Disregarding pin pulling and fuse time for the moment. Would a standard tennis racket be strong enough to "serve" an average hand grenade? How about returning an incoming one? Would the netting withstand, or would it have to be reinforced?
Disregarding pin pulling and fuse time for the moment...
it would move it, but I doubt it would travel all that far given the physics of the situation. I ain't a science guy so this is entirely speculation, maybe try with similarly weighted objects?
No, it's too light and flimsy, plus the give of the net works with the elasticity of the tennis ball, which a hand grenade would not have.
You know what *could* do both of your tasks with great efficacy? A Jai Alai cesta.
i think given the awkward shape of a hand grenade, plus the mass involved, a lacrosse stick would be even more effective than a cesta.
Oh shit, you've got a solid point there.
Idk if the strength of the racket that's the issue, but the weight of the grenade would torque the racket and knock it out of your hand.
If you wanna test it, footballs and soccer balls are about the same weight as grenades. Try hitting one and get back to us
You just wanted an excuse to post that image, didn’t you?
Not that I’m complaining. That’s a mighty fine ass
I agree with this.
The strings on a racquet (the modern stuff, anyway) are incredibly strong. I doubt you'd break the racket. But, the heavy weight of the grenade would likely make it really hard on your wrist/grip. Something you can get 2 hands on, spaced farther apart, like a lacrosse stick makes a lot more sense.
martina hnnnngis
The issue is repetition. Similarly, this is why a baseball bat is better used as a poke/pool cue style weapon than swinging. Metal or wood, if you ever haul off and swing through on a person, it will bend/break very quickly. The tennis racket will not stand up to repeated use against anything more than a few ounces.
Lacrosse stick is better, but you'd have to practice a lot. If you cannot use suppressing fire, your best bet when confronted with grenadiers is tactical withdrawal.
Someone photoshop brownspot on her underwear?
She's actually one of the best tennis players of all time
I want her to site on my face and shock me to death with her hairy cunt and asshole
the handle would get stuck in the net
what handle?
The charging handle
what the fuck the safety lever flys off when u pull the pin on modern grenades unless you hold it on
No experience with hand grenades, but I have hit a lot of different stuff around with a racquet since I've played since I was 9 yrs old and was state level in HS. Don't play much anymore though
Looking it up, a hand grenade weighs 400 g, a tennis ball weighs ~50 g. So it's 8x heavier, and the grenade also doesn't compress and flex like the tennis ball. Ive hit hard objects around like that, and it fucking hurts your wrist and elbow joint if you keep doing it. But no the racquet won't break, modern strings and frames are pretty tough composites nowadays. I believe that the weight and noncompressive outer shell of the nade would make the energy transfer quite poor compared to a regular tennis ball though. I've tried hitting a baseball (hard shell) around with a racquet, and it sucks, you can't hit it nearly as far as a tennis ball.
Tl;Dr yes it's possible to use it to hit a grenade away. No, the racquet won't break. However for a hard metal ball like a grenade, I'd suggest learning a proper baseball bat swing instead of a tennis serve.
Maybe on a Glock
>Can i play a nice game of really, really hot potato?
I'd go for one of these, maybe with a string that connects to the pin so it releases as it leaves the holder
What are you doing?
fuck off gaslight trannies
>shock me to death with her hairy cunt and asshole
I'm not totally sure, but I don't think pubic hair gives off fatal charges of electricity.
depends on the density and area of the carpet. Though getting face tasered to death by a bearded clam would be hilarious to watch. "You got Spongebobbed!" Drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
Classic baseball bat is what you need.
dammit archer
A professional softball weighs 12 oz a basic hand grenade weighs 14 oz. Which the soft is larger in physical size. A soccer ball and football are around 15 oz, and are fuck huge compared to either objects.
The thing should be concerned about is surface area, not weight, as gravity pulls on all objects down with the same force.
Thus theorically, you can take a net like a tennis one and bounce it back, it simply wouldn't go as far as you think.
What is her name?
I never thought I'd find myself in an in depth scientific discussion surrounding the possibility of a fatal static shock generated by friction and pubic hair
I'd think a condom would worsen the issue in the same way that a balloon is used for that old kids trick
>taser dick weapon when?
Martina Hingis
What happens with a balloon is that the electron build up happens across the large surface of the balloon vs. the uncharged interior, and the interior air inside the balloon has sufficient volume relative to the ohmic value of the air inside that the charge can build up on the exterior faster than it can discharge across the air inside the balloon. This is why an uninflated balloon doesn't build up static charge.
IN a condom, the combination of fluids on the condom surface and the contact the condom has with the penis inside it means that the differential build up of charge across the condom can be rapidly dissipated (because penises have a lower Ohmic value than air)... everywhere except the teat at the end of the condom.
Assuming a teat with an internal volume of about a 1.4 mM^3 and area of 3mm^2, the energy potential in a static charge would be insufficient to ignite human hair.
So if you wanted to make a condom that could ignite hair you would need to redesign the condom, ideally making the condom's interior and exterior some highly conductive material with a second, high resistant material so taht the condom functionally becomes a thin membranous battery that would gain and store charge from rubbing against pubic, and then be aggressively discharged, probably activated by some sort of pin like device located in the condom's teat, so that by thrusting the teat into someone's skin the pin would breach the non-conductive layer and allow charge to flow between the two conductive layers and ground inside the person so prodded by the penis, electricuting them.
underrated post
Thanks senpai.
Possibly a double/triple layer design?
Maybe some form of highly conductive outer lubricant and highly resistant inner?
Perhaps store the energy in a cocking attached to the condom
never change, Jow Forums
But how could we safely complete a circuit without shocking ourselves?
Problem solved
Gib braps
Degenerates like you belong in mass graves
>vigilantes vagina bees.jpg
Only if were executed via brap gas chamber first
gas me mommy
I want to be sufficated to death by her sitting on me.
Or just have a small slot to hold the spoon in place so you can remove the pin when placed in it.
This fucking board