What do you do to defend your home, Jow Forums? Do you have something when you're not at home?

What do you do to defend your home, Jow Forums? Do you have something when you're not at home?

Video semi-related, PTZ tracking camera

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PTZ? Should be PUTZ because when two mother fuckers come what the fuck is the camera gonna do then?

No. Personal property is of no concern to me. That’s what insurance is for. Thinking about getting a German Shepherd though since I’m a heavy sleeper.

Just booby trap your house with a shotgun and hide the body before moralfags find it.

Attach a deterrent to the PTZ and have the PTZ alert your smartphone whenever it detects something. Then do what is necessary? That deterrent could be water hose, paintball, gun, homing 911, alerting the dogs inside the house to bark, etc.

I had an issue a few weeks ago so I went to Amazon and got a 4 pack of cameras (4k quality with a router) and have one on each corner of my house that records 24/7 to my laptop. Also have vivint doorbell camera, security system, ect.

Or just undo the trap and say you shot him

>wear mask
>knock down camera

I have mine set 15+ on each corner of my house hard wired through my siding and into my home. He would have to bring a ladder and hit all 4 corners of my home. I also have it set for when it detects a person (not bugs, cats, ect, which the cheaper ones will) it will set off alarms on mine and my wife's phone's that I also have it connected to. If used properly, security cameras can and will stop and or prevent crimes before they take place.

Add water nozzle or paintball gun and if someone comes close to the camera, have it automatically shoot water at them. PTZ camera works here very well as auto-aim bot system.

So what happens when there's multiple people?

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If I want you bad enough, I will get you.

read what I posted earlier
If you come to my house will ill intentions, my security camera isn't meant to deter crime (while it absolutely can) it is meant to give me a warning and a head start vs being caught off guard after you are already in my home. Now, a security camera set up all wrong is a waste of time and money. But I have mine specifically set up, along with my home security system and doorbell camera, to make everything preventive.

Disappointed this thread is dying.
>double paned plexiglass on all ground floor windows and have two simple locks on each window. Burglars are likely to run if the glass doesn't break easily
>reinforce all ground level doors with steel door and frame, 2 locks, have 4 hinges, and door bar barricade. Make it impossible for someone to just kick in the door.
>motion sensors outside of the house that are rigged to lights and a buzzard.
>small cameras around the house and exterior, focusing on doorways and driveway/street. If you don't want to go through the Jow Forumsay effort of making your own home security system, get a commercial home security system.
>own a medium to large dog, won't scare off the professional who has dog treats bit will scare off the chicken shit ones
>lock on garage door and place a plate in front of the emergency release cord. Don't keep your garage door opener outsider.
>keep toolshed locked and secured, try and not have a ladder inside.
>live in a white boomer or rich Asian neighborhood with strong castle doctrine laws
>own multiple cars and always have a car in the drive way, preferably a cheap shit box
>have a empty lockbox out in the open, put some junk inside so they steal that and hopefully nothing else because they think they made a score. Hide your real valuables in less accessible places.
>don't have a bunch of bushes around the front of your house which obscures the view from the street, burglars are more likely to target your house.
>don't tell your neighbors, coworkers, or post about it on social media when you're going on vacation.
>set lights and TVs on timers during the day and night, even when home so that it always looks like someone's home.

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I agree with everything you have just said and even gave me a few ideas I didn't even think about doing, so thanks! Hopefully some anons will come along and keep it alive.

I'm hoping someone can talk about South Africa and-or Brazil home security like in pic related

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How much is that thing? A cheap-shit Jide PTZ camera with PoE and IR is like $100.

The inverse is also true. I got a tub of vaseline with your butthole’s name on it at standby so pepper your angus.

Just leave Mars Attacks! martian mannequins in your house.

Heavy sleepers will be the first to go. While its miserable, Im thankful I wake up for just about everything. Ill even answer mofos questions while im in midsleep, i sleep so light. No way will i be dead in my bed, yo

Enjoy having that thing plinked with an air rifle on a monthly basis, or however regularly you replace it. I’ve known plenty of bored vets who would make regular hobby of testing their marksmanship with an air rifle on privacy infringing surveillance equipment from urban stealth blinds, and concealed angles. Do the neighborhood a favor, and keep your little toys on the inside of home home, maybe film your own kids all day, and leave decent people the fuck alone ya creepy old bastard.

Imagine having to barbed wire your fucking house. Cities were a mistake

more like
>fucking spikes with blade hooks
>two layers of electric wire
>set on a 2-4m tall concrete wall
>which protects your brutalist house that has security shutters on the second floor

>leaving your precious Mars Attacks! mannequins unguarded

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That's similar to how my neighbors feel after we had a string of vandals tearing everyone's shit up and I turned my house into a schizophrenics nightmare with cameras everywhere. They all think I'm crazy but I was literally the only one who made a police report even after some guy had a few grand in damage said it's no big deal. I told them to all fuck off and straight piped my Ram 1500 with 5.7 Hemi to piss them off further. Murica mother fucker

Forgot to add we dont have inspections for cat deletes among other things, so it's nice to be a very legal ass hole

That is terrible camera placement. What lazy mounting. It should be mounted higher up the inside corner of the roof so somebody can't get a great whack at it with a baseball bat or crowbar. I imagine it's quite expensive. Probably would be pissed to have to replace it. Lazy company probably doesn't even have a corner mounting plate. Terrible.

This, my cameras are a deterrent but moreso a warning system, 24/7 surveillance have the monitor set up in my room so I can constantly monitor it if need be, overlapping cameras so you cant knock one out and not be seen etc, and for when I'm not home I have interior monitor sensors and trip alarms on my doors that alerts my phone immediately when the doors open same with my cameras while setting off a god awful alarm, also pretty much constantly carry a gun and sleep with it on my nightstand

Honestly as someone who has a hardon for fortified compounds if I ever get stupid rich I'm just gonna build a 5 acre plot that has concrete walls, stupid strong gates, barbed wire at the top etc mostly for the hell of it and cause I think it looks cool

Fuck those neighbors and that user, if I want to make my house into fort knox whys it your fucking business? The only reason someone would bitch about your home security systems being over the top is if they have poor intentions or their dog walked into the unmarked minefield

This is relevant to wmyour comment but my wife and I went to our nextdoor neighbor's birthday party lastnight (were all in our late 20s) and my left front camera caught a chick throwing up all over in my yard. While it's not super exciting it's definitely fun to laugh at some drunk girl on all fours hurling, and yes, my cameras have sound and yes, I have showed it to everyone. Those guys aren't that bad and pretty cool, two of the three roommates owning a gun and pretty right wing, but my other neighbors are super liberal and snarled at me when I posted the vandals skin color on the neighbors app which got me banned. It doesn't bother me too much but it's fun to straight pipe my truck just to piss them off. I own my home, they rent, I win. Also nice to not be apart of HOA since I bought my dads home from him that hes lived in since the early 60s and now retired on a farm living the dream. Anyways, sorry to rant.

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Sounds Jow Forumsomfy I live on the edge of nowhere so I dont really see much, only really interesting thing was my dog was barking like crazy so I was watching the cameras and all of a sudden saw a buck haul ass past my front door and down the driveway, kinda funny I suppose

Its crazy the thing's that go on when you're asleep. I'll spend an hour every night looking through the previous nights footage and I'll see some random people walking their dogs or a car driving down the road, nothing spectacular and I'm hoping it stays that way. I spent $500 on my truck after vandals hit back to back nights, the first was back window smashed and slashed tires at $300 a piece and the next night was a broken windshield. So I had to make two claims but that's when I shelled out the money for cameras and turned my house into the DMZ even adding an extra flood light that's super sensitive which I'm glad because it picked up that girl throwing up really clear. Our future goal is to get out in the middle of nowhere in a one red light town that you won't even know you just drove through, especially since were trying for kids and want a good education system and bit forced into a drug/crime ridden school

>privacy infringing surveillance equipment
If you are in the public right-of-way you have no expectation of privacy. Smile for the cameras.

>get one of those large inflatable balls from Wallmart
>Kick it across the yard
>run towards the house while camera is distracted

It would be possible to break into your house quickly and grab as much as possible in three minutes and be out the door on the move

The crime in my surrounding area happen between the hours of 11pm and 4:30am (have a good friend who is a local detective in my precinct) so my only concern for my home and property is when I'm asleep and now I have that covered. I'm not a military compound, just some guy trying to use preventative measures I have at my disposal

What caused mine was someone broke into my house and stole 3 guns and some other shit, scary part was it happened in the 1 hour window that no one was at my house and my property is not easy to see at all from the road, even the sheriff had trouble finding it and agreed that it was most likely someone local and was staking it out so pretty much over night my house became fort knox

That's insane, man. The worse part is, they will probably never catch the guy, and if they do, it's all dumb luck. I'm sorry it happened to you and I can imagine how violated you feel because I know I was over a truck, let alone my home where I lay my head down. It's always after the fact when we get our insurance but atleast we made the decision to step up security, something I can say none of my other neighbors did.

Add a sound alarm system that activates after the PTZ tracks a target for few seconds.


And have it play for as long as the target is within tracking distance. A little noise is all it takes most of the time.

It definitely did make me feel uneasy, ever since I pretty much carry a 9mm thats loaded with me at all times and keep it on my nightstand as needed, if I could I'd wire a tripwire to a shotgun shell on my patio to wake me up (I'm a heavy fucking sleeper) but my roommate would probably set it off a ton, I'm alot more vigilant now about home security cause they saw my gun safe so they know theirs more to be had but if they come when I'm home I dont intend to let them walk out, and for those who believe cops are minutes away it took 3 hours for the sherrif to get to my house
When seconds count moments matter afterall

What do you want to know?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

quality advice

>double paned plexiglass
That stuff does not age well.

I like you and I want ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.



>double deadbolts on door
>Amcrest cam pointing out window at cars
>Amcrest cam net in house, all of them dump video to a DiskStation that sits at work
>all cameras set to send push notifications and screenshots to my phone when they detect movement
>alarm doorstop on only door in
>AK-74 by bed
>P30LS on nightstand
>PC against bed frame
>raspberry pi on nightstand shows all camera views

>Don't keep your garage door opener outsider.
Shit that's such an obvious thing that I never really thought about it. Thanks user.

what a faggot

What I meant was don't keep it in your car, I've known people to get broken into because the burglar just gets in the car and opens the garage.

>Cities were a mistake
Haha. Yeah. Cities.

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Yeah I got what you meant. I'm just saying I can't believe I never realized the vulnerability of leaving it in the car before. My master suite is far enough away from my garage that I wouldn't hear it opening. I'd be pissed if I woke up one day and found all my tools gone and my car window busted.

Any and everything you're willing to post about. Would like to know what security works and doesn't in a world where cops aren't 10 minutes away. I've seen people say to skip getting guards because they're likely the ones to steal your shit, don't have a wall around your house but get a fence because then you can see through the fence and see who's coming (also get fixed sharp spikes or roller spikes instead of barbed wire), and get storm shutters on all the windows. only ask is because I'd like to know what to keep in mind if one day I have to live in a place like that.

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