how do you go about cleaning your guns Jow Forums?
>spray with break clean
>wipe that shit out with a microfiber shop rag
>push hard stick with wire brush through barrel
>once again spray with break clean
>spray with ballistol to lubricate
>put that shit back in case
how do you do it?
How do you go about cleaning your guns Jow Forums?
Used ballistol for the first time earlier. Spilled some on my bedroom carpet. Now my room reeks , I have a headache, and I can't sleep.
I wipe the carbon off the bolt and chamber. Apply oil to moving parts.
That's it.
clean it with hot water. it'll dilute it and it mixes with water well so you can just blot it up.
what oil though?
Whatever I have. 3-in-1, motor oil, gun lube, doesn't matter.
If it's plastic and steel, I clean with Simple Green, wipe down with Break Free CLP, and line with wheel bearing grease.
If it's got aluminum or wood I use Break Free to clean it instead of Simple Green, then wipe down and lube as above.
i like ballistol because it's what ive used basically forever. I like wd-40 too but some people say that's wrong. I've done it before and had jack shit happen to my guns.
>pour 1/2 cup cold water down the barrel
>let it sit while I clean the lock
>pour out water and run dry patches until all the fouling is gone
>run a patch with some ballistol down the bore
>lubricate lock with oil on rotating parts and grease on sliding parts
>reassemble and check lock function
For a deep clean:
Field strip
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner on everything metal and Hoppes Elite Solvent in the bore
Good scrub and wipe down
Clean Bore snake through bore a few times
Barber brush with Mobile1 to brush down all metal with healthy coat of oil
Mobile 1 patch down the bore
Wait for about 30 minute for metal parts to soak up oil
Wipe down with dry rag
Function check
Alcohol wipe and lens pen optics
If wood gun, wipe wood with silicone rag
Clean everything except barrel with isopropyl alcohol and toothbrush. Clean barrel with ballistol and bore brush/patches. After clean, apply ballistol on contact surfaces, and reassemble. Done.
1) Disassemble / field strip
2) Put all the parts on paper towel
3) Spray thoroughly with WD40
4) Let it soak for the lenght of a cigarette
5) Wipe with cloth from old t-shirts
6) Use rod or bore snake on barrel (depending on gun)
7) Degrease everything with brake cleaner
8) Lubricate with engine oil and a very fine brush
9) Reassemble
10) Work bolt / slide a couple of times to make sure everything works
11) load a full mag
12) put bag into safe
WD-40 dries up and leaves residue behind overtime, so it's really not great as a lube. It's fine as a solvent, but a lot of the time you genuinely don't even need a solvent.
People really overthink cleaning, it isn't that important with modern gunpowder and jacketed bullets.
Anybody ever use this stuff, or a similar product?
Remington PTFE is a lie
That’s not how Teflon works
You’re better off using Militec if you want to try running dry.
What claim does Rem DriLube make about teflon and why is it wrong?
Wash 'em in the sink. I actually do wash some stainless guns in the sink with hot water and dish soap. Does a fantastic job removing carbon and junk from tight crevices. Dry off completely and finish cleaning as normal.
> Put on gloves because I like to touch girls as well as guns
> Wipe off loose dirt with paper towel or microfiber
> Spray Bore with Foaming Bore Cleaner, let sit
> Field Strip, clean parts with Hoppes Elite Cleaner, CLP, G96, or whatever else is handy.
> Really bad carbon build up, hit it with a brass scraper or old bronze brush
> Run Patched Jag through the barrel until dry, remove residue that turned blue
> Soak patch with CLP, run through bore to remove rest of bore cleaner residue, OR
> If bore needs more work, clean traditional way with Hoppes or RBC and copper brush.
> Clean receiver with Hoppes Elite or CLP,
> re-apply lubricant, on many guns CLP/G96 is fine, AR's I like to use FP-10 or Weaponshield,
> Function check, Wipe down everything with an oily microfiber and put away until next time
Guns rarely shot and kept in storage usually just get hit up with Breakfree Collector or G96 once a year, and an oily patch in the bore. My Grandpa loved his blued guns and kept a pair of oiled up cloth gloves in his cabinet for handling them, to prevent fingerprint damage.
1. Use toothbrush with CLP to scrub all sliding contact surfaces, let CLP sit for a while to break up propellant residue.
2. Use a cleaning rod with a brush on it to scrub the barrel with Butch's Bore Shine. Let solvent sit in barrel a few minutes to break up fouling.
3. Run dry patches through barrel to remove cleaner.
4. Clean surfaces from step #1 with a clean disposable towel.
5. Lightly oil sliding contact surfaces with CLP
6. Reassemble.
enjoy a leaded up barrel
I was waiting just for someone to say something like that.
Have you ever actually tested your guns to see if barrel cleaning is necessary? After reading this article, I have been, and can confidently say it has had no negative affect yet.
1. run steel wire on a rod through the barrel to break up any hardened shit
2. run through bore solvent soaked micro fiber cloths on a jag tip
3. run through dry microfiber cloths
4. grease and oil moving parts
Corrosion X is what you want.
>run steel wire on a rod through the barrel
don't do this
>field strip
>wipe down dirty parts with a towel
>scrape carbon off the bolt with a copper brush
>punch the barrel a couple times with copper then wipe with a couple passes of cloth
>apply clp to anything that moves
it just werks
>wearing down hardened carbon steel with mild steel wire.
>boresnake with hoppes bore cleaner
>clean bolt face
>maybe some lube every few months
Remove carbon fouling, but never remove copper "fouling" it acts as a lubricant and fills in any imperfections in the barrel, this is a good thing.
Hoppes 9 in the bore
Scrub carbon off receiver and dirty areas with a brush
Motor oil where necessary and wd40 on the outside and barell for rust prevention
Also water for dirty corrosive commie surplus ammo
Should I clean my gun after every time I take it out to shoot? I might shoot 30-60 bullets every time I take it out. I take out a lot of family guns at a time and clean them all as well.
I'm not fancy, just utilitarian.
>If very dirty, spray down with Ballistol first, use an old undershirt or rag and clean up BCG. Obviously depending on how dirty, I'll take it apart more by more.
>If just shot, I'll swab the barrel a few times.
>Once finished cleaning, extra light layer of Ballistol on action, particularly on contact pieces, and then I reassemble.
For a full deep clean:
>disassemble, including the trigger assembly, slide lock ,etc
>spray with Hoppe
>let sit 5 mins
>scrub with nylon brush
>wipe down
>repeat if necessary
>function check
Inherited a Colt Cobra. Took a look down the barrel and it has a few spots of rust, one looks a bit gnarly. What do? Figure I'll let it soak in Hoppe's for a few hours and go at it with a copper brush, then put a ton of rounds through it. Never dealt with this before though, so not sure quite what to do.
Lick it up
Can ruin primers and get u killed stoopod
Jow Forums pls
I fill my butt up with ballistol from the bottle and the dunk my barrels in my ass. I think spray the rest inside the frames with individual farts. To remove the excess I pee on the guns. I think it strikes a good balance of corrosion protection and lubrication.
if you actually shoot handguns in any semi serious manner, like USPSA or whatever and you practice frequently, you will eventually realize most modern handgun will continue to shoot just fine even when absolutely filthy. Cleaning is a chore, like OP suggests, all metal parts, brake cleaner over a trash barrel then compressed air. Plastic parts, or like where the metal trigger bits are in a plastic frame, just blow it out with compressed air.
After that, oil. Depending on pref, some like just barely, some like it swimming. My 2011's I oil heavily and clean it every 3-5k rounds whether it needs it or not. Plastic guns, glock/mP, 320's, blow them out with the air hose periodically, otherwise don't do shit to clean them
Blast insides with brake cleaner.
Run oiled bore snake twice.
Apply automative grease on anything that reciprocates.
CorrosionX aviation on any other moving parts.