Soviet Union

Let's have a thread for Soviet WWII weapons and vehicles.

What are you favorites? I like the Il-2 Sturmovik.

Which are some you think were brilliant, and which do you think were overrated?

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Commies were better then US at killing commies, this is a undisputable fact.

I like the Tu-2, though I sometimes mix it up with Pe-2, they look so much alike to me.

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I can hear the fascists crying from here

Blocks your path

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sexy turret

Not WW2, but
>here's your 25 ton fighter, comrade

I've never liked anything Soviet from that era except small arms. Give me something to like.

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Which small arms?

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Not him, but Tokarevs are pretty ebic

Hivemind, eh?

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is that their .50 cal?

No, that's the DS-39, a failed Soviet attempt at replacing their old Maxim MGs. It suffered from serious reliability issues that they could never fix, and instead went back to using the Maxim until the SG-43 was developed.

Pic related, a captured SG-43 in AA mount configuration.

Attached: 152255-2.jpg (1489x2117, 1.48M)

I could fap to Tu-160 any day.

Attached: tu-160_big.jpg (1200x776, 63K)

>those nacelles and intakes
Lord have mercy, I'm in heaven!

Based Slavic user tells us about the Soviet's struggle with VTOL aircraft, and how much of a cunt Yakovlev was

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damn that's nice

Good post.

That was a good read.

What would seem to be the Matveyev Turbolet (though the museum sign just says "Flying Stand" and "Experimental flying machine").

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And the Yak-36

Attached: IMG_6421.jpg (2500x1274, 332K)

Weird that there's not many specific Soviet WW2 things I like, but I can admire the overall look of their equipment and the spirit it invokes of "We don't really have the best, but we have a lot and we will succeed with it."
When it comes to the Cold War then there are numerous Soviet designs I like.

I remember seeing that being posted, but not being able to read it all. Thanks for sharing.

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Looks like a flying pig snout.


Always find YAK series ugly as fug. Exept of those who participated in World War II. Maybe I'm just a retrograde

Nigga plz, IL was best war attack plane after soviets booked gunner's cabin.

More like before

Always enjoyed my Yaks, going all the way back to Red Alert 1

based injun remover

sexy planes