Jow Forums, what is your opinion on this man?

Not sure what to think of Skal. Seems like a larper who's full of shit but I know most of you probably have stronger opinions.

Attached: skallagrim-image.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a furry if that impacts your view of him

Lil bit. Source on that?

He's what I expect from a weapons youtuber. It's the normal, well adjusted guys like Matt Easton who weird me out.

It's common knowledge in the community.

Plus the logo he uses is his Fursona

Seems kinda beta idk, I like Paul Harrell more

Gigantic cuck on social issues, pretty knowledgeable on weapons. Haven't been able to catch him in something blatantly wrong like Lindy.

Lindy's an easy target, man, I'm pretty sure he's on the spectrum.

I used to be subscribed to him and once I found out he's a furry in unsubbed. It does affect my opinion. He's entertainment, he has some ability that's true, it's cool to watch someone with some personal experience in the subject matter at hand discuss and offer personal opinion. But once I saw that he's a furry his opinion was instantly discarded as the ravings of a mentally unstable Canadian with a hobby.

Fuck, I really didn't need that word in my vocabulary.


I think he and his broad might have actually met on some furry forum or the like. Pretty sure I saw a screen cap of her furry profile a little while back.

Imagine them going at it hot and heavy in their fursuits wearing mideival armor.

His vids are a little long-winded, but they're pretty entertaining and seem well-informed. I actually watched his one on LOtR swords last night. I agreed with him, enjoyed the vid.

I don't know his politics and don't care. I only ask of YouTubers that they be informative and entertaining. He does a pretty good job.

They were steampunk larpers.

He’s married to a “””genderqueer woman,””” apparently.

Attached: This one.png (1137x3922, 522K)

Thanks, I hate that I've seen that now.

Regular straight woman who wants to feel special.

I kinda like his Ye Olde Blade Shoppe Series. Awaiting another installment hopefully this Halloween.

>And 100% reason to remember the name

See, all I used to ask for was that people of any opinion be informed, in whatever their political ideology be, even if it differs from my own. I found out that skall was different than my own, and then I later found out he is the typical leftist, totally ignoring history and taking an emotional/unrealistic spin on current events. Him being a furry aside, I refuse to give someone like that my add revenue. I loved his videos when he was adding light to the weapons that interested me (during my mount and blade phase) but somewhere along the way he seemed to be slipping more and more political commentary into it, and not only was it differing than my own, it was typical and ill informed. It was almost a pain to watch someone with such insight and interest in a particular topic that I can respect and understand, begin to shift, even slightly, into something that they are woefully unprepared for and desu quite fucking retardedly in support of. It's like he went against his prime motive and interests by becoming even slightly political. Having shown that he can devote himself to something so immense and intricate as weapons from all around the world from many different eras, I don't see why he cant read up on some politics. But then again I guess that's why they say don't discuss politics or religion with anyone you like.

Attached: all that shit by you.jpg (392x500, 45K)

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Typically, if you're devoted to something already, you only care about the thing you like. Thus political laziness.

>, pretty knowledgeable on weapons

He knows almost nothing about weapons he mainly shills crappy zombie shit and 'reproductions' for sites that sell them. He often knows almost nothing about genuine antique weapons he talks about and only discusses them as clickbait. He's a fucking wanker. Often he is full on cringe
Plus he's a furry trying to live off clickbait while his 'wife' works as hooker/massage and has ads up on swinger sites. The expression get a fucking job applies.

Or maybe I am one of those o-so-rare people that can separate the information that a guy is delivering from the nonsensical politics or bizarro-land fantasy fuck-world he enjoys inhabiting?

Or maybe you'd like to try and sell me on the idea that a real-world sword shaped like Glamdring wouldn't actually be practically effective because the guy who said it would be likes to dress up as a squirrel and fuck a chick that doesn't know if she has a penis or not?

I'm glad I don't inhabit your head-space user.

That video is from 6 years ago. I'm not a fan of the guy, but his videos have dramatically improved. I don't see much reason to watch him because scholagladiatoria does everything he does better, but he has actually went ahead and bettered his channel and its content from everything I've seen.

Lindy IS the spectrum XD

Fuck I hope this isn't true, I subbed to him like last month.

Attached: Capture.png (508x479, 440K)

I don't like furries. No explanation, I just don't. Bottom line is that he is a weapons channel, specifically melee weapons throughout the ages, hes entertaining and relatively well informed (compared to my own ignorance of the subject, only verifiable by google searches), However; when he decides to make an offhand comment about politics, something that I am relatively set in, though not closed to differing opinions and am totally willing to research/reshape my own opinions, he tends to lose me. Everyone has an asshole, true, communism works on a large scale, false.

If you'd seen her you would understand why we aren't sure if it's a boy or a girl

Easton is not so bad but suffers from hema and disastrous advise on cleaning antique sword (DO NOT DO WHAT HE DOES TO THEM EVER). However IRL he has a job and is a fundamentally decent human being who does read a few books on what he is discussing (e.g he does know and read a lot about colonial India) as opposed to a complete bullshit artist like skallagrim

Him and his girlfriend are furries. She's on some tumblr gender shit

The answer to bad speech is more speech.

>Fuck I hope this isn't true, I subbed to him like last month.

No he really is a serious furry and yes in the sex way although apparently he is a literal cuck fetishist. His wife runs a massage/handjob service where she wears a rat face and makeup and advertises in local fetish stores. Apparently she ran up a drug debt and they have to fuck off to the north pole or something.

Thank you for telling us all this user, I will be sure to unlike and unsubscribe from all his vids!!


>as opposed to a complete bullshit artist like skallagrim
I don't think the guy has ever really marketed himself as an expert or anything. I could be wrong, since I don't care enough to watch his videos, but from what I've seen it seems quite obvious he just makes entertainment and a few reviews.

Anyway, why are you so negative? Any superior recommendations?

>Any superior recommendations?
start here
richard burton book of the sword

Why the fuck would that bother you, Zed, you fucking namefag faggot? The word around the campfire is that you suck dick for a nickle and give change back
Fucking asshole queer.

go to bed skril. and for what its worth whatever you do behind your own doors is your business. but once that shit goes public we have every right to comment on it

Now that's a whole different can of autism.

stuff your fursuit up your arse and hop off skal no click shekels for you here try /9rk if you want some potential clients for your ratkin female to jack off if you need to raise bucks

>suffers from hema
Holy fuck, can you stop your obsession already?

>Now that's a whole different can of autism.
You could try 'by the sword' by Richard cohen its not bad either

he's got hemaroids

Swords and Swordsmen
Mike Loades
very easy read and good

Zed fans, or most likely Zed, is/are crying like a little bitch. Fuck you namefag, and I expect to have my balls juggled a lot more when I give you a whole nickle.

do you not know the difference between a tripfag and a namefag?

raging pseud kraut cuck furfag tubeshekel bullshit artist rages hard, the post

>do you not know the difference between a tripfag and a namefag?
I do know you give a great hummer, negro, no nickle necessary.

Cry even harder, faggot. You snarf sausage like a fat greedy bitch.

so how much does she charge for a full ratsuit handjob these days? Do you hide in the cupboard and fap dressed as Sir Cuck owner of the steampunk ratfurry handjob shop?
I see limited demand

post pic of wife in ratsuit

This thread is all about namefag Zed sucking large AIDS infected and shitcaked nigger cocks, retard.

>post pic of wife in ratsuit


Attached: 1514918946108.jpg (499x470, 19K)

>post pic of wife in ratsuit
Start with pics of your last nickle blowjob, Zed.

A faggot immigrant living in Canada

>Start with pics of your last nickle blowjob, Zed.

ratsuitpics or gtfo

Suck moar cock for nickles, or GTFO, Zed
fucking faggot cunt

Kek I knew you were going to link to that

being a pseud kraut is pissing a part of ratsuit time (as is tradition )or do you just watch others do it from the closet and larp as Sir.Cuckalot in a top hat?

Attached: skall2.jpg (1000x1108, 94K)

keke so hard I puked

Grasp at straws you fucking retarded idiot, you're a dumbass cunt and you know fucking shit. Fuck off faggot retard.

Too bad he doesn't have any spicy pics of him getting pegged in the ass by his gender queer gf in a rat suit.

is this real? Fucking no.

Christ, I should have guessed.

post wife in ratsuit faggot

>spicy pics of him getting pegged in the ass by his gender queer gf
Zed is selling pics of his ass being loaded with faggot dick, and he only charges a nickle. Change back, too.

>Sir.Cuckalot in a top hat?
Its worse.Much worse

You're quite into the homsex posts there skall, is that part of the whole cuckalot and the urine on ratkin scene? she's getting a bit old to be a working girl

>post wife in ratsuit faggot
You honestly think that you can pretend to have a fan club, you fucking dick sucking moron, Zen? FOADIAF, you fucking idiot.

>post wife in ratsuit faggot

lmfao, at least you stopped namefagging, you fucking cunt. I can tell you're weeping like a little bitch.

I dont think you understand POST YOUR GODDAMN WIFE IN HER RATSUIT

so how much does she charge for a full ratsuit handjob these days?

This I want ratsuit pics

>I can tell you're weeping like a little bitch
tears of keking so hard it hurts are flowing from all readers

Now you're howling like a jap school girl in a wapponese rape vid, you sad, pathetic faggot.

Any European "weapons youtuber" is guaranteed to be a colossal faggot

>tears of keking so hard it hurts are flowing from all readers
All your imagined fans, Zed, you pathetic piece of shit? lmfao, having a bit of a spergy episode are we?

>post wife in ratsuit faggot

cry harder, Zed! kek

who the fuck is zed and why is the furfag cuck so obsessed?

Where are his wife’s ads, I would be interested in getting a massage

Attached: BooHoo3.jpg (500x644, 29K)

dubs cuck posts ratsuit wife or exits internets

dev rat on fetlife kink friendly professionals group broke as fuck so offer 20$ max

Your tears are delicious, Zed

His videos on the Swiss arms prohib made a lot of sense
Other then that meh

>Not sure what to think of Skal.
>larper who's full of shit

>post wife in ratsuit faggot

Imagine having a literal cuck fetish but not sharing her ratsuit photos

Attached: 1475671890725s.jpg (124x125, 2K)

gib ratsuit

Attached: 1524301079128.jpg (846x960, 88K)

>Imagine having a literal cuck fetish but not sharing her ratsuit photos

Attached: untitled.png (231x218, 77K)

kek, faggot Zed has no game, can only repeat faggotry as he gargles gallons of cock snot.

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