USA on suicide watch.
Bolton Claims New Chinese Fighter Jet Looks Like F-35 Because They 'Stole' Design
>stealing other people's ideas and making them their own
completely unheard of.
honestly its pretty based to just steal your enemies technology with 0 regard for law or their feelings
Bolton can't tell his stash from his pubes.
Twin engine vs single engine, not to mention 5th gen is all about avionics these days.
>sputnik news
and yes china constantly makes look alikes because they can't innovate
USA "Cybersecurity" idiors already killed themself.
>because they can't innovate
you're a fucking moron.
Try working in tech and you'll understand what innovation is: it's stuff you CAN'T see.
go back to r/asianmasculinity, skinynfat nogunz
Arsenal Bird?
lmao COPE
More likely stealth features force you towards a set of limited design choices. There are only a few shapes that are both aerodynamical and stealth
Also this
Not only a nogunz ricel but an incel too
post guns/w timestamp
imagine being this mad.
>regard for law or their feelings
Thats not how the USA aquired its technological edge after stealing literally all of European IP ever coinceived even until this day
woah and all this time I thought they stole the design from my 90s anime
imagine being this nogunz
You are trying too hard again, Pajeet.
OP trying to increase his social credit score
They dont have that in India.
what are you gunna about it cucks
Why do poos live in your head rent free?
Did your family buy a slav... Er I mean migrant worker and now he’s fucking your sister?
forced meme
post your guns.
Actually they stole this, moved the intakes apart to make an S duct, which created the space for the central weapons bay. Then they just slapped the new stealth skin on it.
>compensation is just a liberal mem...
Put the orange caps back on
Sure is reddit in here.
Of course they didn't steal it, Israel sold it to them fair and square.
>Ameribetas spend billions on R&D
>Chadnese just steal it
based, redpilled
>has zero guns
>posts chicom propaganda for free
cringe, have sex
I would but your mom and sister are too wrecked from the last night, give them some time to recover
>your mom jokes in 2019
Absolute state of r/asianmasculinity
wow this is the 10th time ive seen this exact photo. im sure its yours user!
without flags turned on, it's just poos trolling poos now.
You are not European Pajeet
rent free
>2 engines
>No VTOL anything
It's like Americans intentionally want the world to think they're retarded.
Half of the daily Arjuvedic Hindi Poo Poo generals on Jow Forums are Pajeets with UK and US flags. Country flags wont help anymore against these shitposters.
number of posters still hasn't gone up
did you get bullied here or something?
actually you're wrong. You're referring to THIS photo. The one I posted is almost never used.
>seething poo projecting in another poo thread about China
unheard of
kys retard.
>still living rent free in some bugs head
im sure its yours user!
None of mine came with orange caps. Should I contact the manufacturers?
>21 people are samefagging against me!
>n-no you are mad
>seething poo still projecting in another poo thread about China
well, they certainly are. Trying to pass off other people's guns as your own is not very sporting.
wow stuff from over a year ago, now I know for a fact its yours!
Gonna make mr. Cho and Rodgers, proud?
>still samefags
>poos are still living rent free in his head
Show me on the doll where sanjay touched you
Yeah and we know how bugs hate sporting
lol are you implying j20 is fifth gen?
and hes right the j20 is a converted 4th gen with inferior engines.