Anybody going to give a shit if somebody buys a 3 burst trigger set off the internet?

Anybody going to give a shit if somebody buys a 3 burst trigger set off the internet?

Attached: YK0fLlH.jpg (900x506, 68K)

a bunch of neurotic white people who will have a nervous break down about it because "muh laws"

Don't buy it if you value your dog's life.

It’s a fully semi automatic trigger. You should be good.

Technically legal because "it's just parts".

I imagine that kind of thing is documented somewhere.


Nobody will care. Just don't have a lower receiver with an extra hole in it. (unless it's registered)

Nothing they can do to stop you, but the ATF will take note that you did.

> implying the rule of law should be brushed aside because you feel entitled to a specific part