I was considering on getting a nagant but now I'm convinced theyre garbage rods

I was considering on getting a nagant but now I'm convinced theyre garbage rods.

What is a gun that you bought and had no buyers remorse for?

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All of them.

A Thompson Center compass in a caliber of your choice
223 and 308 are way cheaper than 7.62x54r, they usually come with scopes (I got mine for $250), they have a threaded barrel for suppressors (although the shoulder may need looking at for direct thread devices) and the stocks can be swapped for something better.

too bad it's not 2010 anymore and the Mosin costs $300 to start.
And no, that isn't cheap anymore. If I can buy an entry hunting rifle like a Savage Axis or T/C then there's no point to buying a mosin except to collect.


take me home, country roads

I've only had buyers remorse once, on an ISSC MKII. Shit gun. Don't buy .22 copies of real guns made by literally who companies. Also, it's a good thing you skipped out on the nagant. You seem like the kind of retard that expects 2019 results out of a gun designed in 1891

Any .22lr of quality, pistol rifle, no difference. Focus on the fundamentals of marksmanship for each platform. Get a Ruger Mk4, put a magazine into a dime then get a nice 9mm. Get a cz 455 and a quality optic, shoot appleseed or cmp rimfire sporter, clean the targets and get a nice AR. That will serve you better than a mosin of any make or quality.

My Nagant, and my hi-points. All the "trash" guns I got just to fool around with ended up being the most fun to mess with.

ive never regretted a gun purchase
including my mosin

I've never had buyer's remorse for any gun that I've bought.

I have, however, kicked myself for NOT buying a gun at times, as well as for selling guns that I never should have sold.

People on Jow Forums like to pretend that any gun that isnt sub moa or the absolute cheapest in its category is garbage not worth the money, despite the fact that almost nobody here precision shoots or uses their guns for anything other than hunting or plinking which can be done with almost any working rifle

>despite the fact that almost nobody here precision shoots
speak for yourself
the mosin is dead user

They were a fantastic buy when they were $100 and less. Nowadays, especially with the quality of recent Mosin imports, they're an awful value. If you're going to own only one get a Finn. Costs a bit more but is about as nice as you're going to get.

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A mosin nagant

Im speaking of the vast majority of posters on this board, and gun owners in general. Most people will never notice the difference between a 3 moa rifle or a sub moa rifle because theyll only ever put cheap bulk ammo and maybe a box a year of hunting ammo through it. I dont regret any of my milsurp purchases despite the fact that they are slightly more expensive than new production rifles because theyre fun to use. If youre specifically looking for a gun to use for precision shooting, long range shooting, or home defense of course i would recommend buying new production rifles built for those specific tasks but theres nothing wrong with buying a mosin for hunting or plinking.

Buying two crates of Mosins like 4 years ago.

Ruger Security 9
Cheap, 9mm, reliable.

Pic for no regrets

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Yeah, I bought a 22lr uzi and its a jambox.
My girlfriend thinks it is a cute gun but she likes any SMGs even if they are jamboxes.

The Desert Eagle in .50ae.

I am a nugget collector. I know nuggets. What exactly makes a Mosin a "garbage rod" besides the word of a dimwitted youtube personality riding on his military credentials. Tell me in your own words.

I bought century arms once. Regretted that one.

There is nothing wrong with nuggets.

I wouldn't say I am a hardcore nugget "collector" but I got those two crates, a PU, an M44, and owned a few others.

They all generally shot just fine. Some have better bolts than others, some have better triggers, some have bad triggers, but that is the story with all mil-surp. I have a Steyr M1912 with a buttery smooth trigger and I had one with an incredibly stiff break.

The Mosin isn't as refined a design as a Mauser, or 1903, or Enfield, but it's still a fine design and they are absolutely more capable than most people shooting them.

I am a pretty serious collector. The thing to remember about nuggets is they vary heavily in quality due to being the most mass produced rifle of its era and the desperation behind manufacturing them, but anyone can find a damn good one if they know what they're looking for. Anyone who doesn't like mosins had a wartime production, as a rule of thumb

They were sweet for $100. At $400 you have a lot of other options. But if you are interested primarily in the historical value then I still don't think it's the worst deal. And it's, I mean you can hunt with it, it's fun at the range. Cool gun

It's a dated rifle, yeah, but bulk ammo is really fucking cheap, huge quantities of it are available, and even a wartime POS is virtually unbreakable. If I hunted, I'd probably get something else though.

>but bulk ammo is really fucking cheap
no its fucking not
it's 45 cents a round bare minimum
steel 308 is 30 cents per round
>huge quantities of it are available
not fucking true. not since 2015
>even a wartime POS is virtually unbreakable
>mosin apologists are stuck five years in the past

>kills Tsarists
They were using Nagants, and this is huge negative points.

Yeah, Ammo has gone up a bunch and it's a real bummer. The days of $70 span cans is over and it's sad.

I used to be able to go fuckin buck wild in the woods with my SVT without giving a shit'

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>it's 45 cents a round bare minimum
Try 35 cpr
Show me a mosin thats been destroyed by a means other than intentionally cutting the receiver or plugging the barrel

please show me where you're getting mosin ammo from a retail store or factory for 35 cpr

>buying ammo from a brick and mortar store

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>from a retail store
Found the retard

It's 44¢ for me. Bout 32¢ USD when converted
If you think sub 50¢ ammo is expensive you should probably get out of the hobby.

>retail store or factory
so target sports usa, SMGA, brownells, etc
so 45 cpr
also mother fucker I shoot $1 per round 30-06 for hunting

Try wolf or surplus ammo retard. The same shit youre talking about using in your .308 rifle
>inb4 "b-but surplus ammo doesnt count"

There are still tons of spam cans of old milsurp, and bulk new production Tula under $150 you absolute fucking retard and you can google it yourself. How the fuck do time wasting dipshits like you not confirm the bullshit you spew.

ok so link me
pro tip: you can't, because I happen to own a Mosin and the last time ammo was on sale was last year

Ta-fucking-da. 35cpr surplus ammo and 38cpr steel

A whole dollar.
Way to go big spender.

Why do you think they're garbage rods? You watch some gay-ass Youtube video or something?

I love my Mosin.

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You have officially been proven to be a retard who enjoys getting ripped off by boomer retailers. Kill yourself.

>garbage rod
TTAG go commit die

congratulations... 40 cpr! You sir have proven me wrong, and I will trade all my rifles firing expensive ammunition (223, 308) for this much cheaper cartridge.

WASR and assorted AKM surplus.

>What is a gun that you bought and had no buyers remorse for?

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>its not as expensive as i pretended so id better move the goalpost
>its so prohibitively expensive to shoot at a whole 10 cpr more shipped than the cheapest full sized rifle cartridge available, better just forget about it
You should probably just sell your guns before you go bankrupt faggot

Finn guns are almost an entirely different animal. Still mosins at the core, but that's like comparing a ferrari to a fiesta. I like my junky chinese Type 53 because I dont have to worry about it. I'd feel terrible using an M39 or some other finn gun as a beater like that.

>$400 vs 450 per case is a huge deal guise
I prefer 223, just saying.

A case of 440 is $160. Are you doing the "lolitrollu" thing because you were utterly wrong and can't accept it.

Any revolver I own.

I sold my mosin, mostly because the ammo isn't cheap and I shoot indoors. Got a $100 profit off of it. Feel kind of bad since it was my first rifle I bought for myself but I keep saying I'll save some sporterized American rifle in the future.

I regretted buying my yugo sks bc the gas shut off was loose and it'd shut off if I set it down or jostled it too much. So I sold it.

I've got a marlin 336 ( new production) that isn't horrible but 30-30 isn't super cheap and shooting cheaply is my MO now so I'll probs sell it and get something more cost efficient.
i definitely regretted buying my Ruger gunsite scout. I paid $600 brand new for it but the bolt was worse than my mosins at the time. I worked the bolt probably a thousand times and it got a little better but was still shit. Barely worth the $600, definitely not worth the $1000 msrp.

>$300 vs $400 per case is a massive deal dont even consider it
>$400 vs $450 is nothing worth mentioning who cares
>comparing .223 to a full sized rifle cartridg
If op wanted to squeeze every cent out of his gun he needs a .22lr but the fact that he was even considering a mosin kind of makes one assume thats not what hes looking for.

I don't regret any of my fudd blasters but getting my AR completed was the most content I've felt for the amount of money spent on a firearm. Which considering it was a PSA upper kit I didn't have to spend much

Might I add too that I had no buyer's remorse after getting my garbage rod. Still love that thing. And it really isn't THAT shit. Just put some elbow grease into it when you rack it and you'll be fine... unless you actually do have a fucked up one

>holding a mosin lefty

>What is a gun that you bought and had no buyers remorse for?

Snider Enfield
Swiss Vetterli 1881/2
1856 Enfield
Colt 1851
Remington Model 11-87
Smith and Wesson model 29 44 mag
colt python 357 mag
colt Army 44 bellygun
Surprisingly a gew 88 (most accurate of all my milsurp near MOA consistently) but I guess I was lucky
1796 Brass barrelled blunderbuss
Two band sporting snider
French 1777ANIX updated to 1822bis
Brown besses (any of them)
Flintlock box lock turn barrels
Tikka T3
Savage Axis
Unique X51 bis
Any anchultz
Hi power in 9mm
W•Ruger LCR 38 sp
Winchester Model 1894 in 3030

Guns I regret
Any pump action shotgun, irritating junk yet a wind up buying one every few years and regretting it
Rem 700. Awful.
Ruger mod 70. Awful returned it.
Glock. So bad I did not even buy it after trying
AR in 5,56. The modern garbage rod
SKS horrible gun
Nugget. yes they are shit. Least smooth bolt ever
Kar98 (yup a shocker there but it was so sensitive to bedding and barrel band set)
Lee Enfield (all have fucked headspace)
Martini (horrible to reload and form brass for)
Ruger 10-22 just not good, stupid mags, inaccurate
Luger. German space fail. May as well have a gunsmith living with you.
A 17th century cannon that I had to hire a crane to move. Deepest regret. Ten grand I will never see again and I have no way of moving it.

>Not buying that hex Mosin at $89 on Black Friday 2011

hi fudd

>>Not buying that hex Mosin at $89 on Black Friday 2011
>Least smooth bolt ever

Wat because I shoot my gunz? Cry harder

>Tikka T3

nuk rides again

>Ruger mod 70
What? You mean a winchester or a m77

You don't own any of that shit nibba.

You are an idiot.

My Mosin. I love it.

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My nagant

>I don’t own guns because it’s MY choice!
The thread

Rugar American


only buyer remorse i ever had was a modern S&W revolver with a cuck lock. i told myself she was a good girl and its teh personality that counts but i couldnt move past that nagging blemish. most beautiful single action trigger break ive ever experienced on any revolver but after a few months and delightful range trips i sold it and bought a used prelock. fuck that ugly ass cuckhole and fuck S&W

I have had buyers remorse from every milsurp gun I have bought except for a spanish ruby. I have never bought a mauser that was worth a shit, an AK that was worth a shit (although I do like the pre-ban mak-90s and arsenals I have shot) or a .22 auto loader worth a shit.

I have had a model 60 that was fantastic, and every Marlin levergun I have owned has been awesome. Walthers so far have been not very cheap pistols, but they've been fantastic and worth every penny.

>shooting cheaply is my MO
>talking about buying and selling all sorts of guns because of cost of bullets yet still doesnt buy a .22

>sat in a warehouse for decades, maybe got used in a drill once
>it's a piece of history, it has soul!

the majority of mosins were used in ww2 i dont know what your low iq mind thinks they were doing drills in a warehouse in 1943

$300 is cheap still tard, it's that other rifles became more affordable. Your that fucking poor go get a hipoint carbine, broke ass nigger.

300 is not cheap when you consider it's a 3-6moa bolt gun that weighs a dickload, jams like crazy and is the size of my '65 ford.

on the other hand you can get a thompson compass in literally whatever caliber you want, that will shoot sub moa and can mount optics.

I owned an ishapore enfield in .308 once, major regret. that thing was a pile of shit lol

My FEG hi-power.

It is beat to shit on the outside and jammed like a bitch until I got the extractor replaced but I love it all the same.

He should probably just save a few bucks by eating a round if he really wants to lower the per unit.

My first gun could have been a genuine Paterson

I'm still salty

>there's no point to buying a mosin except to collect.
Congrats in this revelation. It's true of all surp.

Most people that held mosin were lefties.

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>realizes mosin is a meme
>sounds retarded
OP is clearly one of the more intelligent Jow Forumscommandos to not throw away cash on memes

I put a aimpoint on a m44. Ask me anything.

What is your favorite type of icecream?

Go savage for bolt actions instead

Mosin is better than any sub 300$ garbage hunting rifle that's made primarily of MIM parts that will loose headspace and explode withing 500 rounds , shitty modern cheapo durr rifles are made for bubba to shoot a box of 20 shells through a year

>But dey dun come with muh scope

yeah a 50$ amazon garbage scope that looses zero if breathed on

mosin won't explode within 300 rounds like your poverty bubba special will as it was actually made for combat

Mossberg 500.

prove it.

>be me
>work at lgs that has a gun smith on staff
>his business is mostly fixing cheapo shit hunting rifles like savage axis,t/c compass, and Remington 770's, usually it's shit like they used cheap Indian MIM plunger ejectors and they simply broke in half randomly , but have seen a few that had case-head separation due to shitty set/ or expanding headspace
>if he's not fixing bubba's shit durr rifles he's fixing his shitty home built ar's
>never seen a military grade rifle, including mosins needing repair

>that will loose headspace and explode withing 500 rounds
That's just not true. They're okay guns that are rough around the edges, but also shoot at least 1 MOA and will survive anything you put them through outside of a hot salt bath.

The mosin is a fine gun that's rough around the edges that shoots, comparatively, like shit and will again survive anything you put them through.

You can argue "muh collectors value/history" but if you think for a minute that the reason they were popular wasn't only because of their price tag you're lying to yourself. It was the gun that got many into the sport, and it should be revered for that but don't put it on a pedestal it shouldn't be on.

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I've got one of the American made ones which kind of weirdly has Finnish marking on it.
Annoyingly the sight has been a bit bent I have no fucking idea how to get the thing straight again with its weird curved shape.

>some shit I just made up for "proof"

I've got an american stock with a russian action. They're notoriously mixed and matched.


nope they are made of MIM and cast parts on the cheap, they will never last as long as the forgings that mosins and any other military gun have, same reason the mini 14 is a huge POS that shouldn't be taken seriously as a hard use rifle.

>the only reason milsurp is cheap is because it was paid for 60 years ago, the reason why your 300$ durr rifle is cheap is because it's a piece of shit made as cheaply as possible

by all means enjoy your shitty savage ass axis, just don't be surprised when it kabooms one day

I'm sorry you are emotionally invested in a tool. It is nice, I own one and enjoy it. I still have a couple $70 spam cans lying around. But my compass is lighter and nicer to use when hunting. And if you're curious it's past it's 1k round count and has worked fine the entire time.

>inb4 my mosin has a 1 gorrilian round count