Jow Forums
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Weapons #426
Bugout morale boosters
Is the AK-74 a complete upgrade of the AK-47? Does the AK-47 have any advantage over its replacement?
F-35 inferiority
How hard is it to send anthrax in the mail...
What is THE most reliable and durable gun ever made?
What are some common weapons used by protestors/rioters other than the good ol' molotov
How long before China reaches military parity with USA?
NY Sends Cease and Desist Letters for "Ghost Guns"
What is the best bow/arrows for SHTF? Hunting, defense, etc
Tell me why a compensated handgun like one in the pic paired with a 147gr +p+ load such as the Lehigh Gold Dot 147 +p+...
The Military will side with the Left wi
Tfw im the range jester
*casually triggers and BTFOs glockfags*
Have to move to NYC soon for reasons. I know it'll take up to a year to get a gun license...
You can only have 5
Wood AR
Record Aircrafts
Jow Forums vidya thread
Daily reminder
Werewolf defense
/prg/ precision rifle general
Canada General
My son told me he's interested in learning to shoot...
This guy goes to your range and slaps your girlfriends ass
Jow Forums tell me why i shouldn't buy a Ruger PC-9
Is there anything more cringe-worthy and pathetic than war reenactors...
AR thread /arg/
Saudi Oil Attack
Did the officer lose because his gun wasn't as powerful as the veteran's rifle?
ITT: Guns that deserved to make it
India air force is the best
What kind of gun is this?
This is chicom chest rig. Say something nice about it
Exotic Edition
Patch Thread
Renders your B-52 obsolete
Good ideas that died
/gq/ - gear queer
Is this flux shit the closest i can get to the ODST smg?
Op on mokeyfist/lock socks?
Rate this Jow Forums
American Casualties of Modern Wars
I like the MP5. this is a thread designed for people who also like the MP5
Thoughts on pistol stocks?
Training family to be a unit
Ukraine Conflict
Post modern but clean looking rifles with minimal tacticool/railshit. A few inches of picatinny is acceptable
Dad is still in the ARMY
Are you ready for 2020?
What's Jow Forums's opinions on older gen camos? Do they still serve a purpose?
Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?
Bullet Forensics
I cri
What's he playing on that banjo, Jow Forums?
Germany Military WW2 Thread
Decommissioned Shotgun for sale In England
Gun Lobbying
Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another video on forgotten
Using 9mm for self-defense
What would a war with North Korea look like?
UFOs are real
Do bows have any modern use, Jow Forums?
I would like to hear your opinions on the m346 FA
Revolver/Wheelgat General
Mobile Protected Firepower
Now that weeds becoming legal
/arg/ AR15 general
/CMP/ General
What's the biggest humiliation a special forces group ever suffered at the hands of a paramilitary group?
Cant decide between reliability track record of g19 and better accuracy/ergonomics of CZ p10C
Is it even worth owning gats while in the military...
Hypothetically if you were in a militant animal rights/vegan group what weapons would you use to protect the animals...
Amber guyger murder trial starts tomorrow!
Truck gun thread, post your gats
M9A1 Vs. 1911
Chainsaw can be considered as a melee weapon?
What action scenes should they do for John Wick 4? What haven't they done with guns yet?
M82A1 or M82CQ?
Defeating Mothman
1911 is to .45 ACP as 9mm is to _________
Pictures of soldiers with looted weapons?
/ak/ Thread. Artist Spotlight Edition - NDTwoFives
There is no god
Used my CC today Jow Forums. Just got let out of the Police Station. Don't know how I feel about it. Not great, but...
What's it like operatin' in Louisiana?
Has firearm pretty much been figured out? What significant improvement can you really make at this point?
Causing Me Pain
Post boogaloo load outs
Hey Jow Forums, ever been shot? Post pics. Pic is my leg. Exit wound from 12 guage
State thread
*crack siiiiiip*
Want a conceal carry weapon
Seeing all the weird prototype the Germans came up with at the end of the World War II do you ever wonder how would...
Subsonic 9mm characterization project - part 3
Digital Night Vision
AR thread /arg/
What's a good, light handgun for self-defence if you're hiking or cycling
Be patrolling around my squad's encampment
Ok Jow Forums I don’t usually come on here but I’ve searched far and wide can someone tell me what model this...
What are Jow Forums must haves?
Just fucked the recoil spring on my new Marlin Model 60 while trying to clean it :( How’s your day going?
What are some complementary skillsets one should work on to prepare for SHTF senarios?
Guns You'd Probably Go Gay For
Piece together a SG550 clone from all swiss parts for $3600
Why do we only have 1500 of these?
Alright Jow Forums wtf do i do? I keep brushing the rust out with 3 in one but eventually the rust comes back...
Jow Forums watch
What is Jow Forums‘s opinion on the Mirage series of fighters
Frog thread!
Do you decorate your rifle cases or leave them totally blank?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Quick rundown on X-32 vs X-35/F-35?
Legality question
So it seems these are the only decent options for an optics ready compact sized handgun for CCing
Should I get a WW2 one or a modern one?
Arcane Munitions
Jow Forums creates their own military
Legalizing Full Auto
*Has better build quality, reliability, and aftermarket options for less money*
/Gg/ Greyman general
Canada general
USA wargaming against China
2A General
Buying time advice
How many pounds would you like Sir?
Looking into a first rifle and shotty for home defense and range fun...
Bubba the Fudd strikes again
/ARG/ AR General
Would pistol carbines have value in prepper scenarios (invasion, apocalypse, boogaloo, etc)?
Daily carry sword
Active protection
Jow Forums Fantasy General
Women can't soldier good
Would pick related be quite enough with sub-sonic rounds to unload in a housing estate without waking the neighbour's
Trigger Jow Forums in one imagine
Most overrated weapons
Are MK23 can be sold to civilian? With a suppressors? I heard only elite use them. I have tiny Asian hands
Market Garden
Handgun General - /hg/ - #325
Constitutional Carry
There are posters right now who carry with an empty chamber
Jow Forumsollection thread
How would Jow Forums fight pic related?
Anyone have any good Jow Forums related tattoos?
WHaTs YoUr pLaN FoR ThE BOogALOO?!?!?!?!?!
What will you have during the boogaloo
Civilians why?
Post longslides
Not Shit-Tier Knife Thread
Be watching Waco
ITT: we critique fictional designs (again!)
I'm going to my first gun show tomorrow. What should I keep my eye out for?
Are there any rifles that were designedin the last 30 years or still being produced that use clips rather than magazines
Suggest a Gun Thread
Infographic thread
Best pocket carry revolver?
Hello Jow Forums I've been given a quest
MP40 Worship Thread
How long can I keep a mag loaded before worrying about the mag spring? Months? Years?
Just come to the gun show, bro
Some of the damage done on Saudi’s Aramco by AnsarAllah drone strike
80% lowers
What kind of gun would Hayao Miyazaki carry?
/akg/ Ak General
Will it sell?
Why the fuck arent you handloading your shit right now?
What are some Jow Forums approved "alt" weaponry?
What are the steps to make a molotov cocktail?
What's your opinion on this shotgun?
Why are all the best gun makers named John? John Thompson, John Moses Browning, John Garand, John Glock, John Stoner...
War With Iran
War aesthetic
Getting red flagged
Canada general
He doesn't print his own targets
Die anyone know how good these would be in the boogaloo?
How do I quit the Army reserves
Corperate war
Why the fuck do people shill MLOK so hard...
I just ND'd into my ceiling a few minutes ago while cleaning my 226
Anyone buying coathangers before the election?
Soldiers are Rapists, Murderers and Bootlicking Niggers
Who will win the civil war?
Why is the Saudi army so bad?
22 Cal Rimfire Central
/arg/ AR thread
What's the correct amount of clips to own?
ITT: Name my cat & post your "unique" guns
User, why don't you clean me?!
"“I’ve held an AR-15 in my hand, I wish I had it...
Every lower 80 blueprint online is different by up to .100 thou
Germany might have lost both World Wars but it sure won our hearts with its badassery
Jesus Rifles
What do you think of this gun?
For a minimalist/budget survival weapon, would a 22lr weapon, like pic-related...
Its not and never has been about just the AR15 or AK47(styled) rifles
Gun Buying Protip:
If you had to carry a piece like people used to carry swords, what would you carry?
Shooting Improvement methods
Be British
Time for the last batch form this year's vacation...
Is this the best way to store ammo?
Loadout Thread
ATF breaks the law. Again
Can you really trust an army who's boots on the ground are not volunteers?
What do modern naval tactics look like?
Why are nations still investing in large surface warships if AShM are so advanced?
Whats the right kind of earpro to protect a catboys delicate ears?
Armata bad
Nose art thread
Is there a bias against ruger?
Thoughts on skallagrim?
Can I shoot these with a .22?
When will Russia and China start building decent jet engines?
Do you think boomer farmers will freak if i shot one of their cows
What is this
What's the best bear medicine?
Are you on a list? Yes!
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #37 - Colonel Cathcart Raises the Number of Missions edition
Conceal carry: femanon edition
Nostalgic for Red Jacket
Reloading thread
Brass or steel casings
Colt: Beating a dead horse
What camo is this? It’s an ancient game with ancient graphics so I can’t tell...
/arg/ AR thread
Need nonlethal ideas
I'm addicted to collecting guns, and I have plenty of disposable income...
"No Such Thing as Overkill" Tread
How do you cope with life long disease?
Can you wear pants like these casually? If so how?
My sister got this sks stock for 10 bucks at goodwill, she's no guns but wants to turn this into an actual rifle...
I can't wait until we start bombing Iran
Canada General
Uniform Thread Kinda
What is our doctrine concerning prolonged domestic air defense warfare...
Bulletproof Backpacks
Jow Forumsombat Jow Forumsness general
Competition thread /csg/
Going innawoods alone tomorrow to shoot
How long would a Gundam like this one last if one went on a rampage in downtown LA and start randomly shooting thing...
Muh P-51 Mustang
US Troops will deploy immediately to Saudi Arabia, UAE
I just graduated army basic training, AMA
Shotgun help
Light primer strike
Why dont any mass shooters use this weapon?
I'm a (legal) gun owner (including NFA items) with a sordid criminal past including a class B felony charge (no...
What you lying around the house today Jow Forums
Danger Forward
How to Survive a Financial Collapse
I think that tritium is dead
Favorite Oils, Greases, and Solvents for Different Purposes
AR thread /arg/
Do light tanks and tankettes have a role in the 21st century?
Tannerite is a meme. Otherwise the fedbois wouldn't let it be for sale at Academy
Loadout for hunting supernatural monsters?
What's Jow Forumss boogaloadout
Redpill me on the CZ PCR
Why do tanks have even edges on them instead of spikes or uneven edges to increase the amount of glancing blows from HE...
So, why’d they pick the sig?
How do you stop yourself from getting gg after gas is poured on you?
Just came back from watching this. It's every prepper's wet dream come true
Calling all laser nerds
Muh Spartans
If u were hiding in walmart
Good safe for storing a hand gun?
Plan A
What model of Thompson is this?
Why no Allied IFVs in WWII?
Britain's second carrier has left port and is about to begin trials, say something nice about it
Jow Forums humor thread
The CZ58 is superior aesthetically and mechanically to the AK47
How reliable is it for SHTF?
PSA should post something anti-gun and how they're going to stop selling black rifles in November
Jow Forums statues and monuments
Canada General
Griffin II
You see this patrolling down your street
GWG: Girls with Guns
Looking for a pistol to conceal carry. What are your suggestions?
Jow Forumsommunications general
People who are not in the military or not planning to enlist in the military have no business calling airsofters...
My first knife
Smol 12 gauge shells are now being standardized
Turkish shotguns
Modern Day Marine Expo
SHTF common civilian weapons?
Big bore ARs
Give me some tunes
ITT: Boomer fuddlore
Gp rifles
ID on drones
Can a durian be used as a weapon? Club?
Fentanyl as a chemical weapon?
Someone convince me to send in the paperwork for my second silencer
As we all know the european theatre was a lot more important than the pacific and the Germans were a much more...
Just a reminder that the ATF got away with Operation Fast and Furious
Artillery Thread
I'm in the UK. 21. I want to go about getting a shotgun. Why doesnt matter...
What would happen if
Area 51 Thread
Is this true? I'm having a hard time believing that zero soldiers died from air attack in Vietnam
Everytime I get into an argument with a gun grabber about firearms they always seem obsessed about bringing up the so...
Patch Thread
Will Gun Culture as we know it survive another decade in the US?
Saud Arabia is eyeing South Korean weapons in an effort to reinforce its air defence
Gun phases
Can we legally own grenade launchers? If so wtf would we civilians even shoot out of them?
Can Jow Forums suggest me a pistol for the boogaloo?
Stupid questions
Confess your sins against Jow Forums
/meg/: military enlistment general
Colt wins new government M4 contract
Never owned a gun
Who here thinks big?
Best place to get PSA rifles?
5 shots
Ight heard this was the place to ask this
What is a good carry gun for a Catholic priest?
The MP17 and Flux Defense in general
/gq/ - gear queer
Who else OD Green master race?
Walther handguns
Why do nations do stupid shit like this...
About to sign a Rep 63, I've wanted this for a really long time...
I 1639 Free Online Certificate
First purchase thread
Late Night Pest control thread
Are mods ever going to delete the fake civil war threads and Jow Forums spam?
Innawoods/cryptid thread
Beretta 9mm pistols as a starting pistol. If is is good enough for the US Army then it might be that good
Why aren't drum magazines more common for light machine guns in supporting elements? Why does, for example...
In the sport of paintball, shooters often engage in a skill known as 'walking the trigger'. Essentially...
Best Camo for this enviroment?
Who has the video from the Jow Forums meetup where everyone tried to shoot the same target and basically wrecked the...
Canada General
Firing Pin Impressions
Best .308 AR-10 barrel length?
With colt out of the picture, it's time we direct attention to Daniel Defense
In an open field. is there a more OP melee weapon?
Fishing With A Gun
Sir we're here to enforce the voluntary gun surrender program
The ultimate team
What are Jow Forums essentials. If I have gun oil and a bore brush am I set?
Utility helicopters
Beto just got btfo
Why hasn't firearms development kept up with other tech like electronics...
What went wrong?
Anyone have an AKM built from a parts kit? I'm trying to get as close to a real Russian AKM as possible...
Serious question from a new gun owner:
How bad are your range rules?
Gun painting
ITT: being a smartass in basic training
Best extended mags for AR?
Redpill me on the waco siege
Wife’s mother is coming to visit
Jow Forums here
How did you get tinnitus?
Is BCM the ultimate fudd brand?
S-300 and S-400 failed to detect kike planes over Syria
Operators from fiction (movies, games books) you identify with. i'll start
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
What is the right way to carry and walk with an assault rifle?
Colt insider here. The CK 901 is planned to be the big return to commercial market if the contracts don't work out...
Place steel core 5.56 into 7.62 sabots
Is this a viable concept?
So. Who attacked the Saudi oil refinery. Iran or Israel?
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
Gun Show Finds
U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan
What would be your perfect long-range riflescope reticle?
Why aren't moon-sized space battlestations with planet destroying capabilities a thing yet?
My gf is looking for a compact or even full-sized pistol for concealed carry...
It's about time for deer season. Post your comfy /innawoods/ hunting kit
Would the Pipe Pistol from Fallout actually work in the real world?
Saudi Patriot & Aegis don’t match their advertised properties, unfit for real comb
What is the appeal with anime x guns?
Looking to buy my first rifle. Should I get an Ar or Ak? What manufacturers should I avoid? Budget is $600
How do YOU plan to handle a misfunction in a defensive shooting?
Me and a friend are thinking of opening a medieval weapons virtual store, any user have experience with this?
"These rifles were built to be lethal in war"
What does Jow Forums think?
I feel like there are only really 3 main pistols:
What's the consensus on muzzle devices on carry guns?
How to celebrate
Jow Forums vidya
It weighs about as much as Mini Uzi. Is the short barreled AK viable as PDW?
Is there any other game that comes close to the level of detail in weapons handling?
/akg/ AK General
Does the 2nd amendment protect illegal aliens?
Retro Tacticool
Should I bother getting a 1911 for less than $1,000 or should I just save for something really nice?
Fuck. now what?
Trump won't back universal background checks
A thought experiment:
How do you guys make enough shekels to buy your guns. I make 13 an hour and it's hard to get everything I desire...
Cyberpunk Thread, post cyber gats
What's objectively the best MBT in current service?
/NVG/ Night vision general
What pistol does Chad use?
Unbullpup Weapons Thread
What is your most fun gun?
Which one of these big choppers should I use as my innawoods knife...
Is 25 too old to join the Navy?
Meanwhile on 1949 Jow Forums
Im moving into a bad neighborhood soon and i want some protection but im not tryna kill anybody...
/ak/ thread
Is it okay to shoot .22LR in the house?
/pcc/- Pistol Caliber Carbine
Are screwdriver tips memes? They seem incredibly effective for handgun rounds...
Yeah...I'm thinking he's based
How do you prepare for not SHTF but a slow deterioration into gangland Brazil/Mexico?
"I'm assembling a crew."
And remember, if you're not an NRA member to join up
Why is this shit always backwarbs???
Canada General: Arabian Nights Edition
Henry finally adds a side gate
Saudis held a press conference
Iran's army is only slightly above africa tire and even then its not much
How many of these should I own? How many ruger 10/22's should I own?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #324
Guys, what the hell is a personal resource center? is this all the gear I would need...
Why aren't hovertanks a thing?
How do I buy one of these without my shit being traced? Do I have to use Bitcoin or some shit?
How true is this?
Assembling my first lower
For $199, is this the best budget set of NODs? How do they compare to the real deal? Anyone have the ones from MW2...
They won't stop
He doesn't own at least 1 sword
Free Men for Free Booms
/arg/ AR General Tripfag Development Group
Is there any reason not to choose a quality bullpup rifle over an AR15 or similar conventional rifle...
What's the first gun you ever held? For me it was a Liberator
This is the USS Atlanta
Chasing the silver dragon
Hey Jow Forums I am building an AR-15 and I was wondering what calibers i can use with a standard 5.56 lower...
Tell me why I should or shouldn't get one of these
Realistically what are the chances of Colorado lifting the mag ban...
What is ks boogaloo rifle?
This is patroling through your neighborhood
How would I go about Liberating a 155mm cannon Display
Jow Forums Humor Thread
My bonus
Jow Forumsursed images
Itt things you would do to start WW3
Hypothetically if I wanted a gunsmith to build a 30 carbine and or 300 blackout AK which parts kits should I use and...
ITT: we write an email to Hi-Point one word at a time and then someone sends it
Purchasing the first
What's the ost beautiful carbine and why is it the AR-10
Buy Glock 19. Perfection
Less lethal
/arg/ AR15 general
/arg/ AR thread
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Flash hider vs Muzzle break
Infographics and How 2 Thread
“What do you consider an assault weapon that you want to ban so much”
/bpg/ Bullpup General
Offset Sights
What are the cheapest optics that aren't complete garbage?
Itt post your best encounters with nogun faggots
Is stolen valor a meme
Are you ready for 2020?
Going to go to the JSDF recruiting station tomorrow
Had a blackout half an hour ago which only lasted 20 Minutes but now im somewhat paranoid it could happen again
Pic related was seized in an arrest in London today. Any one know what it is?
Only acceptable pistol for a real man
Good morning, strong americans, experts of weapons...
MSNBC wants your opinion
Americans made an RPG7
Was FPSRussia Jow Forums? Does he represent an ideal aspiration of a /kperson/?
Canada General
First AR-15
I like butchered rifles
What should I do first before joining the New People’s Army? I’m not yet Jow Forums...
Would you want to work as a bodyguard, Jow Forums?
Black Panthers Arsenal
Stone Age
Best weapon to kill these?
So guys I was cleaning some stuff in the attic and I found this old carbine
What would your dream carry gun be?
Is there any better weapon for home defense than a suppressed short-barreled AR-15 with a flashlight and hollow points?
Realistically, would it even be possible for an ad-hoc American citizen militia to storm Area 51?
WTF! Eye dominance switched (cross dominance shooting)
Well. This is the end
How does an Automatic Firearm work?
Green Beret KIA
Is this good for home defense?
Rhodesia thread
What is the best carry gun for an atheist?
What people don't get is that the 2nd Amendment isn't even necessary for a person to have a right to own and carry a...
First handgun
Confederate victory in the Battle of Antietam or Allied victory in Operation Market Garden
/arg/ AR thread Assault Rifle General AR15 Assault Rifle 15
Russia to build Helicopter Carrier
Are gunshows overpriced or can you find good prices on mags and stuff at them>
How much should I pay for an AK? What type should I avoid?
Anyone here like itty bitty guns
How do you react?
What do you guys think about my grey man load out?
Innawoods loadouts
What kind of gun does he carry?
Qt.3.14 with AK gets red flagged for a joke told to coworker
What's the best Ancient Roman weaponry?
This is a hypothetical question. How can one man armed with AR-15 with body armor escape the SWAT team...
How does a hitman have the balls to pull the trigger on an unsuspecting target...
Finally found the hands down best HD gun and ammo
Patch Thread v. Slaving Away in the Patch Mines
Lets play a game Jow Forums
Good Evening Admiral
Should I get a .357 lever action as my first rifle? If so, what should I expect to pay for it?
Does anyone have the image of a screenshot of a story about someone's discussion with their college professor...
Aside from guns what else should I hoard from ban risk? I just bought 4 baofengs based on the new laws...
US army picks SPIKE NLOS for AH-64E
Armor Piercing Handgun ammo
US Military force and power is unmatche
Anti-gun friend posts link
Say what you want about Isreal
Red Pill me on Lever Action Guns
Knives thread
I need to be a better shot and I can't teach myself well enough. Anyone know any good instructors in the Wichita area?
Is he actually knowledgeable, or is he just a relic preaching his own methods?
Medical marijuana and guns
Mall ninja thread?
Best recruiting ads
James Bond has the PPK, Spike has a Jericho 941, Vash has the meatba
This would be you in a warzone. Don't act tough or tactical. You'd shit yourself you LARPer
Can we have a Rhodesia thread?
Should we prohibit LGBTPedos from owning or buying guns?
Hypothetical local big blue choice your own adventure
/arg/ AR thread
I've been very suicidal but I don't wanna act on it because I just bought my first AR (Colt LE6920) and want to enjoy...
Friend comes back to camp fire after a long pee break
Home defense
Break in Scenarios thread
*renders any body armor useless*
Buy Sell Trade -/bst/
How the FUCK is this legal?
Be mall ninja
Suggest Me A Rifle
Canada General
Based boomers
A fucking pulley
This thing is a fucking dream. I thought it would be a gimmick because of the robocop esque design...
Realistically what firearms policies would you be willing to accept?
Boycotting retailers
Talk me out of it, Jow Forums
Jow Forums's favorite fiction millitary aesthetics
What are some good self-defense weapons for people under 21?
Iran launch location found
Why is Arkansas so shit?
Why does the USA suck so hard at ground vehicles?
Dude an entire drawn out chapter about men raping each other
He unironically paid the ATF 200 dollars just so he can put a stock on a manlet AR15
Yugoslav War Thread
Home based FFLs suck
Realising you wasted all your chances of enlisting and are 28
Why the Mil Mi-24 has no Western Counterpart
Work started 1999
O/k/ay faggots. Humor thread inbound
Fav aestethic pics
Okay here's one for you Jow Forums: if two concealed carriers are responding to an active shooter in the same building...
I will never get to visit DSEI
What do you think is best Ambidextrous AR lower?
When you have become the laughing stock of the entire world
/CSG/ - Competitive Shooting General #1
Walther PPQ
What gun is on Steven Crowders Desk?
How effective are nunchucks are for self-defense?
Trusting Your Gut
Talk me out of bying this piece of shit
Guns and Controversial Opinions
How do mutt "soldiers" justify eating garbage?
Thoughts on the Glock 21...
I have a question regarding security
What does Jow Forums think is actually going to happen when these kids "raid" Area 51?
All-Purpose Rifle
Will the military let you use/keep captured enemy weapons? I would assume they'd at least train you to do so in a pinch...
I do this on every board i frequent
I want to buy an FN15 Collectors Edition. Convince me not to (alternatives are welcome)
Has there ever been a military or LE application for 20 gauge over 12 gauge? I'm totally not coping or just-as-gooding...
First semester of college political science class
Is there any particular slang for depleted uranium bullets?
Post based images
Whats special about this mystical third hole?
What would Jow Forums outfit a Military Police unit that would be tasked with fighting and sweeping buildings while...
/akg/ AK General
Australia announced finalists for the Land 400 Phase 3
Is this gun any good?
Change my mind this is the pinnacle of aircraft design
Seethe harder
What's the most damage that a single man working alone has ever managed to inflicted in any conflict throughout history?
How would have Jow Forums done it better
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Camo General /CG/
Hey Jow Forums. I'm currently building an AR-15 and can't decide between a Faxon BCG or a Lantac BCG
Has the corps been corrupted...
How much "front" can a division defend?
Malaysian SF Body Armor Demo goes Wrong
Jow Forums reacc images I guess idk
What breed is the 9mm of the dog world?
Honestly can you imagine seeing this fucking thing before it was public...
Is exercising in my 5.11s autistic?
Area 51 Thread
What's the purpose of round point rifle rounds?
The Kill Team
/arg/ AR Thread
You may not like it, but this is what peak aircraft design looks like
Cmmg banshee for at home
What is the most unbeatable weapon of all time?
Canada General
Military Story Thread: Broken Shit Edition
What do you have in here?
Jow Forumsontent
What’s the most powerful weapon that currently exists on Earth?
So i’m in a situation and was wondering if any military men, veterans or still serving, could help me out
What is the cutest cartridge?
Handgun guy who's looking to get into rifles
Does anyone actually sell silver tipped bullets? Asking for a friend
Last time you bought a gun?
Tell me about the Type 99
What's Jow Forums's opinion on Warhammer 40k?
Jow Forumsonfession thread, I will start:
Is it likely a 25 y/o eurofag (NATO) can immigrate to the USA and work for the government for a quick citizenship or...
Your favorite type of Molotov coctail
Weaponized viruses are military tech
CC in public bathrooms
What’s your opinion on homemade NVG, Good enough for boar hunting?
Is he right or is he just projecting?
Welcome to Hi Fry the Sci Fi gun shop
2019 Mexican Independence Day Military Parade
Is there any point of caseless guns?
Air force claims they could field a 6th gen aircraft within 5 years
What would happen if Barbarossa never happened and the planned Soviet invasion of Germany went through...
So it is fair to assume that the French and German lead Europe is on the way to become a military superpower?
Daily reminder that you *will* be redflagged if you have ever so much as sneezed in the wrong woman's general direction
Is stealth technology a meme?
Subsonic 9mm characterization project - part 1
What are the differences be LPKs?
How would you "fix" shotgun shells?
How do you do, fellow poors?
Accidentally pissed off my neighbor who is from Arkansas and afraid he is going to kill me
Fav Gun Darkest secret
Are copper pennies worth hoarding?
Hey friends! This is not a politics thread just a quick explanation of most common European "weapons laws"
What is the point of stealth if third world countries have quantum radar?
For max levels of comfy and patrcticality; which one is better?
Is 00 buckshot too much for home defence?
I keep hearing that tanks are outdated and will be phased out, but why are they outdated and what will replace them...
Tfw I'm the range trap
I was not sleeping drill sergeant sergeant
Could a .45-70 lever gat be accurate at 400 yards with really light, super high velocity ammo?
Why does he shake?
/ak/ thread
What fudd shit are you gonna buy once assault weapons are banned?
Wrong ssn on 4437 form
/meg/ - military enlistment general
/gq/ - gear queer
/arg/ AR thread Assault Rifle General AR15 Assault Rifle 15
Who had the better military?
How do you guys with rabid anti-gun family members...
Jow Forumsommunications general
What are your thoughts?
New Acquisitions
Does anyone else specifically avoid NFA items because it's basically putting yourself on a...
What's some good Jow Forums literature?
Why do we still have these?
Florida Thread
What ever happened to the psa mp5?
Who in this board is actually weeb enough to consider getting this decal on any gun?
Anybody else suddenly want a wheelgat?
Do you want a war with Iran?
Is this a good greyman load out? Who makes a good grey plate carrier and ops core helmet cover?
Examples of something being replaced by something objectively inferior
Close encounters with normies
Medhold Stories
Do any of you know why southern rednecks love 30-30s? My dad owned pic related and he was from southern Missouri...
Time to turn ‘em in boys
Where's the lie?
Soviet jets thread
Will the Brit's new frigate be any good?
Army 11B
Is it better to have a tank crew of 3, 4, or 5? Would 2 be possible?
How are you holding up? Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
Sup Jow Forums
Combat or defensive webms please. Lost my folder
I have an arsenal slr 106fr rifle, It's the only firearm that I own atm...
This guy at Cabela's that sells me gun library guns always gives me a few bucks off when I ask
Trump and America are LOCKED AND LOADED to fight Iran!
Can we get a beginners shtf food edition going. I would like to know what I need food wise to survive for 3 months...
Does anyone have some good war wallpapers?
Why are tanks and airplanes even built?
The C308 with a little work is a perfectly fine combat rifle for when the world ends...
Is the minimum Active Duty 2 years in USMC
Why did my dog eat my Glock 17?
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #36 - tfw no g3 gf
I spent more hours in mspaint to ask this than Jews died in the holocaust so please by patient
Do you love the m1 carbine?
So what can you get that is truly modern? Glock and all its copiers designed in the 80's...
Mineral oil USP is all you need to lubricate guns and prevent rust. Anything else is an overpriced, smelly carcinogen
Amy Coney Barrett is a Gun Grabber
Is total nuclear warfare out of the question in a post Chernobyl world?
Weaponized E-liquid
Ywn be a cowboy fighting apache in the dragoon mountains
Conf conversion kit
Thoughts on the Beretta APX...
Post moments where you went full operator
What would be the best gun for waging guerrilla warfare against a modern authoritarian government?
Owning multiple examples of the same firearm?
/arg/ AR Thread AR General
Yeah goy give up your guns, we will take care of ya
Why hasn't China moved to the Soviet doctrine of carrier group killing super cruisers...
Alphabet boys
Is 10 gauge a meme? Is there any reason to use 10 gauge over 12 gauge?
I have a Nodak spud receiver set and I cant decide what to build...
ID this shit
Controversial Opinion:
Finally join the SCAR club. Any DFW bros know a good place to go shoot it and sight it in...
Jow Forums Has acquired an Iowa Class battleship. What do we do with it?
Backrooms/modern creepypasta OaTS campaign
What's your favourite WW2 Soldier aesthetic?
/akg/ AK General
Gorilla Drones
M1A the perfect rifle to combat Aliens from Outer Space?
China PLA Parade Rehearsal
You ready for redflags? What else is he going to do?
How effective would an American blockade of China be...
Is gunsmithing a viable career?
QTDDTOT - Super Lube Edition
Is a Single Action Army the greatest handgun ever made? How do I shoot like Ocelot...
Your favorite gun
Hello Im a former ROKAF F-16 Pilot now an Airline pilot ask me your questions
SAS trooper drops five ISIS fighters with a breaching shotgun
/o/ here. With electric cars becoming more common...
What is the secret of the Leopard 2?
Jow Forums You have a $1000 budget to make any weapon you want. What do you make?
Step one: become a cop
T-72 hate thread
Stockpile thread
Tacticringe Theatre Presents
Bodycam Video Shows Scene From Police Shootout in Baltimore, Maryland
Oh god it gets better
What do you do to defend your home, Jow Forums? Do you have something when you're not at home?
Please nuke this shit country already./
Syrian war trophies captured by Russia
Could we see roof Koreans again one day?
Wheraboos rejoice! Macy’s has dot 44!
Hello Jow Forums
Why are manlets better soldiers?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship