Arg ar general ar thread ar thread general ar general thread

setting tends edition

old thread

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also, gap edition

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is your rail out of parallel with your barrel?


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I think I'm done with this build, any thoughts?

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gonna sell my razor, LPVO are bad

Throw away can and laser
Get KAC cap for T2
Throw away wanti-walk pins
Get sopmod enhanced

get rid of all the trailer trash FDE

anti walk pins are like the mark of cain for retards

Once upon a time Suchka built a rad AR
The end

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Could be, but everything is installed correctly and it shoots just fine, the iron sights aren't maxed out in one direction

how did you a three hole lower


p nice
consider a different stock

no u

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Use your connections to get me a cqbl fusion mount

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I'm surprised there's even room for the collar to unlock that gap is so miniscule
is that your beer fridge in the background of

>On a rifle
No giddy
Unity is busy with other projects

get a real laser
or maybe get night vision

tell me about this scout mount

nice modified brace

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14.5 vs 16 for SPR?
I’m thinking 16.

they're great

it is
very ridid

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pinning is ghey

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Use your connections to get a batch of M5’s sent to Mark so I can get my shit.

this boi looking dank as hell
is that what you have?

>Selling all your guns off
Are you pulling a Tony?

Ok I'm trading the vortex viper PST for a Glock 45 just have to wait for the guy to get the pistol.

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they're cheaper on ebay

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wait why did Tony become a nogunz? is this the new meta?

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nice tactical bikini

>ALG meme juice

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@a2 you ever use the TAPS, better than the sf dual switch,?

hey that shit tastes good.

His wife told him that he had to get rid of all of his guns because of the recent mass shootings since she doesnt want the guns around their baby when it is born.

I fucking hate momentary lights.
Taps is an improvement in the sense that it sits lower on the gun than the SF which you need to attack with a razorblade to get it low on the gun. But as a whole just skip dual switches, get a short lead pad for your laser and a clicky cap for your light.

everything tastes good to you

If you are going to be a dick can you just filter me?

>ash's fw

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see, i love momentary stuff so i want a good dual but i'm gonna wait to actually use my shit before i buy one.

i spliced the laser and light together so i have something for now

filter some fentanyl into your veins

That KAC cap is pretty neat.
I like my 25w dual ir i2 though, and that can is great, griffin haters be damned. I have plenty of options on hand, but that combo fits the ergos of this build.
Anti walk pins are good for MGs, especially if you ever use blowback pistol caliber uppers.

Its transferrable.

Why all the hate for the b5? Its comfy

pinning and welding a muzzle device is lame

I own both, and prefer neither. Clicky caps are the truth

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I found the SF dual to be very awkward to depress and manage recoil correctly and unloaded the fucker pretty quick.

No u AWOL faggot. I cant wait till you get arrested for going AWOL.

>clicks cap for light
Wait hold on are you telling me I just wasted $80 on a switch

you will have to, fat boy

>Anti walk pins are good for MGs
>especially if you ever use blowback pistol caliber uppers.
Okay, true but blowback ARs are gross
Depends on the individual but yeah I dont like momentary at all.

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>I don’t like momentary on
t. Has never had someone shoot back at a light

>I fucking hate momentary lights

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can you filter me also if you are going to be a dick?

You get into a lot of shootouts where you are close enough for white light to be of use but also far enough away that killing a light and moving is going to provide you any sort of concealment?

When working a room it doesnt matter
When working a hallway it doesnt matter
And in the open it doesnt matter either because tubes and limited throw.

I would have a lot more interest in momentary if I was never using nods but as it stands its a great way to ND white light under IR and ensure that your grip is compromised on a gun.

Ok retard enjoy sticking your barrel in a room and have the stock jammed back in your face

Do mini scouts ever go on sale? How much should I expect to pay for one with a tape switch?


not everyone is using guns and nods for combat

fun exists as well

If you get into a lot of shootouts, regardless of the range, then you may have bigger issues than your light switch. who will be the first?

I just ordered the 600DF from arisaka with their mount and a switch for $330.
Ends soon though.

Did the Mk16 ever get fixed?

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How good is the MBT?

>$80 for kac branding with very little if any functional benefit

Ewwww. And /arg/ shits on my carbine's paint job...that green looks like total dog shit, and someone attempted to recreate it.

Yes supposedly.

Post camo

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>Post camo
Not camo.....

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>he bought a Dual Fuel
I'm sorry

Anyone else get really irritated that companies restrict sales of certain firearms to LEO? I’m not talking anything NFA either.

>Benelli M4 from rainier arms
>That pice of shit rifle offered by Geissele

What the fucking fuck man?

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No thanks bud but if you like it that's all that matters.

Imagine dying to that fat gut fudd. What a disappointing end. OY VEY

>No thanks bud but if you like it that's all that matters.
I hate it, and my main drive to do this ugly "snakeskin" type of pattern was just to piss off /arg/ purists. I swear to god the next time I get bored, I am going to paint a van mural onto it.

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>Not making entry from a low "tip up" position
Bro you just posted cringe

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bruh cancel that shit and get a modlite

>Literally people who larp in the woods and at public ranges arguing over combat scenarios
The level of armchair combat theorycrafting over lights going on right now is both hilarious and pathetic.

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shut your mouth, fag.

What are you gonna do, momentarily on me at the low tip up position while I constant on you with beamz and nods, faggot?

let me tell you about combat

>why do you fags even wear seatbelts if you're not gonna crash like a REAL man

you don't have nods
you don't even have a gun

Horrible analogy and literal apples and oranges. You're the dumbest user in the thread as of this moment.

>buttmad larper defending his larpcrafting
It's a tough pill to swallow, but you should be used to swallowing by now fag.

>noguns think's he's cool


you just got fuckin memed on

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>you'll never use your guns against anyone, just turn em in goyim!

>The larper is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, nigger, retard, happa, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a larper and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'you don't even have a gun'.

cry more you mad little girl and try not to repeat what I said.

Follow the teachings of lord sage

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What’s his name,Jow Forums?

affluent harpsichord

>making entry at all instead of leveling the building with air support

I'm a shitter living in NY and want a rifle what should I do? Build my own and comply so I can actually take it to the range and have the good stuff in the closet? Buy a mini-14?

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>not so rough when you get the kids

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I mean custody doesn't mean the other parent is excluded from seeing them if that's what you're trying to imply there.

>he's a welfare queen

Flex Bigarms Maximus V

ShillThumb BTFO'd

Dick E. Pianoman


Hey tubby, why don’t you gobble those words back up and quit criticizing others lives and go back to binging and purging.