Using the safety

My range buddies think it's unsafe and weird that I don't put the safety on whenever done with a gun momentarily at the range. I strictly follow the 4 rules of firearm safety and see no reason to put a gun on "safe" because..
1. My brain is the only real safety
2. People use it as an excuse to flag others and fondle the trigger when it's loaded.
>"Don't worry, the saftey's on user!"
Am I in the wrong here?

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Watch this

Attached: 440.gif (467x468, 2.64M)

Thanks for that

Yes, but also flagging people even with the safety on is colossal faggotry

I just don't get how people get annoyed when the safety is off on a pump shotgun but are fine when they get handed a handgun with no safety (Glock 19 in my case). It's hipictical at best.

Well if the gun doesn't have a safety, obviously theres no use in getting upset over it. But if it does have one you should definitely be using it

But why. It's just a false sense of security. Shotguns will even go off if they're dropped and you're unlucky enough.

Don’t cope you probably would have put the safety on you just forgot, same thing happened to me today it’s not a huge deal it happens but don’t be a bitch who says “safeties are pointless anyways” or go home and just shut up and grind the safety off with your dads tools then nobody will say anything cause there will be no safety for your 23 year old stoner ass to forget

>It's just a false sense of security
How is literally disabling the trigger mechanism a false sense of security? You've even said yourself that you're routinely around people with poor muzzle and trigger discipline but for some reason you feel completely comfortable around them with your directly unattended weapon with a round in the chamber, safety off. Stop trying to be a special fucking snowflake and use your fucking safety. Follow basic firearms safety procedures. Nobody thinks you're cool or HARDxCORE for not using your safety. It's not like you have to run a hundred meter sprint then do twenty burpees every time you toggle the safety. You're at a range, not in combat, where even then, if you're not actively firing you better have your fucking safety on. You flick the safety with whatever digit it's designed to be flicked with. It takes zero effort, and you're aware of the concept, so the only reason that follows this is that you're just not using the safety because of some retarded, ego driven internal reasoning.

If none of this is good enough for you, maybe this will appeal: you train how you fight and you fight how you train, so all those little habits and behaviors are second nature and automatic while your higher order brain processes are dealing with the massive adrenaline dump. Having poor safety discipline in these kinds of situations is a massive safety risk for anyone unfortunate enough to be around you.


You guys are all gay. I put the safety on when I feel like flicking it. And I don’t follow any fucking rules, I just don’t go shooting people or pointing guns at everyone for no reason. This is not complicated, you’re all just being brown nosing faggots.