Why not make the part that withstand pressure be the actual firearm?

I find it very odd that the US recognizes the receiver as being the firearm.

Shouldn't the US change the law? Instead of being the receiver, they should change it to the parts that has to withstand pressure.

This would certainly kill the 80% receiver law loophole.

Attached: ar_15_lower_forged_raw_1.jpg (1000x1000, 262K)

Weak bait tho

because the vast majority of machine guns we be legal then like the mac 10, sten gun, m60, since the uppers on these guns are pretty simple and things like black pipe could be considered barrels

Not really. But the real reason is we've been doing it this way for 500 million guns. You change it now, then you've got a whole mess of what the fuck is happening

>they should change it to the parts that has to withstand pressure.

Such as

>gun laws
>making sense
I have found the issue.

In germany they went full autism:
der Lauf oder Gaslauf, der Verschluss sowie das Patronen- oder Kartuschenlager, wenn diese nicht bereits Bestandteil des Laufes sind; der Lauf ist ein aus einem ausreichend festen Werkstoff bestehender rohrförmiger Gegenstand, der Geschossen, die hindurchgetrieben werden, ein gewisses Maß an Führung gibt, wobei dies in der Regel als gegeben anzusehen ist, wenn die Länge des Laufteils, der die Führung des Geschosses bestimmt, mindestens das Zweifache des Kalibers beträgt; der Gaslauf ist ein Lauf, der ausschließlich der Ableitung der Verbrennungsgase dient; der Verschluss ist das unmittelbar das Patronen- oder Kartuschenlager oder den Lauf abschließende Teil;
bei Schusswaffen, bei denen zum Antrieb ein entzündbares flüssiges oder gasförmiges Gemisch verwendet wird, auch die Verbrennungskammer und die Einrichtung zur Erzeugung des Gemisches;
bei Schusswaffen mit anderem Antrieb auch die Antriebsvorrichtung, sofern sie fest mit der Schusswaffe verbunden ist;
bei Kurzwaffen auch das Griffstück oder sonstige Waffenteile, soweit sie für die Aufnahme des Auslösemechanismus bestimmt sind.
Als wesentliche Teile gelten auch vorgearbeitete wesentliche Teile von Schusswaffen sowie Teile/Reststücke von Läufen und Laufrohlingen, wenn sie mit allgemein gebräuchlichen Werkzeugen fertiggestellt werden können. Schalldämpfer sind Vorrichtungen, die der wesentlichen Dämpfung des Mündungsknalls dienen und für Schusswaffen bestimmt sind;

Just about anything that makes a gun work.

>starts in english does the rest in german
Thanks for the info retard

>fixed it for you
the barrel or barrel, the cap and the cartridge or cartridge storage, if not already part of the barrel; the barrel is a tubular object made of a sufficiently strong material, which gives a certain amount of guidance to projectiles which are driven through, this being generally considered to be given if the length of the barrel part which determines the guidance of the projectile, at least twice the caliber; the gas run is a run dedicated exclusively to the discharge of the combustion gases; the closure is the immediate part of the cartridge or cartridge storage or the barrel final part; 1.3.2 in the case of firearms which use a flammable liquid or gaseous mixture for propulsion, also the combustion chamber and the means for generating the mixture; 1.3.3 in firearms with other drive and the drive device, if it is firmly connected to the firearm; 1.3.4 in the case of handguns also the grip or other parts of the weapon, as far as they are intended for the reception of the triggering mechanism. The essential parts are also prefabricated essential parts of firearms and parts / remnants of barrels and running blanks, if they can be completed with commonly used tools. Mufflers are devices that serve to substantially damp the muzzle blast and are intended for firearms

That`s not even regular german, but its autistic cousin called "Beamtendeutsch"

>europoors having an opinion on US firearm laws

Attached: 1530420122383.png (200x299, 75K)


Attached: reason for nfa.png (840x542, 47K)

that reasoning is retarded
>poor people needed SBRs to hunt

Found the issue

Think about it for one second, and you'll see the problems with this approach.
Guns can have different or spare barrels. Is that one gun or two? It's still one gun.
Bolt carrier group is an option, but that's generally an internal part. You want the serial number externally for practical reasons.
Having the receiver as the gun is the best option.

It was the mob, who ever wrote that was a historically illiterate African American

Lmao! Seriously kys tho

>Having the receiver as the gun

But what if I want one receiver to be gold plated and another harry potter themed,

Why does it have to count as two guns?

It would count as zero guns, because adults who publicly proclaim their love of Harry Potter are leftist gun grabbers.

Because it was an arbitrary decision made by people who had a poor understanding about how firearms work

This. All government is a crime and all gun laws are unconstitutional

It really wasn't. Serialising the receiver is older than the relevant laws, and was a practice adopted by militaries. That's probably the genesis of the decision.

based retard

You say this like its completely out of the real of possibility but that's exactly how it is here in Western Australia.

You have a gun and want to buy another barrel for it, it's basically considered another firearm and have to go through a bunch of bullshit to get it.

Just because you think it won't happen, doesn't mean it won't happen.

Your country goes full autism on everything. Fuck you won't let the god damb 911 die as a halo car even though Porsche has made superior cars than it going back into the 80's.

Somehow the 911 GT2 RS MR still manages to be faster on the Nürburgring than any other street legal car.

Not him, but South Africa used to use the barrel according to someone that I know that used to live there.

It's not a production car though so the, lambo aventador is still fastest production road legal car. The porche is a aftermarket modification by manthly racing. They're gonna make 77 though.

Also rr is still fucking autismo.
>go to motorsports track
>see crashed gt4, engine looks cool walk over to take pictures and talk to the engineer
>car crashed because the driver snap over steered coming out of a corner
>comment, ask the guy if the car is hard to drive being rr while every performer is MR nowadays
>guy says "they've been working on this for 50 years. They're pretty much figured it out now"
>about half an hour later.
>another gt4 crashes
>driver snap over steered out of the corner
>curb your enthusiasm

Also I like how the new porche engine is still really similar to the old Wasserboxer. Endearing.

>withstand pressure
so we're regulating metal pipes now?

How often are you swapping lower receivers?

I'm talking about the situation where either the receiver or the pressure bearing parts are serialised or controlled as the firearm, as per OP. I know you sandgropers are dense, but I didn't realise you were illiterate too.

>lambo aventador
You mean the Audi?
>snap oversteer
That`s only an issue if you chicken out before the corner and suddenly brake or lift off the throttle.
>new porche engine is still really similar to the old Wasserboxer.
That was the case with the old Mezger Block, an engine more overbuild than the infamous 2JZ-GTE, but they changed it a lot with more recent itterations.

Bro stop giving them fucking ideas.
But yeah, there a million reasons why the receiver is what is considered by the gov't to be the a firearm, as has been laid out by others in this thread.

And I'm telling you that with the stroke of a pen your government could make it exactly that retarded. Here every part is considered a firearm.

I can't buy a polymer80 frame and then buy just a glock slide and barrel as each part individually would be considered a firearm and require serialising and licensing. If it was already built intoa sinle package I could buy it as a whole.

You guys have it great right now but if the wrong asshole gets in power they could ruin your 2nd amendment.