I went dove and pidgeon hunting today, what did Jow Forums do this weekend?

i went dove and pidgeon hunting today, what did Jow Forums do this weekend?

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Drank heavily and tried to forget about the fact that I've had severe melancholic depression for 15 years straight.

I didn't think to go dove hunting today. Kind of waiting a few days for it to get into the 70s before I go squirrel hunting.

Read the Bible.

storm prep and listened to people bitch about everything under the sun


Attached: cursethisworld.png (754x554, 290K)

Tried to remove a 27 year old tire off a tractor. Bent the rim. I should have paid someone to do it and went dove hunting, but I'm always squeezing the buffalo until it shits, because I don't like to pay people to do stuff for me only out of convenience. DUmb. This job was bigger than me, and I fed up the rim and now it will cost me $250 to replace the rim. This tire got kinda screwed to so there's $350. Well then a tire on the other side. Lets just call it $1200, so I can cut my pasture. What gauge do you hunt dove with?

Is dove season opening today for every state or something?
12 gauge

>Read the Bible.
How do you think I ended up like this?
Jesus up and gone done my dirty.

It started today in Ohio at least. So did squirrel.

Every farmer I know will do everything themselves except work on their tractors.

Had sex

>go out and buy a PPS on a whim
>got a shitload of food at a Korean BBQ
>proceeded to get shitfaced
>nightwalked around the city
>realized I dont have any Jow Forums related gun friends
>wake up hungover, depressed and shitting my brains out

Just another weekend for me

What? Damm, and anything is left? #8 shot?

yeah my father in law is here too, retired farmer, he calls a tire service. Im a fair mechanic but even a car tire without a machine to break the bead is a big man's job. SHould have paid for it and went doing something fun. I'm beat. Next year Im going with my O/U and hunting.

Went to the range.

1) Picked up my SKS from the gunsmith. The handguard was trashed and I bought a new one, but replacing it was enough of a pain in the ass that I decided just to pay him to do it.
2) Church. Deus Vult!
3) Stopped at Culver’s on the way home and had a Butterburger and some George’s Chili. Also stopped at Academy and picked up a 100 round box of 5.56 and a box of 12 gauge target loads. My general strategy for ammo buying these days is that I’ll buy two boxes a week of something I’m low on, every week. You’d be surprised how fast that adds up to a big collection.
4) Didn’t get to the range this week. Still too hot. Got there last week on an unusually cool day, though, and put 75 rounds through my Mav88.
5) Went shopping at Publix. Stocked up on food, and got a tendies sub.
6) Made a plate of marinated pork chops last night, and watched two episodes of The Invaders (A Quinn Martin production). I should have the series finished by the end of September.
7) Bought my ticket to Japanfest Atlanta in a couple weeks.

Tonight I’ll make some beef stew, watch another Invaders, and end the evening with a Nerdrotic livestream.

So... not so bad, really.

Watched the first Harry potter movie with my wife and kids.

Helped my girlfriend prepare for the hurricane that didn't come and discovered that my car is broken again.

Sad boop.

I went dove hunting, didnt get shit. Didnt even see any birds.
I also went to the car wash and cleaned my car.

Built two 80% lowers

Sex was for Friday and Saturday, Sundays the sabbath bud. Apparently god rested, you didn’t.

My relief is a no show. thirteen hours so far

yea, only 1 or 2 shots hit the bird at a time
one dove got shot fucking twice and didnt fall down, you could tell it was shot because it really fucking dipped down on the shots
and yea i used #8
what state do you live in? i didnt get jack shit either, my neighbor didnt get much when he went out on his land
i went out there with 4 other people today and only got 12 birds, 3 of which were pidgeons, which isnt much splitting among 5 people

>i went dove and pidgeon hunting today
I can shoot buck all day but I cant shoot birds because it makes me feel bad. Please tell me I am not the only one.


Have any luck op?

Your the only one.

Went to church, shot all of my guns with my buddy and (older) kids. Did some work around the farm. Found an African Killer Bee hive and promptly destroyed it(Killed as few bees as possible, for ya'll bee activists) and relaxed with my family. Labor Day is one of the few long weekends a year I get off.

Good times.

Called a tire service while camping, Went on ATV ride, came back to camp. Kid with truck an air tank and spoons had fixed the duals. Pretty cool.

Tailgated with my parents, worked, bought a scope mount online, watched Jackie Brown. All in all pretty good. Can't wait for the mount to get in so I can go zero my scope.

Working out in my gear