
post your 'just as good(™) ' builds and general discussion
arg fags fuck off

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My Steiner optic is just as good!

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im diggin that receiver
who makes it?

>rear BUIS in front of scope mid way through receiver

Boi u dumb

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What are the best entry level complete ar’s to buy?

Hey guys, you should feel bad about your shitty "just as good" rifles.

I payed 2000 for my matched stripped upper and lower and the fact that your 400 PSA build is able to shoot just as good makes me feel bad.


complete ar's id go m&p or ruger
I've shot both and was able to get very good groups with the m&p
in terms of reliability iv8888 did a melt down video and it did pretty well
for bench shooting or hd no issues just break it in

Have you heard of something called eye relief?

>have you ears of something called eye relief

I have, that doesn’t mean that your setup isn’t retarded. Maybe get a better scope.

What is your fixed rear post? I have been looking for those everywhere.

Lower is AMT 80% upper is basic DPMS

utg also makes a slimmer cheaper version

If you’ve never seen rear BUIS in front of an optic I can tell you are new here. Noguns maybe?

For basic use, century’s shit is just as good as any of their super expensive counterparts.

Steiner has the same eye relief as ACOG 4x


Try again retard. Your setup is dumb and you should feel dumb

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So what’s that little thing at the back of the receiver under the ACOG?

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ill check those out, and since im a lefty is it worth ordering a left handed mag release?

>No AR
Ouch. Not gonna make it my friend.

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Quick detach mount

>no AR

You were saying?

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not sure, I'd assume they work fine
stag makes left handed ar's it might be worth checking out just to keep the brass out of your face

post pup

Bad taste besides the high point

>QD mount

That would actually be the MaTech rear sight that most M4s have you dumb fucking retard.

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ive seen them and rock river’s, i dont mind saving up for them either if it’d make enough difference to justify the price compared to an m&p or something simillar.

They’re the two biggest niggers I know of.
>all this cope

Stay poor nigger

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I have a Norgen ambi mag catch and I like it quite a bit. I'd say play with the regular setup for a bit, and if you still don't like it, get an ambi.

Posting one example to refute my argument

Here you fucking idiot. How dumb are you?

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R u fuckin retarded?

You’re talking to an LMT owner you massive faggot. Also your dogs are gay. Also unironically saying nigger. Also your dogs look like they’re dying laying on the ground from your massive gayness

lotta no thanks

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>LMT owner
Fucking lol, you overpaid for a garbage gun with known QC issues. The memes write themselves. And yeah my dogs are gay, I’m not disagreeing with you. But given that you’ve demonstrated throughout this thread that you’re dumb as fuck it’s safe to assume that they’re superior animals than you and you deserve to be ground up into a paste and fed to them.

Thought you were asking about my setup and what was under my optic. Thought it was weird you were calling the Steiner an acog but I was too dumb to realize you were insulting me saying to look at the image you provided.

>Tipfags won't stay in their containment thread and are slowly trickling in to shit all over a thread talking about ARs instead of being a circle jerk

All Tripniggers must hang.

>QC issues
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL cope harder poor fag

>Fucking lol, you overpaid for a garbage gun with known QC issues

Please tell me more about MRP QC issues.

Says the no guns.

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but unironically

PSA never had to replace the firing pins of an entire army's guns :^)

You've been a disappointment your whole life and no one loves you, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to trip on Jow Forums.

>cope harder

No that’s you retard. It’s been pretty well documented in the Kiwi Mil that they suck dicks.


Hello baby /arg/
You all have shit guns. Poorfags get the rope.

Post guns no guns.

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well this thread went about as well as expected

I don't feel the need to validate myself to you by posting a picture of a gun I own that you'll just cry about being fake. Why? Because I'm not a complete fucking loser. You've been a disappointment your whole life and no one loves you, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to trip on Jow Forums.

Ok no guns, you have to be 18+ to post on Jow Forums.

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>One tenth of one percent of a third-party contract part show improper tempering and breakage under high round count
>LMT replaces all pins to make sure the job is done right
>Also replace other contract parts which look like they're getting ready to shit the bed


No problem here.

>You've been a disappointment your whole life and no one loves you, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to trip on Jow Forums, especially by being a cunt after barging into another thread where you're not wanted. Double so when you have your own thread to be a cunt in.

>can’t do it right the first time

Seems to not be an issue with all the other big names.

>What are the best entry level complete ar’s to buy?
M&P 15 by S&W is one that I picked up, and I am very content with it.

Says the no guns. You are so mad right now.

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Colt has had massive recalls

Glock has had massive "voluntary replacements"

Remington has had a major recall every year for the last decade

Winchester had recalls on new manufacture Mauser claw Model 70s.

HK has had recalls for striker problems.

Guess what? These are common with any large-scale manufacturing operation and most of the time it's a single part with a defect that leads to an entire lot being recalled for the sake of safety. You're trying too hard.

WTF is that!?

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Entry level?
BCM. Buy once, cry once. Buying cheap shit now so you can theoretically buy something better later is a waste of money and why you will stay poor.
If you want a basic bitch AR, get a basic bitch AR. PSA is fine. But if you want something good, don’t settle for less. Settling is how your parents got together and unfortunately made you.

Holy shit look at that fatass hand

>all this deflection

How many recalls have KAC, BCM, Noveske or any of the other big AR manufacturers had? Still less than the shite LMT has produced.

>HK has had recalls for striker problems.
No they haven't. H&K has literally never had a recall.

You really are a cunt, and that user really is right. Get over yourself, Christ knows I did. Tripping on Jow Forums outside of needing to ensure identity or assert experience or expertise in a verified manner is stupid.


Not the same guy, but KAC was fucking riddled with problems on SR-25 and M110 contract guns. They get to hide it under ALARACTS though SARET and Crane though.

Cancer from being in this thread.
Look at this no guns.

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He's so fucking fat his hands have rolls, plus he's softer than a woman, and is so insecure he habitually bites his nails.

oh damn

Nice blog post.

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I honestly forgot about that; thanks user. That still doesn’t negate that the user I was talking too shouldn’t be ground up into dog food.

Jesus Christ, look at those sausages. You really are a fat loser tripping for validation, aren't you? Like, the only thing you have in your life is guns and showing them off on Jow Forums to people that don't care. No wonder you get so flustered when people don't bite your hook.

Do you want me to be like user and not post weapons on a weapons board?

I'd like it if you just stopped posting completely.

then what kind of Ar’s should I look into?

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>when your front sight is the single most expensive component of your build
jesus christ dude

it seems we all grow out of tripfagging eventually
but for some reason we can truly never leave this place

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If you want cheap but decent quality, PSA premium. But they’re getting annoying with their Jew-ing of the prices.
BCM upper, aero lower is the /arg/ special.

BCM rail was, then the geissele trigger which was $120, then comp m2 which was $110, then the barrel which was $110, then kac front sight which was $105, etc.

>it seems we all grow out of tripfagging eventually

It really is a validation thing. When I was actively tripping I was doing stuff with my life, but not anything really meaningful. That's different now and I act accordingly.

>but for some reason we can truly never leave this place

I without question spend less time here, but it's still a fun community.

Ill check that out, i dont mind spending more if it’s legitimately worth it, whatever Ar i get will be used as a range toy and stored in case of emergency.

Building my first AR. T91 upper and poverty pony lower

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Quality barrel, quality BCG is the most important thing.
If you go for a free float rail you want that to be high quality too. BCM mcmr is hard to beat. Some of them use lower quality mounting systems. For instance, Midwest industries is famous for gluing rails to the barrel nut.

ah, ill look into their stuff. Would $1,000-1,300 be enough to build a decent rifle with an aero/bcm combo, minus a good optic of course.

I believe thats a Matech rear back up sight. Standard equipment on Army M4s

Awwww yea tell me that top ones a beagle

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Of course. Complete aero lowers if you’re lazy, or you can build it yourself. And BCM uppers are about $700 w/out BCM/CH. Some will say toolcraft BCG, Id say fuck it and get the BCM, it’s worth the money one and done.
Then save up later for the extra bullshit you want. Optic, sling, light, whatever.

For optics, check the EE. You can usually find aimpoints going for a good price.

At least somebody was able to catch it.

He’s part beagle and part setter, but 100% retard.

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Beagle is best dog.
Nice gat.

2nd this. Barrel and bolt/bcg are 80% of the quality of a rifle. 15% is trigger and fore-end. Everything else is 5%

Any poverty tier stripped lower, thats in-spec obviously, will be just as good as the highest speed lowest drag lower. Same with stripped uppers.
Socks mean nothing other than comfort and aesthetics.

1000 bucks, not including optic?

Oh you could 100% assemble a fantastic rifle for that.

>Socks mean nothing other than comfort and aesthetics
Good socks save lives user. Change your socks, always carry a spare. And a tertiary set.

Hey i don't normally browse Jow Forums and am just getting into firearms. I run a strength and conditioning company and have worked with the morbidly obese before. Post a contact method so I can help you, or find you someone local to assist you before a doctor has to cut your feet off. Not a troll.

What happens if you give a fat person steroids and they start moving?
Will they get more fat? Will they turn into the hulk?

>You’re talking to an LMT owner you massive faggot
No one cares

Tripniggers AND this phenotype will get the rope.

he looks like a sweetheart

>'just as good(™) ' builds
I can get behind that. That's the only kind of build I have!

It's dogshit. I had one on my rifle and it broke the first time I used it. The clamp bent so even with the screw fully tightened it couldn't really grip the receiver. There was like 1/4" of play both side to side and front to back.

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Wait until you finish your rifle before you start bragging about it.

PSA has also never had a contract

Imagining the waddling weight of the person who posted this, his nasally voice and quadruple chins, I cannot help but chortle.