What is the ideal long range precision rifle caliber?

What is the ideal long range precision rifle caliber?

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.338. Its a bigger boon over .308 than Creedmeme is, but its not fuckhuge like the real gimmick rounds such as Norma or .416 Barrett.


.50 bmg

One that you can accurately hit at said distance with the intended effect.

That's all that matters.


define long range, that's what matters. Are we talking .5km, 1km, 3km? There's loads of great precision calibers but not all of them have the gusto to stay supersonic out past 1000 yards. That'll determine whether you're looking for .308 win, .300 WM, or .338 LM.

Next, what are you aiming at? 6.5 CM can take you pretty far, but 300 can go as far and hit harder.

tl;dr has it right.

love it but 338 has this one

25mm Vulcan

375 snipetac has the longest range

Yes, precision, you faggot.

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real mood answer here

300 Norma Magnum !

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You know they walked it onto target, right? That shot had more in common with firing a mortar than a precision rifle.

>Winchester inexplicably omits .300 from its magnum lineup
>Norma fills the gap and it's popular
>Winchester decides it doesn't like competition
>designs a case compromised by the requirement to be able to ream out a .300 Norma chamber to .300 WM.
>undercuts Norma with volume
>superior .300 Norma becomes weirdo round

220gr. at 3000 ft/s. Thats a 300WinMag on Crack!

> tactical-life.com/gear/ammo/338-lapua-magnum-long-range/

>superior .300 Norma becomes weirdo round
Didn't socom just adopt .300 Norma. In fact I think they ordered a bunch of barrets chambered in it.

Sick if true.

As he said OP, maybe want to add what you can aford to shot reguarly and train with.

If you have the place to shot what ever you want and can aford everything aswell the only question is how much you are willing to carry.

Some people find out the hard way that a .375 Chey in an heavy rifle might not be the best caliber for them.

Recommendation: Go and compete in Competions and learn what caliber suits you and your needs.

.308 --> .338 depending on enviroment and needs

300 NM = 338LM with a lil less powder but a lbs lighter.
But its way better than a 300WinMag

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