Heroes Rise Again

Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. Heroes Aces during Pakistani terrorists attack on sovereign India soil and managed to kill LOTS of Pakistani terrorists F-16 before sacrificed his plane to protect his wingman finally flies again in advanced India's finest jet fighter. Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman valiant bravery and skill downing the Pakistani terrorist fighter is a highmark of India Air Force professionalism and terrible warning to terrorist supporting Pakistan that India can destroy anyone against India will. JAI HIND! INDIA ZINZABAD! KASHMIR IS INDIA LAND!



Attached: Abinandanjpg.jpg (435x696, 27K)

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>vegne pls

>Jealous terrorists supporting Pakistan vermin. Couldn't even accept the fact all Pakistani terrorists were slaughtered by the might of India fighters.

Go married a child like your pedophile prophet and suicide bomb somewhere else, terrorist scum.


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Both sides are habitual liars. Please for the good of mankind nuke each other soon.

Pakis were proven to say the truth here. We had many threads about it on Jow Forums.

Poos and pakis should all be fucking GASSED

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He got shot down? Why are indians worshipping him?


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I’m so confused, they’re still seriously claiming they shot down an F16 even though it’s been confirmed by international observers that they didn’t. Pakistan still has all of their F16s in inventory. He’s described as an “Ace Pilot”, when did he shoot down 5 enemy aircraft?

>badass looking boomer
>celebrated as hero
>eyes look badass like I can take fucking torture you pakis.
>dope ass mustache connecting with the sideburns

As much as this bored gets pissed off about a F-16 claimed kill. you cant lie that is pilot seems pretty aesthetic.

Clearly Indian cope after Pakistan did something competent for once
Nothing uglier than a man faking it

This shit, I mean this receipt ain't real isn't?

Have Toilet

>India's finest jet fighter

Attached: D-kIs-gWsAAI4ot.jpg (644x643, 40K)

damn there are indians on Jow Forums
this is fucking great they are evolving

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as if the russian and chinese fucktards weren't shitting up the board enough

You forget
>street shitter
hahha baste

For you, the day Bison shot you down was the most important day of your life, but for me, it was tuesday.

Poos are delusional


It's the asian era white boy. You're just along for the ride

Bloke looks like the poo version of chopper reid

You mean the Americans and Australians pretending to be Russians and Chinese. Which is what this thread is, an American pretending to be Indian who's going to argue with an Australian pretending to be a Pakistani

What a horribly written post. Go back to school

The F-16 is the weapon of choice of terrorists.
Its like the freedom fighters Honda pickup

milk truk just arive

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The best day on /sp/ is when they added flags. Every argument between Americans and Euros was literally just Aussies pretending to be both


As a Pakistani whose heard from those involved on our side. Let me say that the story your government is running is mostly fiction.

Wing Co. Abhi was shot down. Along with wreckage, all four of his AAMs were recovered in tact (unused) with seekers. He didn't fire a thing.

Shortly before he was shot down, he had no idea where he was. Or that an F-16 had locked and fired at him. And you're claiming this man whose RWR and MAWS failed to alert him shot down an F-16?

All of our boys returned home. Having spoken to them, they were all in very high spirits following the engagement. Frankly, we were still surprised by how easy it was.

What actually happened:

IAF carried out strikes on Feb 26 during nightime. They used Mirage-2000s and Spice kits to deliver ordinances. Those ordinances did little more than creating a few holes in the countryside. I don't know if this was a miss, or if intentional.

We retaliated next day:

-PAF strike package simulated strikes on valid targets on Feb 27 in broad daylight. Aimed with calculated offsets to minimise casualties. One of the targets was your Army HQ in Kashmir.
-We had AEW&C support and DA-20 blinders for EWS.
-We had Mirages and JF-17s with H-2 SOWs and REKs for ordinances.
-They ALL launched and hit their marks.
-We had F-16s MLU with AMRAAMs at high altitude on stand by.
-Two of your interceptors were chosen for engagement and they were hit.
-The Mig-21 (Wing Co Abhi) we found wreckage for.
-The other kill we have signatures and multiple radar views confirming. A Su-30MKI disappeared from the F-16's APG, AWACS' and ground radars.
-The rest of your interceptors (6 of 8 that survived), turned cold and some declared bingo fuel and fled. We achieved local air superiority.
-In the confusion, one of your own AD shot down your Mi-17s too.

And later, we displayed wreckage and a captured pilot. While your Air Force displays a used AMRAAM casing as evidence of a shot down F-16.

You lost this one badly.


>that presence
>that swag
>those aesthetics
Jesus, that picture has SUPERPOWER written all over it! Literally impressive.

Retired USAF F-16 maintainer here who LMAO at Indian nonsense, especially that AMRAAM casing. Too bad Pakistan supports the Taliban and will fall to its own fundamentalists. Please nuke India when that happens.

>Islamist terrorist supporters tries to hide the fact that 99% of Islam terrorism vermin originated from shithole called "Pakistan".

Fuck you terrorists scum vermin