Hello Jow Forums
fellow europoor here, I want to buy this rifle Windham Weaponry 20" GOVT, is this good value? Colt AR15-A4 is unavailable here, so unless I buy a modern gucci AR15 and modify it afterwards to look like a basic rifle or the WW 20 GOVT seems to be the only option.
Price is 1500USD.
Hello Jow Forums
Buy an AKM, stop lusting after ARs with a 300% markup due to import taxes.
Windham weaponry came from what was left of Bushmaster. In the Sates, that rifle sells for about $900. I imagine over where you are, prices for ARs are going to be much higher, so $1500 is probably an OK price.
I have not personally used a Windham rifle, but I did do an M16A2 build with a Windham barrel and it was really nice. Bushmaster made lots of milspec rifles for law enforcement for a long time, so you should expect a good quality milspec rifle. Nothing fancy, you'll be getting a gun that you might pull off the rack of a government armory.
Windham Weaponry is good, they're basically the talent and skill that Bushmaster ditched.
Maybe he wants a better rifle for his purposes?
>Windham Weaponry
nice people, i like doing business with them
Yeah. They do good work, it'll be a good rifle out of the box.
They do a pseudo-A1 style rifle too, which looks pretty good, aside from the incorrect A2 profile barrel and A2 lower receiver (small details to some, but they matter to me).
Actually, I now notice that it's not even an A1 upper, it has a brass deflector, like a Colt 715/Diemaco C7.
Not authentic as an A1, but I actually really like the 715 setup, so maybe this would be a pretty good way to build my ideal rifle.
Windham makes a good rifle.
Windham Weaponry not only makes good weapons, but are good people.
>Bushmaster has plant in Maine
>state that relied heavily on industry - logging, paper mills, machining
>tons of mills close down for the same reasons they did in the rust belt, buying paper from chinkland is cheaper
>Bushmaster is sold to faggy holding company known for running companies into the ground
>faggy holding company shutters their plant in Windham to move it to Jew York
>lots of good people lose their jobs
>on the exact day of the move, the non-compete clause in an old Bushmaster exec's contract expired
>he emailed everyone who had worked at the plant and asked them if they'd "go back in the game with the old man"
>only took him 2 days to secure financing
>almost all of the old workers got their jobs back, with better pay and benefits from what I hear
>within 3 months, their first rifles had rolled off the line
>quality is superb, everyone loves them
>they also regularly give away rifles for charity raffles and auctions in Maine, never been to a gun show that wasn't raffling one off
And as other anons have said, OP, the rifles themselves are excellent. Not ultra-gucci, but just really well made.
Also given that you're a yuropoor, check out the AR parts that Mateba Italia is making.
I own this exact Windham rifle and love it.
It has performed flawlessly for me.
I put an A1 stock on it, a Matech rear sight, and a SureFire light.
It reminds me of my service rifle and is also the gun that I use to teach noguns to shoot with.
Buy it.
I shoot there often, they have an indoor range. Great bunch of guys, very knowledgeable, always a good time.
None of the usual range horror stories I read on here when I go, rsos are all really cool, range is always hot.
Solid company that makes nice rifles.
Sounds like great people, wonder why they don't get more attention?
Who cares? Again, AR15s are on 200 to 300% markup in Europe, it's never worth it. 5.56 as a whole for civilians is never worth it in Europe.
Stop comparing yourselves in the US, where every guy and his mom has a PSA shitstick, to Europeans.
Maybe he wants it for sport and target shooting you sped.
But a gucci
are you german ?
I'll have you know Pierre, my mom has a Smith & Wesson AR-15!
They don't really need much attention. Their rifles sell well enough and are well-reviewed. They sell them at a fair price point that keeps the poverty pony crowd at bay.
This. Nice to see windham getting good reviews from Jow Forums. I have a few of their uppers and am a big fan. Great bang for the buck.
I say go for it. They’re nice rifles. If I lived in Europe I’d be saving for an Armi Dallera Custom. They make really slick AR-15s and 1911s
Jow Forums really needs flags like /pollacks have
Maybe he just wants an AR? Like, plenty of dudes in the US want a quality AK even though ARs are lying around literally everywhere