I came across the NAPA 4003 fuel filter.
Any Jow Forumsommandos use one, do they work as well as people say they do? Some posts say they work better than purpose made suppressors.
I came across the NAPA 4003 fuel filter.
Any Jow Forumsommandos use one, do they work as well as people say they do? Some posts say they work better than purpose made suppressors.
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it depends on your vehicle this is way overkill for your typical car I would use whatever filter your manufacture recomends. Also >>/o/ is where these threads belong.
I think these really only work well with 22lr. Like solvent cans in general
Wot about 9mm subsonic. It's not that much bigger than a .22lr.
I too made a homemmade suppressor with an oil filter. Where can I meet other anonymous gentlemen who like to say fuck you to the government as well? Could you provide your addresses and serial numbers of your firearms so we can hang out and illegally modify firearms together? Do you have any dogs? We love dogs too!
I mean it probably wouldn’t be that bad if you used proper baffles but i don’t see a lot of steel ones. Usually aluminum which sucks especially if it’s 6061 and the ones in stainless steel are usually very heavy because they don’t bother to change the dimensions. Also the shape of the cone is usually nearly flat which sucks for suppression.
Wait so you have to put your own baffles in too? I thought it just used the filter material to suppress. I didn't think you had to gut it and refill it.
Insist on keeping things legal
> bootlicker fudd
Discussing illegal equipment
> hi atf entrapper
Never change Jow Forums
Seriously ATF?
Are you guys even trying?
It's not even illegal if you form1 the ~$10 coupler, I just figured if it performs nearly the same why would I want to spend $600 on a piece of tacticool gear when I just want to practice shooting more quietly.
But yeah it really does outline how useless the ATF is when you can just effectively have a silencer for the cost of a double ended threaded nut and a fuel filter. Only punishing the law abiding citizens and all that.
The threaded barrel and tax stamp are the only reason they're expensive. It's just grey level regulation that aims to make firearms expensive to own instead of outlawing them.
Fuel filter threads are glow nigger honey pots. Learn how machine. Purchasing a book on machining and engineering isn't probable cause it's acquiring a higher education.
>Implying I own a machine shop
This is what happens when dumbfuck Jow Forums conservacoons whose weapons knowledge comes from owning the libtards Pete on the NRA show, particularly the lesson about 5.56 and why it belongs in every child school.
If you think you can just swap out the filter when you want you are wrong.
Hand over you man card dicklet.
You can't even pretend to be a male unless you can run a lathe and a milling machine.
What amusing/embarrassing thing will you reveal next, that you have other people work on your car? That you don't know how to weld, do carpentry, or electrical work?
You kind will be used as fertilizer when the happening happens and modern world falls.
It is technically illegal to change it.
Please show anyone being arrested for one. There are whole fucking companies making quality grade 5 titanium and 17-4 stainless I drilled baffles selling them in the thousands. It’s not a honey pot you retard.
The wtf can’t do shit if you don’t drill anything.
>Bruh, the feds won't do shit. Just go ahead and commit felonies. Post pics here too, just for LULZ!
If I don't own a dog, what can the ATF really do?
nice bait, but anyone on Jow Forums wouldn't know how to do any of those things
Then don't do it, bitch nigger. No one is telling you to do shit or asking for personal information. As far as I'm concerned everyone ITT has a form one. Go dick ride some welfare queen Fed, faggot.
Come to blockchan
Glows can’t do shit there
Had to do it to you
I own a slampig
How much does a fuel filter cost in the USA?
bout tree fiddy
Like $50-$100
I can make my own coupling
No pussy. We do. If you’re under age or live with your parents admit it and we’ll all understand.
But a suppressor tax stamp is only $200. You could easily blow through a couple of oil filters in a day, while a suppressor lasts forever. Seems like it's better to bite the bullet and get a real one.