How does it stand up as an asymmetrical warfare tactic?
How does it stand up as an asymmetrical warfare tactic?
Worse than actual armor.
Better than a thin-skinned technical
Not very good if the enemy has anything close to air superiority. The only thing that stopped Hellfires from getting dunked on it was the governments' unwillingness to drop missiles on its own soil.
that would have been some real American kino though, no ones had a true 6 star wanted level in a while
a technical actually has speed though and needs nowhere near the time and energy it took to build the killdozer
I've read that they were totally going to do it, but a severe coolant leak happened and the engine overheated after they decided to to it and before the helicopter could get there.
how would you design your killdozer?
Give me a Cat D9 with reactive armor cut to fit, then fit it with a crows and the machine guns of your choice. Next maybe add a backhoe attachment or armored compartment for more people or an even bigger weapon system.
>pic is my fresh OC
He over armored it.
Heavy dozer, RHA for the main body, bullet proof glass for a 3 inch tall semi-circle view port for 180+ degree vision, electric netting, improved engine, comms, and rival killdozer
Create a bunch of them and get them loose around the country.
You don't /thread your own post, retard.
Home made armored vehicles saw a lot of action in the ISIS and Syrian wars.
Since heavy machine guns and RPGs are very common over there, they were about as useful as you might think.
A killdozer is slow and highly visible, so it isn't a viable tactic unless you can build it next to the target without being noticed
How much explosives would you need inside the thing to turn it into a bomb once the cops start welding through your armor?
>concrete armour
>improved scoop
>mounted MG
>escape hatch
Optimised and excellent
Lone wolf attacks are, in the best of cases, tactics and not strategies. Had this guy found 10 like minded individuals, everyone would have had their shitlist cleared that day.
rocket food
lol that com bloc sloppy appendix scar
too large, cumbersome and gas-guzzling.
You don't do armored vehicles worrying about gas mileage. Kind of a luxury only US dod can concern itself with.
>Kind of a luxury only US dod can concern itself with.
fuck you... that technology is established in all fucking NATO countries, even the ones with meme armies.
Useless on it's own, devistating if the point of a FOB attack.
A well made killdozer could be expected to reasonably withstand an AT-4 meaning you could grind most FOBs into the ground before air turned up and pushed your shit in.
>Super Heavy
>Reactive Armor
>Improved Scoop
>electric netting
fuck off cop shitters
>Adv. Optics
>Self Destruct
becuase fuck you no ones taking my dozer
>improved engines
>Sealed in
>Mil Base
>Rival Dozer
dont know how many KK it cost I'm a Jow Forumsommando and I dont know how to count
Why is there no option for razor wire?
It got stuck before it got to that point. Honestly shoulda got some thick rebar or concrete and shove it in the treads and wait him out
Each killdozer would only last one attack; you can hide it's construction, but there's no way you can evade the authorities without abandoning it, and it might not be able to move you fast enough to even get far enough from them for you to bail.
>No option for redundant equipment
user, that's fucking vital.
the US government has dropped bombs on US citizens on US soil on several occasions already, as well as used military grade explosives in a drone strike on US citizens in a residential neighborhood a few years back (it got called a ''gas leak explosion'')
the government is fully willing to use explosive weapons on US citizens on US soil. you're naive if you think otherwise.
That's why you use it as an infantry support vehicle. A siege engine.
Bad, because it's defeated so easily. Just let the man build a fucking road (that he pays for and wants to build) to his fucking tire business. Killdozer defeated.
>How does it stand up as an asymmetrical warfare tactic?
Well don't forget the government called the military to take out Killdozer but they wouldn't play ball, given that the local guard didn't want to be involved with using anti armor weapons in the middle of an American city. If they had the guy's rampage would have ended pretty much immediately.
reason has nothing to do with it. they wanted to oppress the little guy for kicks and deserve to be killdozed
>reason has nothing to do with it. they wanted to oppress the little guy for kicks and deserve to be killdozed
Fucking exactly. The guy's only real 'crime' was that he got a little greedy when the local municipality decided to eminent domain his property. they could have just denied it and worked out a compromise for road access, but instead the local government decided to destroy him for standing up for himself. Fucking him over with zoning rules and ordinances to crush him. Safe bet the were hoping to just wait him out until he had to sell his business a huge lose so they could buy the property for pennies on the dollar.
>sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things
The true motto of Jow Forums.
Greed killed him, but it was still justified rampage.
Any ideas on how to escape? Like maybe take scuba gear with you, then drive it into a river so you can escape through an emergency hatch. By the time they figure it out, you're sipping monster cans in acapulco
Imma need some sauce my dude.
Trash tanks always beat infantry. The Japanese found this out when they steamed rolled the British in early WWII.
However, infantry armed with anti-tank can ruin your day. Thankfully infantry don't carry anti-tank standard.
Trash tanks like this were used to great success in Iraq an Serrria while ISIS was operating, the YPG against Turkey etc.
Kill Dozer you will be missed.
>infantry don't carry anti-tank standard
Depends on doctrine. Finns and Estonians equip infantry squads with Heavy MGs and AT's on the regular. Can't rely on that "standard", although admittedly they both employ a defensive doctrine.
It wouldn't be hard to add cage armor to a killdozer.
You are right. There are some militaries that wisely equip their infantry with anti-tank. Knowing your enemy is the first rule of war. But I am speaking world wide. Most theaters of operation you would be good to go.
In fact, Sherman tanks were still in US against drug lords down in south america until last year. Outdated armor beats infantry every time when infantry does not have anti tank.
>reactive armor filling between sheets of scrap metal
>box of guns
>roof mortar
>improved optics
>murder holes
>escape hatch
>cooling fans
Up against military base, rival killdozer, and shoot to kill.
not him but i remember it was big issue for like 2 days when Obama had a drone strike on some American citizen who was a member of the Taliban or some shit. i think it was his second term
titanium armor plus ERA (15x0.5=7.5)
extra fuel (7.5+3=10.5)
improved engine (10.5+6=16.5)
self destruct (16.5+3=19.5)
sealed in because there's no going back now, allahu akbar
I don't think so user. Tanks can run for what, a day before resupply? Your enemy just needs to keep evading and wait for it to run out of fuel. In order for armor to funciton it needs a secure home base and a huge supply operation behind it. That's exactly why killdozering is a one way trip even if the authorities don't use anti tank weapons.
If that armor is holding down a key location you need to get to, what the fuck do you do?
>Sealed in (+7 pts)
>Shoot to kill (+4 pts)
>RHA (5pts)
>Improved scoop (2pts)
>Flamethrower (5pts)
>Mortar (7pts)
>Electric Netting (5pts)
>Extra Fuel (3pts)
>Self Destruct (3pts)
>Optics (1pt)
>31pts total
Mortars soften up the first target. Extra fuel is for the flamethrower. Netting is a conductive layer to prevent me from dying when I down powerlines.
Hit a powerplant, tear down related substations with the scoop, and start burning down some neighborhoods like a giganigga. If I get tangled up in the powerplant, I'll finish the job like the biggest frag grenade ever made.
>No options for a CO2 mining laser
>No options for stealth delivery via a truck
An invisible death beam would be a nice option, and getting it to your slaughter point stealthily would be a plus. If I'm going down, it's going to count.
Scrap Metal
Anti-material Rifle 4 KK
Improved Engine 6 KK
Extra Fuel 3 KK
Advanced Optics 3 KK
Stronger Treads 5 KK
Murderholes 2 KK
Cooling Fans 4 KK
Shoot to Kill 4+ KK
Rival Killdozer 3+ KK
A scout dozer that attacks at night and wrecks havoc before retreating to the wilderness.
God I hate these threads so much. In a happening, this thing would be drone striked within seconds. They would find out his name and address and raid his home, probably disappearing his entire family overnight. They'd find out how he made this, who knew, and go after them too. Those people would be tortured in blacksites until they talked. Your fantasies are so immature it hurts. If its so easy to topple the government why havent niggers in chicago ever taken the city? grow up, meet a woman. Start a family. Get a few "healthy" hobbies. stop sitting around and jacking off to thoughts of killing police officers, its pathetic as fuck.
>oy vey stop resisting goy
Thats why you get a fun and fire into a crowded theater to get the high score
I hate normalniggers so much
>If its so easy to topple the government why havent niggers in chicago ever taken the city?
Wait, you don't know the current state of Chicago?
Don't know what your definition of a fallen city is but I'm pretty sure the mayor of chicago isn't a member of the Bloods
>How does it stand up as an asymmetrical warfare tactic?
Depends on how long the local cowardly national guard major needs before he cries for an airstrike
Reminder that this shit will only continue.
Your paychecks will get smaller.
Your bills will go up.
Noise complaints will be ignored.
No one cares about you.
You are now a slave.
A number that can be crossed out with no second thought.