why are manlets better soldiers?
Why are manlets better soldiers?
They're disposable.
nothing to live for
Harder targets. Optics and maths set for hitting average sized man. If they're way below average, they'll get a miss because of calculated distances being so far off.
Smaller targets, and always angry.
More body weight means more calories burned to move the same distance as a guy with less body mass. Believe it or not, a skinny dude or a short guy can carry just as much weight as a bigger guy after enough conditioning, he just does it more cheaply in terms of energy expenditure. I was a 150 pound SAW gunner in country carrying usually 100 pounds in gear over 20-30km patrols. When I got home to a lower altitude I could do 12 mile ruck marches literally running the whole way. Short guys can struggle if their fitness isn't top notch though, since they have to move their stubby little legs much faster to keep up. They can't stride it out like a lean, average height guy can.
smaller hitbox
Shorter nerves=faster reflexes
More to prove
t. angry manlet
This. Pat Tillman was 5'11 and got a state funeral, the average height for US army personnel is 5'9 and nobody gives the remotest shit when they die. Those 2 inches difference might as well be 2 kilometers if you're a manlet.
Audie Murphy was 5'5.
After reading his autobiography I believe that he may have been the perfect soldier.
Simo HÄyhÄ was tiny. Don't know how tall Lauri Torni was. I think OP may have a point
Less weight to carry long distances
A lot of DIs are actually short guys because they have to lead the recruits on long hikes and a tall guy's knees would give out way too soon.
well considering that modern combat relies much less on physical strength and intimidation there really are very few downsides with plenty of upsides.
will be able to carry less gear with the same build
taller obstacles may be impassible.
higher strength to weight ration on average (able to pull ones self up easier)
clothing lasts longer
clothing is cheaper
needs less food
smaller target
can conceal ones self easier
can fit through smaller gaps in terrain
less visable at distance
takes up less space in troop transport.
i mean that's just off the top of my head. as long as they're tall enough to use the required equipment, manlets just make for better soldiers
Lanklets make ez targets, and require larger more expensive everything.
Can't fuck lanklets wife if you can't out run him.
Charls is too crazy to be a good soldier
Audie Murphy was indeed the perfect soldier. Because he was the luckiest son of a bitch in WW2. If his book is anywhere near the truth he survived more hostile encounters than most while people lying right beside him took hits. His willingness to volunteer for danger further reduced his odds. Good job and a brave man but the odds of him surviving unscathed was math on Steve Hawkins level.
I think the shortguy DI thing also helps with breaking cocky lanklets- get 'em good and disoriented then unleash a 5'3" kill hat on 'em, it's like watching a bull terrier ratfuck a greyhound.
meta shift brought on by guns
they constantly need to prove themselves
Manlet rage
T.E. Lawrence aka the IRL Lawrence of arabia was 5' 5". Also introduced IEDs to the middle east.
Can confirm my two 5'6 friends (one marine and one GI Joe). Both did two tours in Iraq. Last guys to back down in fights...... Constantly trying to fuck taller girls.
Funny story.... Army friend manlet gets into a fist fight with Navy Seals at some FOB in Iraq. Navy Seal just come into the weight room and just take over and tell younger guys that they need to leave and to come back in two hours. My manlet friend immediately marches over......"Muh Army......we kill hajis just like the Navy does....fuck Navy.....Muh Army". Navy Seals don't like it and punches are thrown....Manlet friend shoots in and takes down the biggest Navy Seal. Other Joes jump in. Punches thrown..... Ends rather quickly.....Balance is restored. Weight room is forever who comes in.
Manlet's friend tells us this story, not Manlet friend. Manlet's friend says he shit his pants when my Manlet friend is surrounded by Navy Seals before the scuffle. I have known Manlet for 20+ years. Always in the middle of shit.....fighting bouncers at strip club.... Midwest parking lot wrestling champ.
Smaller targets, require less calorie intake, put on muscle easier, lower center of gravity.
The only real con is they take smaller steps, making them slower, oh, and also the smallest guy in the platoon always gets the LMG.
t. another angry manlet
pretty sure that story is from the Halo cartoon
easier to stuff into a VC rathole
>Steve Hawking's
>Not Carl Gauss
Get the fuck out.
As human torpedo yes
They have less to live for, so they’re more likely to take risks that pay off.
I'll take 500 for bullshit Alex
Enemy doesn't know if he shoots at kids or soldiers.
Tall boys are used to having the edge in society, and act assuredly and confident. Being shot at takes away all that away. "What, I am mortal?" Besides; anyone in the process of selecting a target sees them first.
Less distance between brain and limbs allows quicker reactions
The second a story mentions SEALs(that isn't an article about them raping/hazing/shitting themselves), I know it's bullshit.
Way to fuckin nuts. I thought it was a bit for a while but I now see he’s genuinely unhinged. Funny though
I'm 5'5", actually in a decent mood, despite the fact that my computer is broken. I have a ten hour shift at work today, though, so I don't expect that good mood to last too long.
You type like my boomer dad who jumped in panama
Baddest dude I know is a 5'6" manlet with a fivehead and a perpetual chip on his shoulder. Went to the ME twice, last I heard he signed up with the Marines to go back again.
>less gear with the same build
Most soldiers are all the same build. Half a foot will do very little for overall muscle mass and rucking potential
>taller obstacles impassible
I think squads have some kind of tactic where they all help eachother over somehow... And the last manlet gets abandoned? IDK. The real con of being a manlet soldier is the potential of a big guy to become literally Bane and carry the most powerful machine gun that is too heavy for manlets and lanklets alike, but that requires years of lifting anyway.
They can conceal themselves more easily. Such as in a dumpster.
True, super tiny 5'3" manlet here. Always angry.
I’ve seen manlet afghanis hump a dshka up a steep mountain in just sandals
Why does everyone keep saying Charls is crazy? I don't have time to watch video game streams.
t. angry 5'2'' manlet
Can confirm the LMG part
>tfw 5'11
>tfw everything is designed for my height
Holy fuck I don't know where to start. He is hardly coherent, it takes him fifteen minutes to come around to a vague point. He is obsessed with being 'Pure' and shit, he always gives vague appeals to religious archetypes and he seems to believe he's a leader of a movement. A 'Pure' movement. He seems to be fixated on removing unclean thoughts. He constantly makes the same point that "they" are putting all the bad news in front of you in order to crush your spirit. It's very strange to watch, even though his ideas aren't entirely crazy. The crazy part is how much he talks about it. He completely buys his own rhetoric, it seems. I like Charls, he writes great sketches but goddamn he is off the deep end.
>t. brainlet
Man, I'm 5'6" and I didn't even know there were men shorter than me. I just gained a little self esteem
you could say theyre disposable heroes
>will be able to carry less gear with the same build
Correct, allthough on longer distances lanky guys get into trouble earlier.
>taller obstacles may be impassible.
Climbing is always an option.
>higher strength to weight ration on average (able to pull ones self up easier)
Correct, especialy in therms of endurance.
>clothing lasts longer
Not in my experience.
>clothing is cheaper
>needs less food
>smaller target
>can conceal ones self easier
>can fit through smaller gaps in terrain
12" tube with no issues as long as I don't have a boner.
>less visable at distance
>takes up less space in troop transport.
>i mean that's just off the top of my head. as long as they're tall enough to use the required equipment, manlets just make for better soldiers
Depends a lot on the job, we do usualy have less strength and are not intimidating, however we do have great endurance and fit just about anywhere (tanks, planes, U-boats etc.) comfortably.
ask the vietnamese
>He is obsessed with being 'Pure' and shit
When you have depraved and inhuman LGBT subhumans, niggers, spics, and kikes running around with their smug attitude, wouldn't you be thinking about purity that isn't subject to the pitfalls of the aformentioned? Something that can't be appropriated by those people. You have the undesirables I mentioned, posting here, mirroring the terminology, and embracing NatSoc, Libertarianism, anything. They weaken and undermine anything they touch.
>"they" are putting all the bad news in front of you in order to crush your spirit
And you don't think they're deliberately manipulating as much as possible, using proven psychological tactics implemented into social engineering, to cause emotional responses to steer your mind into where they want it to be? Take a look at the blackpill threads here. They slip in the notion that we have 15 years of domestic gun ownership left TOPS, while interweaving the most popular meme language with a demoralization sentiment.
Once you start heading into the late-stage digital age and COINTELPRO, there is enough room for anything, and nothing can be too crazy.
Frig off james
why exactly did those british midgets have such high casualties during world war one? i refuse to believe they were just ornery assholes itching to see combat and didnt have a shred of self-preservation. was it honestly, no-foolin', the military didnt give a shit about them? were they just ill-equiped/trained?
>He constantly makes the same point that "they" are putting all the bad news in front of you in order to crush your spirit.
This is absolutely true though. You cant live in a bubble of course, but "blackpilling" is a psychological warfare technique used to demoralize. Positive mental attitude and good morale is always the key to success. Its why the news mainly focuses on "bad" stories to create fear and dissolve social cohesion.
Weren't manlets statistically more likely to die in WWII?
I don't want to hurt your feelings but that's some pretty obvious cope.
kek, don't forget manlets develop muscle faster too its like the only bonus
How is that cope? He's not wrong
This thread is manlet coping. Manlets are more likely to die in war because they are weaker. Chad not only gets more women than you he also is more likely to cave your head in with a table leg wrapped in barbed wire and kill you friends with a bundle grenade.
Because most of his reasons for a pro-manlet military are clearly reaches.
>clothing lasts longer
>clothing is cheaper
>needs less food
>smaller target
>can conceal ones self easier
>can fit through smaller gaps in terrain
>less visable at distance
>takes up less space in troop transport.
I have a hard time looking at those and taking most of them as serious advantages. Saving a few pennies on cloth is on the top of the list, and a few inches in height isn't going to make much of a difference between being seen from any decent distance.
I can easily pull out better advantages for being taller off the top of my head.
>longer stride makes for quicker and more efficient movement
>more strength, which does make a difference as soldiers are moving around with heavy kits
>longer arms means superior grenade throwing
>others will literally look up to them more as height commands respect
>more mass means better recoil control
Don't you know you give the biggest gun to the smallest guy. Source as one of the shorter guys I developed affection for belt feds as I always got them. Although the best 240 guy was a 6ft skinny mother fucker.
To keep 12 mile pace under 3 hours I gotta run a bit, although I came in after years of gymnastics so I have excellent conditioning.
Can confirm.
>others will literally look up to them more as height commands respect
>more mass means better recoil control
manlets irreversibly destroyed by this based AND redpilled super chad right here on k
holy shit look at this fat neverserved
Who is that in OP pic?
yeah, manlets are very tough guys.
a young steve jobs
An estimated 20% of Commonwealth soldiers were in the 14-16 year old bracket. No one saw a problem with this; coal miners started working around the age of 12. Add to this that malnourishment was rampant in the lowest classes.
You get high casualties regardless of size and country when both sides keep sending waves of men into a labyrinth of razor wire and mines while machine gun stitches the ground and the long range artillery fires non stop. Every day, every week, for months on end. Welcome to the trench. Put your hats on. Good bye. Now make room for your replacements.
Is it true that the US gives LMGs to manlets, to shame everyone else in the squad?
>the midget is carrying the lmg stop complaining you lazy fuck
Or is that just a meme I've seen on k? I'm an Aussie never served btw
Depends on the Commonwealth country desu. England was an industrial hellhole, where most cityfags were midgets.
Within 2 generations the average Australian was several inches taller than the average Brit (I'm assuming clean air, hard work, more meat in diet and more agrarian culture = tall boys)
Don't know about Canada/US but I'm assuming similar stats
usually just a completely randomized fireteam/squad setup based purely on rank, if you are "guy who carries an M4" you will likely be "guy who carries the m249" at some point before you are an NCO unless you're off doing some cool guy shit where personal skills or common sense in giving the 6'2" gorillas instead of the 5'6" philipino the m249 are actually taken into account
Except strength is a factor of muscle mass and not height. Two soldiers who both weigh 180, the shorter one will be functionally stronger 9 times out of ten. Same thing with the recoil
They had some. Can probably find more details on the numbers by digging around that site a bit.
It was fairly common for 16yr olds to lie about their age and enlist
I vaguely recall one of our last surviving WW1 vets was like 14 when he enlisted
Excuse me sir, do you have a cigarette?
Thanks, sounded like something that wasn't an army wide policy
It makes sense psychologically though, wouldn't be surprised if it has happened once or twice
Peak MDE