Shotgun Thread : $50 Double Barrel Boomstick Edition

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Gimme your junkers, cheapos, and funny trash guns; must be functional

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60 dollar gunbroker special. 12 gauge full choke, I use it to shoot .22 and 9mm with inserts. Tons of fun. Still putting off mounting a red dot to the bitch

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that a 311? i got that for 400 (including shipping and tax)

Swapped a cheap Turkish pistol for this and then I had a gunsmith reshape the stock

Photo didn't load for whatever reason

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The writing on it says Montgomery Ward, New Field model

I think its one of the old sears store guns, made by stevens. Originally a 330

Montgomery Wards was a store like Sears.
Montgomery wards went out of business in the 1980s or 1990s
But like Sears, they just paid to have someone else slap the Montgomery Wards name on a shotgun

Oh shit neat

Sorry for the retardation, thats good to know


Do you ever shoot it?

hello doomguy


Hey I have that same one, it has a plastic action release right?

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Pic related is my favorite so far, Stevens 12ga I bought for $80 very simple and practical design. Takes up to 3” shells and autoejects

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Beretta 1301 for a first timer. Yea or nay?

Your place looks super comfy, user. Can I come over?

Are you a trap?

I've been working on a scattergat rig. Tried a couple different shotgun pouches, a dump pouch, and just molle loops.

However the best by far has been elastic loops on a card. Chest mounted and on the gun. Elastic loops are just faster and easier to handle.

Trying a hybrid setup on Wednesday. Will post pics of the attempted setups then.

Oh shit I watch this all the time. Never seen this ep

Yes it does, and a plastic trigger guard



Haven't had the chance yet unfortunately


Dumpster defender coming through

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Because if youre going to buy a meme gun, may as well go all in

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Bitty stoeger

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Found this Stevens-Savage 77D up against a tree in the woods.

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doubt it cocksucker
