Daily reminder that only wristlets and fags say all pistol calibers are functionally identical
Daily reminder that only wristlets and fags say all pistol calibers are functionally identical
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Yeah, everyone knows , especially when .45 and 40/10mm expand to an even greater diameter. But 9mm is cheaper and easier to shoot and for most people it is good enough since you can follow up quicker and with greater capacity. .357 sig is retarded though since it is basically ++p++ .380
Trips of truth
Ok, I'll get another 9mm as a holdout gun
>Yeah, everyone knows
No, they really don't. Recommend a .45 and Jow Forums calls you a boomer and rees posting about how all calibers cause the same damage. Post real world data from forensics and then "muh recoil" gets brought up. When in reality only women have that problem (or feminized boys which is most of this board.)
I wish this was real
For a full-size, entirely true.
I mean. Everyone who isnt retarded knows
95% of Jow Forums is parroting, and people parrot what they want to hear. Who's a pretty bird?
This may not be, but an AR pistol in .500 Auto MAX is pretty fuckin close.