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Any love here for .22 Short?
Caleb Jenkins
Cameron Morales
Looks fun but I dont have anything that fires it. Id rather just have something in .22lr because its the same price if not cheaper though.
Oliver Cox
Bring back gallery guns
Gavin Parker
U don’t have a 22lr?
Jordan Long
Redpill me on .22 short
Why should I want it and what would I use it for? Don't say shooting snakes. Snakes are our friends.
Logan Lewis
>t. snake poster
fuck off slither nigger
Aiden Taylor
They're a pretty fun novelty in a tube fed gun if you can get them to feed right. Dat capacity.
Lucas Smith
I understand that you're angry, two-legs, but they that creepeth upon the earth are our brothers as well. Read Genesis and devote your heart to God.
Grayson Sullivan
They're good suppressed. Literally all you can hear is the sound hitting the target and the slap of the action.
Evan Garcia
no u suck
Jacob Clark
Norse master race reporting in.
Nicholas Hill
What sort of effective range do you get with a suppressed .22 short?
50 yards, at best?
Hunter Rodriguez
.22 headspaces off the rim. Anything chamber in .22lr can fire .22 short.
Jacob Cooper
Sometimes I like to load like 30 of the fuckers into my henry .22 and just cycle the action as fast as I can and pretend to be The Rifleman.
Jose Wood
I'm the guy for this, since I probably have more firearms that can use .22 short than all of Jow Forums put together.
Here's the redpill:
Ever since CCI started putting out Quiet-22, it's obsolete. It's only lingering use was a low-report, low-velocity varmint killer that wouldn't put a hole through the walls of your barn or scare the neighbors, but that only really worked in rifles that had '.22 Short' stamped on their barrels.
Well, what if you could have the same cartridge with a 50% heavier bullet at the same velocity, shoot quieter than a 600fps pellet rifle, and be able to chamber properly in .22lr-only barrels with a lot less freebore jump and hence better accuracy?
Hey presto, Quiet-22.
Matthew Evans
While that's true, will it cycle properly? Will it be accurate?
My experience is a consistent no.
Levi Thomas
You're a tripfag and therefore a cocksucker, but you've written some words that seem like they were strung together with the help of at least three braincells, so I'll take it onboard. Don't press your luck, though.
Bentley Watson
I missed out on a gold plated s&w n1 for like 100 bucks (it had a bad part but dont remember what), i shoulda bought it
Jayden Thomas
I use the trip to piss off exactly the right people, and I have a lot of fun doing it. But I enjoy the shit out of guns, and like learning here and sharing what I've learned too.
I've been on this board... a while. Nice to meet you.
Joseph Cooper
>t 56% norse aryan pagan
Cooper Bennett
>Zed not dead.
Aiden Barnes
Justin Carter
>I've been on this board... a while. Nice to meet you.
I've been here longer. I'm not interested in being friends with tripfags, but I'll listen to you if you write a decent post once in a while. I've only liked one tripfag ever, and that was 14 years ago.
Kayden Butler
>I'm not interested in being friends with tripfags
Then why haven't you add him to the ignore list?
Chase Moore
seems legit i buy it, not like serpents are a common form of the devil, kill em all just to be sure
Jason Johnson
whats it like believing in marvel characters retard
Mason Sanders
hey zed
haven't seen you in a while
Jayden Peterson
I have a Butler Arms .22s derringer, which is a copy of the 1872 Colt #4 derringer, although the Colt's were chambered in .41 rimfire until 1959 then chambered in .22s. When I was in college, I bought a bunch of BB cap .22 ammo, and me and my roomies put up a ratty piece of plywood for a backstop and had shooting competitions in the living room using the mountains of empty beer cans we generated. Way fucking fun. I still have the derringer and the wood box it came in, but it's pretty much shot out after 1,000's of rounds. No grooves left in the barrel, and the ejector is worn to a tiny nub, so you have to pick out the shell with a fingernail or a knife blade. I'd love to get another one or a boxed set, but the prices are ridiculous-- I bought mine for $20 at a gun show when I was 18.
Hunter Bailey
My dad has a pump .22, with shorts it hold like, 30 rounds, with .22 caps it’s around 45.
Liam Hernandez
Women don't care about penis sizes.
Joshua Torres
>Women don't care about penis sizes.
You sure do.
Jonathan Jones
>I've only liked one tripfag ever, and that was 14 years ago.
Oh? Which one? 14 years puts you about 2 years ahead of me.
Joshua Morris
Hi. Did I piss you off or post something you like?
I lose track.
Dylan Cook
Daniel Wilson
In the '60s through 80's .22 shorts were what won in the bullseye disciplines. Minimal recoil was a big part of it in games like international rapid fire. Lost a lot of advantage in outdoor matches to lr.
Oliver Watson
Shit. That's going back. I honestly only remember the name, not anything he posted.
Well, at any rate, I didn't ask for your friendship. I only said it was nice to meet you. Which it was. Let's leave it at that while we're ahead.
Carter Powell
I never left.
Oliver Hill
Evan Wilson
just haven't thought of the name in a while
Eli Sullivan
It depends on the gun you have and the magazine it uses. It likely wont cycle well because its too short to function in a gun intended for a cartridge almost 2x the length.
Ian Cox
Colton Sanchez
Why would I use a less reliable and less powerful cartridge in my .22lr guns? I might try it if theres a cheap load thats as quiet as .22lr colibris.
Oliver Gray
opinion discarded
are you new here? there is no such thing as an obsolete cartridge on Jow Forums
Nathan Cooper
Is this real life? Are johnny, bat guano, hotaru and thatguy suddenly gonna show up before ricky, heartbreaker, squid and stalker come to shit up my life again?
Benjamin Torres
Ok cool, I'll wait for your posts on the .32 rimfire thread.
What, no mention of Boof?
Noah Brown
God those were the fucking days. I miss it Jow Forums.
Angel Moore
I actually should get some shorts, since I ahve a gun designed for shorts, but I shoot lr out of since it's possible. It's not reliable with lrs, though, so maybe shorts will be perform better.
Camden Kelly
Can I shoot this in a 22lr heritage rough rider?
Josiah Walker
.22 short a cute! CUTE!
Elijah Lewis
just buy sub-sonic 22LR
Juan Powell
22lr isn't as cute as .22 short
Asher Hughes
No love for the 22 CB Caps?
Gabriel Mitchell
where are the tripfags coming from?
Christian Campbell
They’re great, I use .22 shot subsonics to finish off the birds my psycho cat fatally wounds and then gets bored of in my back yard.
Henry’s little .22 lever gun feeds them really well
Asher Cox
Religitard there is no god u stupid nigger
Jack Davis
Ryan Butler
more like where have they been?
Elijah Campbell
Apparently, we never left.
Charles Ramirez
You can fit twice the capacity of 22 shorts in tubular magazines than regular subsonic 22s.
Also 22 shorts are far quieter still than 22quiet.
Luis Price
Never had more fun than ringing steel at 100 yds with BB Caps through my Crack-Shot and double tapping squirrels down in the bottomland
Brandon Powell
Have a Colt Lightning, its so old it only has .22 short and long.
Long Rifle I can find all day, .22 long, forget it
(difference is bullet length)
Wyatt Young
Midway, Walmart
Jose Ross
I have a brick of .22 long I will part with for $50.
Sebastian James
Oh God, not this truck cuck tripfag again.
Michael Cooper
Tube fed? You could probably get it bored for .22lr or maybe even .22 magnum
Michael Stewart
Get yourself a gun that can shoot all three. One of my bolt actions even has an adjustable magazine
Austin Stewart
>double tapping squirrels
>double tapping
>single shot rifle
Nathaniel King
That's badass.
I use a Remington 550-1, it uses a tube mag and a floating chamber, so it can cycle all three semi-auto like a champ.
Oliver Smith
Do you only throw the trip on when you feel at the peak your most insufferable faggotry, or do you not know the joy of reloading a rolling block and getting back to target as fast as possible?
Don't actually answer.
Andrew James
Very nice, I love Remington .22s too. Got myself a Speedmaster 552 and Speedmaster 241 takedown, both tube fed and both cycle semi-auto beautifully. That magazine is from a rifle from an old Montgomery Ward catalogue. Pic related from top to bottom are my Weatherby MK xxii, 552, and 241
Camden Flores
>double tap
>single shot rifle
Zachary Sanders
Oh HELL yeah, the old Speedmasters were badass. I found one rotting in a pawnshop, refinished it and gave it to my dad.
Joseph Wood
Looks great, I love the 552, it was my first rifle. My dad gave it to me when I was 5
Caleb Gonzalez
Only issue is that the bolt is fragile and firing pin made of brass, modern .22lr would probably bend the shit out of it
Austin Edwards
I wonder how many people got flagged back then. Must have been a nightmare to work it.
Brandon Lewis
I've seen boof a few times this year, and drake usually pops up when something is worth mentioning but his posts are almost always too poignant and polite for people to respond to. Then boof makes a post and it's a wall or "why should I listen to some tripfag" . then again, half these turds don't know the difference between a trip and a namefag, so nevermind Marissa or svet
Justin Roberts
Oh cool I saw one of those at a gun show recently. Real fucking mixed bag of a show this time. Two tables with actual interesting old guns, some really nice customs knives, an IPSC/IDPA table, a CASS table, Aklys, and legit only 4 Beretta split between 3 tables, one of which was an early black aluminum 92X with tritium sights, no front serrations, regular beavertail and a flush barrel. Couldn't find any info on it and I didn't even know they were a thing
Benjamin Kelly
What the fuck is going here? Who's gonna show up next boys?
Luis Jackson
I never really interacted personally with either of those two, but I liked Boof posts. The time he sawed that Mosin in half was pretty great.
If you ever see another, snag it. Especially if it's one with the 3/8" rimfire scope dovetail on the receiver... otherwise, you're stuck with the factory irons or try to find the original side-mount scope rings which is a whipping.
Oh, and watch a few vids on how to disassemble/reassemble those bastards. As good as they are, they're like swiss pocket watches to put together.
Xavier Sanders
I have a Browning SA-22 chambered in short only. It's rarer than hens teeth and a blowjob from my wife.
Dylan Hughes
Finish off your cat next time
Juan Perry
The only point I can see in it is that I can fit 22 of them in my Browning BL22 instead of 15 LR
Leo Myers
> adam and eve
> white
user I...
Ryan Myers
Throw a .22gun.
If it hits the target head, it will be fatal.
Austin Perry
My LGS gunsmith made a new firing pin. For a pal's old .22, ask around and get it fixed
Oliver Ross
Kevin Gray
Hey man, not him, but why do you feel like you need to use a trip? You're only hearing negative things from people who bother to bitch at you, everyone else just rolls their eyes and ignores you. If you want notoriety in a positive form, why not go to reddit or some other forum?
Mason Fisher
Zed is like local color. We have a handful of trips from back in the day where it makes sense to trip based on what we know they know. Blah Blah the rules and all that jazz but Jow Forums is a modless wasteland and even the annoying trips wouldnt be nearly as obnoxious if anons would just fucking filter them instead of constantly engaging in shitfits.