someone attacks you, just reach over for one of the 10lbs and discus throw it at his head like Tron. After decapitating him, make sure you say "That's no way to get ahead in life," before flexing your chesticles to the rhythm of the applause.

Every job I've had, if I were gym shorts they'd fall down, between phone, wallet, keys, pens, knives, etc
A belt is a necessity for an adult

Theres a company called smart carry that is actually reputable that makes a deep carry option for gym cloths.

I actually work in shipping and receiving section and it's a comfy job. Until someone wants you to make pallets at the last minute or when 30 pallets come in right when you're about to clock out and the company president wants everything received right away.

I now have a desire to get a pair or teal corduroy shorts.

Isn't there a company that makes various shirts that hide gun and holster printing? I can seem to remember what it was called.

Get one of those elastic low profile belts like a belly band holster to wrap around your waist and get some kind of small pocket pistol in 380 or 32acp like a Ruger or Kel-tec.

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This is why airlites, lcp's, etc. exist

post body and stats

>reach over for one of the 10lbs and discus throw it at his head

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Is that a woman with hairy pits, or a man with well-endowed pecs? Or a tranny?

Pic related and a iwb holster, tighten it enough and you can sprint with no problems

t. fag who edcs a glock 19 in gym shorts

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Get ones that tie up and a lightweight holster, or get a sick ass fanny pack.

This Particularly this one for you OP. In all seriousness though fanny packs are comfy as heck.

Probably just a guy with pecks. I don't think a woman would wear that kind of belt.

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Just put it in a small gym bag and carry that shit around. Enough with the autism

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belly band

Where do I get a holster with 4 inch loops?

If you have shorts honestly the best option is a shoulder or kidney holster. You dont want any weight on your wait when wearing shorts its uncomfortable. Even a fag bag is superior to some kind of belt or contraption on the shorts.

I didnt like the restriction of cargo shorts so I wore adidas shorts for a long time because its hot here and my balls would always get caught on the seam of jeans/cargos, so Im talking from experience.


Holy shit just buy quality boxer briefs.
Marshall's sells puma brand that I got on a whim and I went back and bought them out, highly recommend. They've served me through two deployments.
They're second only to under armour, but you're paying a quarter of the price per pair.

Have you tried beach shorts? They’re kinda like the weird short cargo pants college frat fags wear but they’re breathable af and have belt loops. I wear them quite a bit because they go with everything and my 23 sits great in them.

>I don't want to start dressing like an old man just yet

in your world, "wearing pants" is "dressing like an old man"?

You're fucked, kid. You're so fucked you don't even know it yet. Your life is going to be an unending stream of your face getting bashed against various solid objects.

Lol this guy is gay for pecs

Just get a stupid light gun. My pick would be a S&W 351C in .22WMR with a clipdraw.

Get a bellyband holster op, look into it they're great for shorts or sweatpants. They can be quite comfy too.

god k is full of such dumb fucking faggots nowadays I'm about done with this place. If someone new to carrying asks a very basic question, you don't need to constantly insert your own personal beliefs and shit up the thread. If you think you HAVE to wear pants with a belt to carry you dont understand people have different lives and preferences and we should be happy that someone wants to carry and supports the 2nd amendment, especially in these times. People like this 60 iq friendless virgin are the reason the 2a is dying. People like him are killing it from the inside out. You are not excluded from carry for liking sports and wearing comfortable clothing, he is a complete beta who is likely out of shape and tries to fit in to the mold of an archetype he saw on tv. In reality hes a neverserved, angry, lonely little virgin. And I'm starting to question why I come here any more when half of the board seems to be like that nowadays.

While your punctuation and formatting needs work, everything here is right.
If you want your second amendment right to be protected, make sure the 1st and 4th are secured, not only for you, but for everyone else too. This includes Muslims, women, black people, homosexuals, anyone.
What is needed isn't some small focus of gun rights only for rich white people, but the heart to stand up so even the most wretched, marginal, lowest of people can exercise those human rights. People are people, regardless of anything. The defense of the second amendment cannot be pursued solely by reason or self interest, but with passion and principle.

1: belly band
2: smartcarry
3: stop being a nigger

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I made a belt out of nylon and a cobra buckle for this exact purpose. I was also thinking of sewing some belt loops onto some compression shorts to keep everything from moving around.

>but I like to carry while hiking, and my khaki/cargo shorts make my balls chafe, so I switched to gym shorts.
tanker holster or one of those tiny hill people chest rigs

These work for jogging but they suck.