Please nuke this shit country already./

Please nuke this shit country already./

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You think that's bad?

>General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, 55, said on Friday that the next generation of equipment used by the service must instead rely on “clean technology” such as solar power.

Attached: Capture.jpg (770x834, 98K)

>these injuries are not common in men either
1/3 of all potential marines will suffer injury during the Commando Course.
>Of those joining under the original syllabus, 105 (7%) suffered a total of 109 stress fractures. Four men suffered more than 1 fracture, of which three cases were metachronous and one was synchronous. Of the RCRS recruits, 80 men (3.8%) suffered a total of 92 stress fractures. Twelve men suffered more than 1 fracture, of which six cases were metachronous and six were synchronous

Its just the papers lookin for something to make headlines. The fact that she isnt filing suit tells you everything you need to know. Stop being a faggot and getting emotional because you read a headline in a rag.

I can't find the press release anywhere which really makes me think this is complete bullshit. Electric motors have heaps of advantages for military applications but the energy density of batteries is just too shit.

>Electric motors have heaps of advantages for military applications
This. The South Africans are toying with a hybrid power-pack for their Recon vehicles - the idea being you power over long distances with your usual gas engine and then when its time to do spooky shit you switch over to your near silent electrical engine.

Unironically, hybrid engines have a huge role to play in terms of military applications where noise signatures are a consideration.

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There's multiple reports that he made the remarks in a speech at the DSEI in London, but I haven't found an actual release or transcript.

Gone are the days when men tabbed 30 miles over the Falklands with 58 Pattern stuff and then attacked at the other end.

Sounds like how early submarines worked, using deisel engines for the long stretch and switching to batteries for the actual engagements.

no they arent. You have to do 30 miles through Dartmoor just to get your Commando cap-badge.

Lol, rest of the unit is going to have the carry all the female's ammo for them

Gee, it's almost like women aren't well suited for fighting due to biology and should avoid it unless they have literally no other choice.

If you can't read that, you need your eyes checked.


>Womens bodies literally self-implode during training
>training practices that have evolved over 1000 years to engineer the best possible soldier
>the problem is the training! not us!
2019 sucks so much.

I think the best option is a diesel engine running a generator with electric motors providing drive, this eliminates the gearbox and allows the engine to run at a constant RPM increasing efficiency. This is how heavy mining gear operates because of the increased reliability and reduced fuel cost.

This. Can we ban the incelfags making muh wahman threads?

Well, it seems that user is asian.

Bongs still produce top quality soldiers though
Any that I ever met were fucking hardcore

Where is that peogressive retard that always comes in and claims women are just as good as men?

I think it's his holiday from being professionally retarded

To be fair I don't think the bongs have lowered standards so fair enough for her to make it that far as a lot of people crack, Royal Marine training is pretty damn hard
But yeah being as shes the only one to have gotten that far and now she's fucked I wouldn't say it bodes well for women
I hear they can join bong SOF now too, but since they can't ((((even)))) get into paras or marines (as such the SFSG) then I don't think that is gonna happen any time soon

I hate incelfags too, but being a goodboy to appease women and distance yourself from women isn’t the way to go, incel.

>relying less on oil is a bad thing

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It is if the alternatives aren't even close to as good.

Rate my OC.

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>solar powered tanks
>Sir! It's a night attack
>Well, shit.


You've triggered my trap card!

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Or they should at least reserve themselves to combat roles that aren't as physically demanding.

>Artillery, combat pilots, marksmen, etc.

OK I did some work on it to fit your leftist sensibilities.

Attached: lEFTISt mEMe.jpg (2628x1644, 776K)

>not physically demanding
Dude look up what a 155 shell weighs and imagine lifting that all day. Not an 8 hour day, but the entire time there is daylight.

>Using solar power instead of batteries or hybrid engines

They're better for other support roles, like stuff that needs doing on base, such as office work (handling logistics and communications, etc), or working the infirmary.

it's also how diesel-electric locomotives work
seems like a no-brainer to me

>"refuelling" battery-powered tanks in the Forward Edge of the Battle Area

Arty is physically demanding as fuck, ironically requiring mostly upper body strength which is where women fall extremely short.
Pilots and marksmen require you to perform stone cold under mounds of stress. Again, where women fall way short.
If women made good warrior then they historically would've taken men's places worldwide - but they didnt, and for good reason. In fact, the only civilizations to do so died out centuries/millennia ago.

120mm mortars are by far the most physically demanding. Arty is big shells but normally only a short horizontal movement. 120mm is a lateral movement to shoulder/head height and often you are firing significantly faster than howitzers.

>using anything other than a RTG or a two stroke to feed the batteries
Fake and gay.

Yeah I definitely wouldn't want to be a mortar loader, the team is also smaller so you can't switch roles if someone gets tired.

Way to post a tiny thumbnail with no sources. Troll harder fagget.

Just your everyday tactics of incels

What a pansy, it took my entire right knee nearly exploding while I sounded like death from constant coughing for me to get to medical.
[spoilersdon’twork]And then getting discharged, fucking cunts[/nopenopenope]

>female marines suffer from kit designed for men
Illiterate whores detected, stay in the kitchen.

>what is energy density
>what is armored volume
If you wanted to make a battery tank with the range of a diesel tank you are going to have either much less armor or a much larger tank, neither is a good idea when having a smaller better armored tank is the current standard.

U wot m8. A few months ago we did a patrols competition in Dartmoor, did 34km in 20 hours carrying 40kgs of kit, all while doing stands including section attacks, casevacs, CPERs, recce and a DCCT range at the end followed by a military knowledge test. And thats considered a pretty short patrols competition by most standards. I was recently on a course where we did a 12 hour platoon advance to contact across Brecon, carrying full fighting order including link and about 15 mags worth of loose per man.

The ability to go long distances across shitty ground in shitty weather with weight and still be able to fight at the end of it is still very much a point of pride for the British Army, and especially light role infanteers.

She's hot.

This. Better torque and significant weight savings too. When they replaced the copper wiring on the Abrams, they reduced the weight by almost a ton. Imagine how much more you would save by taking off the transmission

Stop larping as a woman and getting offended on their behalf. They fucking hated you when you were a guy and they hate you even more now.