Could we see roof Koreans again one day?

Could we see roof Koreans again one day?

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Now that's an interesting business model. Can white people do the same in Korea?

I hope so.

Modern news wouldn't cover it unless the Koreans stacked bodies like cordwood.

I'm afraid many sects of the progressive cult now consider asians to have a privilege level equal to or even above that of whites, they're not allowed to do cool shit anymore either.

Yeah, we far and away have the best test scores and ranks in school yet for us admissions are WAY more competitive than for a black/hispanic guy with half the scores. And yes even more competitive than whites have it. Yet you'll see in hard college programs like engineering or medicine it is guaranteed to essentially only be east asians, indians, and whites regardless of the affirmative action measures. Whatever I've graduated college by now but I just remember the fact that we were a hard working demographic yet got essentially shit on by both the right and the left. Too "priviliged" for the left and too "immigrant" for the right. End result is we end up having to watch out for ourselves and dont get to pick a side

Asian, Caucasian hybrids do damn good.
I have a 6'5" nephew going to college on a football Scholarship studying pre-med.
Got his Father's physique and his Mother's brains.
His Dad is a pretty sharp businessman too but his Mom speaks 3 languages.
Good kid that gets all the pussy he can handle.
He turns it down because he has a tough schedule and doesn't need the distraction.
It is just there with a phone call if he wants it.

Sadly, roof koreans were a meme. When shit started to go down the LAPD eventually showed up and forced them to hand over their weapons. Then they had to stand by and watch while their stores got looted.

>police come to take your guns
>you hand them over
why the FUCK doesnt anyone ever shoot back?

it was after they ran off the violent looters and police took back the streets in the area
the roof koreans were successful

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I saw my Korean neighbor on his roof last night if that counts.

No, because the fag-enabling shitskin-loving demokikes banned all the guns they used. I also blame the LGBT community. San Francisco should have been nuked by the Russians in real life.

Attached: gtforeddit.png (634x354, 373K)

Because they're law abiding and not trying to get into a massive gunfight with cops

Within the next ten years there will be entire sections of cities in permanent roof Korean mode

When the next Loma Prieta or Big One hits.

Like YOU would.
Just have more than one.

>hey buddy just give us, the goverment all of your guns or else we kill you
>oh... okay, p-please let me lick your boots on the way out sir!
>by the way tyrone and his crew are coming around to fuck your shit up, good luck

roof koreans got two own team kills, one ground korean and one white security guard and no looter kills. i respect what they did but execution was so so.

I understand wanting to keep the guns, I just don't think getting into a gunfight with the police is the way to do it. You're not going to win that fight, and some little girl is going to be missing her cop daddy.

Have a boating accident instead.

and what about your daughter the next time they come for you when your guns are already in the ground?

lol, i thought americans were supposed to be cool, not bending overbackwards cuck bootlickers
>oh no a generic goons family might be upset!!
so a cops family is more important than yours?
way to tell the cops you have guns hidden around the house that you didnt want them to know about

>He hasn't seen the first person account of the LAPD officer who noticed the difference between normal areas and roof korean guarded areas.

The Korean that the koreans killed was some dumb kid.

Korean wannabe gangster type.

He and his idiot friends started shooting at the koreans on the rooftops thinking they were looters.

That's why they lit up he and his dumb friends.

Anyways the rooftop koreans weren't about kills.

It was about guarding their property.

If their property survived, their business didn't get looted then they did their job.

oh so the one guy who got killed was a gangster not exactly the same as every other korean out there trying to protect businesses? ok redditor.

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Americans will never defend their rights or property in any meaningful way again, ever.

see this pretty commonly in FL

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You don't keep your guns in the ground, and I don't know what fantasy you're imagining, but things have to get a lot worse before the cops are coming for your daughter.

If you think gunfighting the police is a winning strategy, I dunno what to tell you man. Yeah, you might get to keep your guns for the rest of your life, but that won't be too long.

The Koreans shouldn't have surrendered their guns, but they also shouldn't have started a massive shootout with the police either.

>The Koreans shouldn't have surrendered their guns, but they also shouldn't have started a massive shootout with the police either.
at this point you may be a chatbot you have so little understanding of what happened.

> Ignoring the National Guard that FL let literally take whatever shit they wanted from citizens
> 2nd Amendment household
> He says while following gun laws
double kek

it was rushed and they didnt have any sort of plan of execution for SHTF. im sure no one thought anything like that would happen. what doesn't get said is that like 20 korean businesses got looted then burned down, but those who armed up completely protected their livelihoods

>cubans murder someone who just glanced towards them in the streets in florida
>this nigger says nothing
>cries when national guard steps in on these fucks and those who supported them

Spot the difference

>Too "priviliged" for the left and too "immigrant" for the right. End result is we end up having to watch out for ourselves and dont get to pick a side

Very true. Unfortunately, while most Asians seem to remain nonpolitical and keep their heads down, those that do end up picking a side end up voting overwhelming left. Demographic voting trends do not lie.

Asian females are especially bad with this. It's true that females of any race on aggregate lean further left than males, but Asian females in particular are very bad. There still exist a nontrivial number of white females who lean right (though this is more a consequence of whites as a whole still leaning more right), but I've yet to meet ANY Asian female irl who didn't vote Democrat in the 2016 elections.

I swear to God, you will see two dozen Roof-Jews if Jow Forums ever gets their way. I've converted most of my Jewish family into buying and learning to use firearms. That is the lesson I've learned from history, and the one I've passed on to my family.

Molon Labe

Attached: Polish soldier carrying a body of a boy who died fighting during the Warsaw Uprising. Warsaw, occupi (449x401, 54K)

It depends; they can run the gamut from Keanu Reeves and Viktor Tsoi to, well, Elliot Rodger. r/AsianMasculinity has a bunch of psychological problems, but I'd say r/hapas is debatably even worse when it comes to insecurity and identity issues. Granted, those aren't really reflective of ALL hapas, but there's enough people subscribed to them to know that they reflect a non-trivial proporiton.

109 countries

> Implying I don't want all Amerimutts to burn in nuclear fire for their crimes

Get fucked kike, the day of the rope will come for you

I hate to tell you this but Indians are Asians. So are Sri Lankan’s, Nepalese ect

Someone wake up Al Sharpton and we'll find out.

Wow, you are so inclusive.

lmao, we'll just gas you out

>He thinks hes safe on the roof

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And? I never said they werent. Asian Indians are a good US demographic and get "privileged" status by the left yet the "immigrant takin our jerbs" status by the right. Same situation as east asians.

every single source says both groups were korean defenders who mistook each other for looters.

Honestly I think roof Filipinos are more likely these days. They'll be protecting Jollibee from nogs going after the chicken.

Some assholes already tried that on me already, it didn't take.

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Good thinking, you can gas yourself with weak shit to build up your immunity.

If I could, I would happily allow you to "enjoy" them yourself. I really mean that.

Half asian and caucasians get absolutely fucked. Got the very competitive admissions and also white privilege.

"If God doesn't do something to San Francisco, He has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."

I honestly can't blame them. Every one of my mixed race peers feels dejected about their situation no matter their ethnicity since both the races they try to identify with severely reject them. Race mixing is child abuse.

I wonder if other countries assume americans are gun experts

They also have extremely high rates of schizophrenia and other disorders. Also, caucasian is an extremely outdated term that should be abandoned.