Is this the thread for prepping?
If so I'm planing on making a permanent live in vault shelter so should I hire a company that specializes in making bunkers like Atlas or try to do it on my own?
Is this the thread for prepping?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm planning on doing this thing
>Also, please make ALL of my decisions for me
Sounds to me like you're not actually planning anything at all. You're asking other people to plan for you.
I actually made this thread too see if there where other companies that can make bunkers besides atlas or if I'm better of making my own
Atlas makes bunkers for the Air Force, is that good enough for you?
Just pay any construction company to build you a few wine cellars ffs. Why does it have to be a pre fabricated metal box put into the ground AT ONCE?
Try Google
Did you really think that an internet forum populated almost entirely by 14 year old kids who play Fortnite would be a bastion of bunker-building experts?
where should I look into first?
US military standards for bunkers?
>Atlas makes bunkers for the Air Force, is that good enough for you?
They make exactly 1 kind of shelter for the USAF, which is this:
It's literally a fucking tube. This is like boasting that a company builds port-a-potties for the military.
>where should I look into first?
Google you stupid fuck
Fucking use Google and quit being a helpless faggot who needs other people to hold their hand through every single step in their lives
Im forty seven.
If you fags are really 14 it explains the fanboyism here.
>Im forty seven.
You're fucked. You are absolutely fucked. You're 47 and you still can't figure out how to find basic information and evaluate it? You are fucked.
Not everyone is a genius bro.
Tubes are strongest with properly compacted earth around it. I guess OP should just build a concrete missile silo.
Why do you want to live underground? It comes with its own challenges and hazards. What benefit do you plan on gaining?
Yes, hire Atlas or another company that you can be sure will do a good job.
If you do it yourself you will undoubtedly fuck it up (at least the first time) and will waste a ton of money.
Theres a big difference between a bomb shelter (that can sustain a near hit from a hydrogen bomb) and a fallout shelter.
A fallout shelter can be done relatively cheap. You can dig one in your back yard. You could build a pretty decent one for long term (over a month inhabitation) for $100,000.
An actual bomb shelter designed to withstand a near hit from a ground burst warhead is pretty much beyond the means of most civilians. You need to be deep underground. Very expensive excavation, reinforced concrete, air circulation and power generators etc.
If i had a million dollars and wanted to build a SHTF shelter/property i'd buy 100 acres in Idaho or western Montana, build a little house and ranch, and build a basic fallout shelter.
Probably build some hidden firing bunkers and other types of defensive positions on the main approach road.
A full on combat bunker that also has a bomb shelter underneath is kinda silly and not necessary.
Calm down, what do you have against content?
well I'm at SD so I don't think there's many targets to strike here except for the air force base
>permanent live in vault shelter
That's pretty damn optimistic there. Sure, you can get purely mechanical rainwater and groundwater filtration systems that don't take a lot of space and maintenance, but the hydroponics for your food is gonna be a full time job, and you can't exactly just go out to the corner store if you screw up.
If you have the money for a custom-built bunker like that, you may as well just buy a second place in the middle of nowhere. 100km from major urban centres, and 200km from any military base or major port of trade. Trust me, if you're going to have enough advance notice to dive into your bunker, you're gonna have enough time to bug out and drive.
And if nothing fucking happens in your lifetime, you'll at least get more enjoyment out of working on your sweet little isolated cabin than a concrete hole in your backyard.
>well I'm at SD
West river or east river?
the military rents the port-a-shitters though
>Trust me if a nuclear first strike takes 12 minutes you will have enough time to drive hours
Get in the discord
There are no more active ICBMs in SD and Ellsworth only has B-1s which are no longer nuclear capable.
You are probably not at risk from a direct nuclear attack.
You are however very much in the path of prevailing fallout patterns in the event of a full counterforce strike on the United States.
I support your decision to be prepared, but i encourage you to do a realistic appraisal of what you may be threatened by and what you can do about it. Permanent underground inhabitation is unrealistic and impractical.
have you read up a lot on the topic ?
>Is this the thread for prepping?
you made the thread , are you confused ?
why are you here ?
>permanent live in vault shelter
yeah good luck what's your budget , sounds like $500K to start
do you have construction experience , fabrication ?
this is merely a Taiwanese marble racing trading post , might not be the best fit for your needs
Outside of the "bolt from the blue" total surprise attack with zero geopolitical tension build up, one will probably be able to see things coming to a head and relocate.
If you live somewhere that's going to receive a direct hit from a nuclear weapon, a little reinforced concrete hole in the ground is not going to save you.
board, I meant is Jow Forums also a prepping board
Depends on ground or air burst. Air burst over a city, a bomb shelter 12 feet under ground will probably be enough.
Ground burst? Not even the US military bothers with direct hit ground burst survival scenarios. Its basically not possible, unless you go so deep that your escape will be impossible once the tunnels higher up collapse. Even Cheyanne Mt and Site R at Ravenrock are designed to withstand "near" hits but not direct megatonnage ground burst.
I was also gonna ask what's is for but I guess nukes
you have land ? have you made other preparations , food water air etc ?
only good answer
Groundburst in an major urban centre is an impractical example, for sure. On the otherhand, I doubt that any attack on the US will be done with anything short of the most advanced weapons. Expect missiles with anywhere from three to twelve warheads of a minimum 300 kilotonnes each, as opposed to a singular megaton warhead.
because i also need the plumbing, air filtration, an some blast/bullet resistance
Would you shit in a shitter rented by the military?
Well, of course this is all conjecture and nobody really knows exactly how it would go, not even the top people in the military who are tasked with making these plans.
In a worst case scenario of counter force AND counter value, all major cities receive multiple air bursts in the 100+kt range, and nuclear forces (silos, bases C&C infastructure) receive megatons of ground bursts.
So the only way to plan for survival is to build your fallout shelter away from these locations, and be able to drop everything and relocate to your bug out location when the political situation looks bad. Of course this leaves you vulnerable to a sudden surprise attack, but the only alternative is to full time live somewhere very rural, which usually means you cant make much money so you'd better be independently wealthy first.
>all major cities receive multiple air bursts in the 100+kt range, and nuclear forces (silos, bases C&C infastructure) receive megatons of ground bursts.
Gentle reminder that many military facilities are co-located with urban centers and thus urban centers would get some serious ground bursts if it ever kicked off.
If it’s underground, it’s plenty bullet resistant. Pretty good for blast, too. Utilities and ventilation can all be installed after the shell has been planted. For that matter, you could have the prefab concrete structure delivered, you install utilities/mechanical/etc., and then have it planted.
Some would, sure. Places like DC and surrounds have so much military C&C infastructure that they'd be craters. Colorado Springs is another one, and im sure there are more that I'm not immediately aware of.
I'm most familiar with the West coast, and i cant think of anything in Seattle, Portland, SF or LA that would deserve ground strikes.
Again, if you live somewhere that you know is a high value target, its all up to you to decide if its realistic to relocate based on how serious you think the threat of nuclear war is. It hasnt happened yet in 60 years of ICBM and SLBMs, and it may not ever. You decide.
>i cant think of anything in Seattle, Portland, SF or LA that would deserve ground strikes.
Right, except those cities themselves, because fuck those people.
They would obviously get a full salvo of air burst weapons in a countervalue scenario.
If only that day may soon come.
>many military facilities are co-located with urban centers
If the military facility doesn’t house, deploy, control, or communicate with nukes it’s most likely not going to get hit. Every nuke wasted on someplace like Camp Pendleton or Ft. Hood is one less nuke available for a counterforce mission. Or one less nuke available to back up the post-exchange negotiations.
If someone finds out about your bunker then you might as well abandon it.
Overall it's a massive investment that can easily backfire.