/MEG/ - Military Enlistment General


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For Forces info, obviously.

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of saigamarine's SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

French Foreign Legion recruitment website, for you criminals, autists, and mercenaries.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed)

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png (embed)
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Info on sf86

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my question is... who is the person that continually makes these threads? what branch are you a recruiter for? how many autists have actually made it as far as you can in the 18x pipeline straight into the 82nd airborne after washing out?

>Straight into the 82nd

Every 18X I've known has failed out, then gone Worldwide and then straight leg.

I'm in the Army. I actually use to browse these threads not long ago and decided to actually enlist. Went to my recruiting station and now I'm a 11b. Kinda wish I would've gave the Marines a try but oh well. I might after my three year contract.
Every 18x I know always had some weird issue and dropped it or failed some test.

interesting. i've been in the Nasty Girls for the past 4.5 years as an 11b. we get a lot of guys from active that washed out too. a lot wash out here as well here with the nearby NG group. does ricky still post here? Used to ask him questions before I joined.

What do you mean wash out?
Also I don't know Ricky. I'm just a random user that keeps these threads up.
>Inb4 Zogbot recruiter

Which 35 mos is the least likely to get me permanently placed behind a desk

>come home on leave for the first time
>have fun the 1st day driving around and relaxing
>am now bored and depressed after realizing that all my old friends are away at college or in the military themselves

is there any way to fix this or is this just how it is

Hey we have off tomorrow right?

No. I went home for leave once and basically plan to never go home again. Would rather spend my leave doing cool stuff.

35M according to the intel I've been given.

Intel is a desk job though man, it's just a desk job revolving around spooky stuff that turns out to not be that spooky.

Unless you got CQ bruh

Is CQ based for having stories to tell?

Yeah if you're battle buddy is chill

What are the most ghetto barracks you've ever seen? Pictures included please.

Also any ghetto barracks stories are good.

>What are the most ghetto barracks you've ever seen?
All of them

Which units are the least austere, best funded, best supported, well-transported, best armed, best equipped, lowest casualties, best trained for their mission, best intelligence, best planned practiced and executed, shortest duration missions where one could hope to get some? Pic unrelated.

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Why the fuck is it that if you are an active member with an MOS you can go to SFAS and fail, you literally get reclassed to an entirely different MOS instead of just being a hold until a duty station pops up?

I'm in the pipeline, it's difficult, but it really isn't impossible. My guess is unprepared autists are posting about their endeavors here after they wash out. So it seems like no one is making it.

describe to us autists what it's like. Less so on the physical since that's all over the place, but I meant like, would you rate everyone as top tier boy scouts or something? Any thing surprise you when you first started? A friend of mine went 35M and was surprised when they all turned out to be magic the gathering autists.

I guess one of the surprising things is that everyone isn't boy scout-esque. There is a variety of guys with very interesting backgrounds. Some guys were college athletes, some had high-level careers in business, and some worked fast food prior. But the common theme is that when push comes to shove they were smart, fit, self-driven, and reliable. This is a fan theory im about to say and not totally confirmed, but a big thing I think theyre grading you with at SFAS are how you live up to the ARSOF core attributes. Barring criminal backgrounds, physical limits, or psychological issues, what was really surprising is that it is a whole bunch of normal guys.

I have a few buddies out here that are big WoW guys and a few dnd nerds.

I didn't proof read before posting. The part in the last sentence about things that would hold you back was supposed to be about selection. Those are the things out of your control that will keep you out. But barring those, it is mostly about who you are and how you perform.

Hello friend. Smokebomb or super hooch?

Hey bud, the hooch.

Lucky... smokebomb is like living a black mold infested cockroach den. No room inspections are nice though. Go to PC in 4 hrs

>A friend of mine went 35M and was surprised when they all turned out to be magic the gathering autists.
I just want to be surrounded by cool chads that are looking to do SF when they get the shot. Does intel community even have that? It seems like all the dudes are total virgin losers.

At least getting MI bunny pussy won't be hard.

Pretty sure you have a PT test day one. You should probably go to sleep.

That being said I think I only slept 3 or 4 hours before going to PC and did fine.

>no edition
if you're going to be OP you could at least not be new to Jow Forums, let alone the thread.
used to be a few different guys now it's apparently 1 boot who showed up after 4channel was a thing.
a boot in every facet of his life.

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your life has forever been altered, it's part of growing up.
you'll never see home the same way again, which is for the best. you joined for a reason, after all.
>MI bunny pussy
you're just asking to get fucked over. intel is a small community so you're basically fucking your coworkers. it never goes well.

It's not just me idiot. Guess I'll stop making them since you wanna bitch about it fag. I'm going to bed fuck you.
Also been here since 2014.

>been here since 2014
and don't know how generals work.

So pussies scared of risk don't go SF.

Damn that makes a lot of sense. I guess you either go balls to the wall or don't go at all. Thanks brother.

On CQ right now cause some fag had an MWR event tasking so I was filled in, also had a CQ shift 2 days ago. Woo what a great 4day

Anyone here Nevada Nasty Guard?

I feel so alone here at FLW AIT.

75th rangers or Delta. Good luck getting in.

>tfw just dropped wife off at the airport

Happily we will be moving in together soon but for the next month or so it's gonna fucking suck. Was nice to take a bath with her tho. I always hate weekends around here because until I move into my housing I'm still in the b's, drinking my lonely nights away. We also have a 4(5.5) mile run at an 8(6.5) min pace every day after our weekends to prep for EIB so I'm not looking forward to that shit

>5.5 mile run at 6.5 min pace
why would you come here just to lie?

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I assure you, that's the pace and the mileage. It was sold to us as a 4 mile run at an 8 min pace which is the EIB standard. We started tracking it on a few guy's GPS watches after like 90% of the company kept falling out every week and we were getting extremely confused and pissed. 1SG and our CC are absolute PT animals.

Im going through OCS and want to branch as infantry. I plan on going through Ranger school, but should I also go through Airborne

also my OCS board meeting is in a few days and im nervous as fuck

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>It was sold to us as a 4 mile run at an 8 min pace which is the EIB standard.

Why are you still lying?

you know whats worse
>come home on leave
>run into all my old friends and catch up, tell them stories from the army
>all we do is the same shit we did in high school
>go to somebody parents garage and play guitar, eat shitty fast food, smoke weed in various parking lots
>get bored after the first day and just want to ghost them
>actually miss being back in the army>feels weird because usually you cant wait to go home on leave
>wonder if youre just depressed and will never be happy

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how about 35L
or what if you commission and pick intel as your branch

Just do drugs. It will make you feel good.

>boot goes home and smokes weed
checks out

was anyone here an FLW grad from basic?

Holy shit I just completed my cycle there and it was BAD. The fucking barracks had goddamn black mold in it that threatened to put half the company on sick hall or quarantine.

The C-2-10 Barracks at FLW.

We had cockroaches and black mold in our HVAC systems.

I don't understand what part of that sounds hard to believe. Are you just bored?

Any info/insight into 68W life?


Commission, retard

The average enlisted man wins the lottery. What would he do?

Now what would the average officer/warrant do if they won the lottery?

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As what? Last time i checked people dont want to be lead by pasty skinny white kids with no experience or knowledge

Both would get bounced from the service for Government convenience.

Not him but who cares what people want? You can enlist and waste your degree, no one will care. It's just a stupid choice.
Though I'm assuming your initial post was a joke of some sort.

>people don't want
Who cares what anyone wants, do you want to end up in the same boat as a bunch retards fresh out of high school/meth rehab/Compton or do you want to be treated like an adult with better pay?

Imagine fucking yourself on purpose.

What can i commission as. I was considering something in airforce. I dunno what options ther are

Anyone out there in the cyber field? Any insight into what it's like? Branch recommendations?

35M is guaranteed to give you the best chance at doing cool guy shit.

"cyber" at this point means anything related to computers.
Navy and Air Force imo are the best as far as schooling/training and opportunity, but I personally think the Navy is the best if I had to pick one branch.
None of them are bad, just don't go CG or Marines because they don't have the resources to devote to it like Army, Air Force, and Navy do.

You can't go wrong with going Army if you want to just guarantee the job, btw. None of them are bad, some are just better, and a lot of it is going to be from people like me with opinions formed from a myopic lens.

Thanks broski, from what I've read it seems like the Navy is the best route to go. Currently working for a major tech company as a data center sales specialist but want to eventually make that transition into cyber security. Plus, have wanted to serve and it's now or never.

I heard most of the skills you learned are from NCOs. Did you learn the most from the female NCOs or the male ones?

How do i join

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You'll likely find it's overrated being an enlisted cyber warrior, though there are exceptions.
If you go navy, go CTN for what you're probably after. Just be aware you'll be way ahead of 99% of your peers when it comes to computer knowledge if you already have a background.

If you already have a relevant degree I'd just say take your experience and degree and work for a contractor or agency doing the same thing, just not in uniform. The problem with being in the military is PCS's are almost guaranteed and civilians who just work in the same place for a long time get more knowledge about what's going on and are usually more involved in the nuances of projects and missions that last more than a few years.
The NSA is probably the best agency for you if you wanted to go that route. They'll pay for your clearance and all that no problem, they're really seeking any talent they can get nowadays.

I don't actually know but I assume this is already done to some degree by the Army under their new CyberCom authorities. Though not with the fancy proposed DARPA tech mentioned here...yet.
In that case, Army 17C is probably your best bet but you could go get a degree and actually work on the analytics if you actually wanted to do cool shit.

i'm a ctn in the navy
>Any insight into what it's like
what questions do you have
>Branch recommendations
navy or air force, from my experience navy gives you the most control over what you do. i specifically signed up for ctn, then I specifically chose my duty station and """billet""", whereas air force seems to just get sent somewhere and find out what they're doing once they get there.

I made the big oops of going to a military psychiatrist, and they diagnosed me with major depressive disorder which I already knew I had but went so I could get medication for it. They're starting the DAWG/Med Board process now, what are the odds I get fucked and get an Admin sep rather than medical? I really don't know what to expect any more. There's a decent chance I have ADHD as well but if I admit that it'll pretty much be a guaranteed admin sep, over 2 years of my life would've meant nothing if that's the way I leave the military.

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>2 years
so you knowingly joined with depression?
Anyway, it will almost definitely be a med sep and they'll probably send you to a lot of counseling. You can (and should) continue to get counseling after separation as well, if it's a persistent issue not caused by the military.

>Joined with depression
>Lied about it at MEPS

Take your Admin sep and walk, defect.

I never went to a psychologist or psychiatrist before joining because I thought it was normal teenage awkwardness and something that I would grow out of.

I’m interested in enlisted aircrew in the airforce, leaning toward Loadmaster, is it difficult to get a contract for an enlisted aircrew job?

Tips on how to be a bootcamp chad? I have martial arts experience and I plan knocking the fuck out of people in mcamp week and pugil sticks to impress the D.Is

Post bootcamp chad stories.

I have a degree but fuck analytics

My DIs cared a lot more about fast running and being a good leader than martial arts. The level of mcmap they teach you is an absolute joke. You don’t even do any sparring outside the pugil sticks, which you’ll only do once or twice the entire time you’re there. Hell, even being the platoon high shooter got you a good amount of respect, more than any mcmap or sparring at least.

I watched this vid where they put each other in a wooden ring with football helmets and boxing gloves and go at it?

Now that you mention that I do remember that too. It only happened once for us, in the crucible and only body shots were allowed.

>responds to someone asking about being a fucking bootcamp chad
cmon man he's tryna be a chad in bootcamp of all places.
nothing anyone who asks about that does will make them what they want to be


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>perfectly good arms
>SOF so you know he has great veins
>still IO his sternum
Why the fuck

Any chance of currently seeing any action in combat arms ?

SOF units obviously get the most combat action. Honestly just join the Army and get into the 75th Ranger Regiment. Quickest way to get into combat.

Never let an army medic treat you. Always demand to see the actual doc/PA

Is army national guard a meme? what kind of person should do it? (18 yo becoming freshman, majoring in math and physics at a school in the northeast)

>Opens up about their emotional problems and immediately gets fired
wHy ArE sO mAnY sOLdiErS KiLlinG

You are obviously not a martial artist with that poor attitude. You sound like one of those MMA fighters that has never had a day doing any kind of deeper training for their mind.

Everything is a meme now these days. Just fucking join what ever the fuck makes you comfortable.

Canadian here. I've fucked my life up once again, and the only upward path I can see is the foreign legion. I know it's a pipe dream for most westerners, but does anyone have any advice on how to pitch myself so that I'm an attractive candidate to them?

The general rules I know are 1) have no attachments to anything back home, 2) make it clear you'd never quit, and 3) have prior military experience. I can't enlist with my record, but I do have EMT training, is that a good substitute?

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Speak fluent french

May I have some general advice then? I talk to a recruiter tomorrow I actually appreciate that I serious replies.

I'm halfway there, currently translating my way through Count of Monte Cristo to catch back up.

>only upward path is foreign legion
Are you a fucking criminal living on the streets with cauliflower ears from all your scraps?

I mean I'm a comfy American but I swear to god people are delusional about foreign legion shit. I was when I was 17 but at least I was 17 and just joined my own country's military and realized the FFL would be a shit show comparatively.
Why can't you go to school? A lot of people who say "I can't" haven't even tried to look into making it happen. I won't talk too much on it though because I don't know the Canadian education system at all, but in the US it's incredibly easy to just "go to school" as long as you put in the work, even if it does mean having some debt at the end, you'll be able to pay it off within a few years if you don't get a stupid degree.