I’m looking for plates for a PC. Lv III or IV. I’d like to know what are good commercially available options. No price limit, so anything good tier to god tier is good info. For the sake of the thread, plate carriers also. What do you like? What do you have, what do you want?Anyone have experience with the tyr Pico?
I’m looking for plates for a PC. Lv III or IV. I’d like to know what are good commercially available options...
JPC for a overt carrier. Tyr is good too.
Hescos are a good choice for plates
>tyr Pico
It's ok but the Boku no is better.
>don't worry about the catalogue, we don't have a gear queer thread already
but get level 4 ceramics, do not buy steel unless you want to a) die from arterial shrapnel wounds or b) die by commonly available rounds that rifle plates are supposed to stop
That's like telling people to go to /arg/ for AR advice. Only a nigger would do that.
AR500 Level 3
I want Jow Forums's best genius bar wizards to answer my question, not gear faggots with programming socks and my rifle shooting them in the dick until they flop over and die you niggerlover.
kill yourself
I hope you end up spending the rest of your life picking steel bits out of your balls
based schizo poster
I’ve tried in /gq/ threads, champ. Some cheese dick just suggests what plate level with no recommendations, one tells me they’re not useful, and the last responder just tells me to buy AR500.
Buy fiberglass and make it yourself, should only cost about $50. Use youtube for tutorials if you really need instructions
dude the larpers in GQ know their shit, at least the ones who are active/prior mil/le do
there used to be more before glowniggetry started killing all the fun but i'm sure plenty of old trips still lurk as user and will answer your questions about gear
>what plate level
Ceramic level 4 if you're a serious user.
PE-ceramic III+ hybrid if you like outdoors larping.
AR500 if you're human refuse.
What ever happened to Willis?
Because there's totally a plate that satisfies every budget and protection requirement.
A good amount of them moved on but one's that stayed post somewhere else now, sometimes lurking what is now basically bunk bed general and his retardation.
Hesco 4600s for a middle ground- not $1000 plus but not super heavy
JPC 1 or 2? I’ve been eyeballing one, and it’s pretty cheap.
He got outted as noguns and stopped posting.
JPC 1 if you can find one. 2.0 just adds in a zipper rear and some other "modular" shit (aka pay us more money for stuff we removed).
They still sell 1.0 on the site.
I'm gonna say go for the two. The other user mentioned that yea they do more modular shit with the 2.0, I still think its better. It's not just the zipper on the back, it's also that the 1.0 has a triple 556 mag carrier permanently affixed to the front. Maybe you don't mind, but personally I'm not a fan.
Tell me about your setup. What’s on the shoulder straps? Swimmer cut or regular?
Can you remove those godawful clips on the front?
Shoulder straps
The JPCs shoulder pads leave a bit to be desired, these at least make it tolerable.
Regular cut is fine for most everyone
Yes. They don't actually come with the PC. I like to be able to drop a chest rig on there like a microfight or a mayflower. Hence why I went with the 2.0. It ships with just velcro on the front. I also got the AVS front molle panel so I could get the esstac triple on the front
>basically bunk bed general and his retardation
the current thread is glowniggers attempting to bait old trips into posting edition
Even if I was a glow nigger why would I want to bait them into posting when they're actively posting on Discord.
>bunk bed general
He literally responds to every single post
Absolutely based
Like every Jow Forums drawfag, he got harassed until he decided to stop being a drawfag.
Generals are just a circle jerk with no actual information
RMA defense level 4 are not bad. Just bought some and with the banshee was like 550