Tacticringe Theatre Presents

LAHNER Tactical Concepts
>Robot movement and poses
>Gun-Fu pistol punch
>Fight a PVC pipe on a swivel

Attached: lahner-x-carrier.jpg (647x414, 88K)

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Dat gun fu power punch is pretty cool.

Tactical Gangsta style shooting! This is gonna appeal to soo many gangbangers!

Right? Leave a barrel bushing stamp on your attacker's forehead.

those robotic movements and gun positioning drive me up the fucking wall. Shits beyond retarded.

looks like gun kata lelelele

haha at 1:11 he points his glawk directly at the guy next to him

Bad robot

>That live action muzzle sweep at 1m10s.
Nope, fuck that.

Good to see there's still some of Jow Forums left on Jow Forums.

What are you talking about you drooling retarded?

g guys . . . this is a joke right?

Attached: 1513152111971.png (384x390, 175K)

Wow this hurts my soul

also that dumb thing some pistol shooters do, when they fire their last round and pull the gun backwards into their chest instead of just lowering their aim. WHY.

Muscle memory
Getting the pistol back into your working area

inb4 patmac I QUIT video

Ask, and ye shall receive. youtube.com/watch?v=wzwVXA9J620

What the fuck are you drooling about retard

I almost threw up when they were doing that synchronized shooting. Lean left, gangster grip. People pay for this shit.

also the c-clamp meme grip for rifle hand rails.

Even Europe has tacticool garbage? Color me surprised.

I use c-clamp shooting my 1894, works well.

Attached: 1568312037_snf6sdu00f.gif (360x457, 2.62M)



At the end of this video he points his gun at a dudes head multiple times while drawing from a serpa holster... I don't think it gets much worse. I would rather take a class from Voda

You clearly like to spazz out so here’s a bunch of places you can tell people they are retarded. Enjoy








Russian gun kung fu

>going in a close 1o1 with a papercut out

Do you hold a water hose near the end or further back? Why would you hold a bullet hose any different?

What's wrong with compressed ready exactly? It's just a way to let your arms rest and keep your gun pointed in a safe direction when not actively firing, for whatever reason. It's very fast and natural to just retract your arms back.

It probably has even more garbage. The US is the absolute leader when it comes to civilian firearm ownership and as such it creates tons of tried and proven educational material if you're willing to put your time and effort to do some research and filter out the bullshit. In european the gun culture is not nearly as strong, there's way less sources of decent knowledge, there's a lot """instructors""" who don't speak english and as such rely on heavily outdated or downright homemade techniques taught to them by other """instructors""". Or just some bullshit they came up with themselves.


Watch the patmac , it's not the stance, it's the muscle memory of doing it quickly after a shot.

hold c clamp but with wrist under the weight of the barrel, not c clamp with wrist horizontal to the weight of the barrel. it's fucking stupid to fight against the force of gravity any more than you have to.

Attached: 3-GunGrip.jpg (600x338, 45K)

Well yeah, you obviously shouldn't train to retract your handgun as soon as possible after taking a shot without getting another sight picture, unless you know you are empty and want to reload. But I get the feeling that user simply doesn't understand that the traditional low ready isn't the only one or best ready position.

99% of tactical schools teach larping. They are like karate schools of the 80s All teaching the same useless garbage. Just like karate schools if they all teach the same garbage students and experts then find anything outside of that as wrong.

I unlearned a lot of the garbage I paid to learn after shooting with a former gangbanger and a former armored car security guard. Both had bullet holes both told me how they survived gunfights. The one thing they agreed on was don't spend too much time looking in the same place, because its the guy you don't see that's going to kill you. Also a two handed sights lined up grip is a fantasy. Street thugs are not affraid of guns and they will sock the shit out of you if they know you are going for a gun in hopes they get the sucker punch ko. So be ready to fist fight or pistol whip someone.

>Also a two handed sights lined up grip is a fantasy.
Lol, no

C-clamp is fine but it's for manlets.
If you can do C-clam and your arm is even remotely straight, you are a manlet.

>Also a two handed sights lined up grip is a fantasy. Street thugs are not affraid of guns and they will sock the shit out of you if they know you are going for a gun in hopes they get the sucker punch ko. So be ready to fist fight or pistol whip someone.
Everything about what you said here is stupid except that they aren't afraid of guns. If you pull a gun you better be ready to shoot it immediately.

If the instructor makes his living teaching competent law enforcement departments (not small town 3 person departments where his buddy Jim is a cop), then he probably has something legitimate to say.
If his business is not at least mostly exclusive to police and federal agencies, I would be highly suspect.

>Also a two handed sights lined up grip is a fantasy.
Really? Because like 90% of competent shooters in ASP vids or police body cam footage use it, and a good chunk of the incompetent ones too. Sounds like you're looking for excuses for why you suck and have poor fundamentals

>Also a two handed sights lined up grip is a fantasy.
You're already getting shit on for this because you went full absolutes, so I'll just say that I get what they meant, a one handed draw is pretty damn important, you need one in the chamber ready to go for this exact reason, and point shooting is important.

yep saw that as well.

this is the most cringe i have seen in a loooonnnngg time

That's like something you'd see "the tacticool cop" do in a comedy movie.

What is this technique at 1:48 called? Should any one man have all this power?

Those guys in OP's vid are
SOOOOO restarded they had to
turn off comments.

ohhh shit


watch that thunderstomp move hahahahahahah
15 second stun on all surrounding enemies

Yes, but are they worthy challengers for THE VODA?


Attached: dominant stance.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

How many of them do you think have punisher themed accessories?

>learns to shoot from people who effectively failed at defending themselves and have holes to prove it

Pure fucking autism

Just learn to avoid gunfights like any functional and competent CCW holder has... be an adult dude, like seriously.

So whats up with the oversized toaster body plate carrier that dude has in OP pic? I kinda want one... am i dirty?


10/10 flag

Attached: oof.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)


thats a flip down full body shield

It's normal sized he's just smol.

holy shit how can this be taken seriously?



And then you look at the people who have been president the last 40 years and go...oh well...yeah ok ...

it says alot about the people at general public.

Attached: israeli faggot pointing method .jpg (873x522, 69K)

You're worse for believing that ever happened

Israeli instructors always struck me as people who know what they're doing but do it wrong anyways

Is complaining about the goyim SOP?

Go drool somewhere else, retard.

>Israeli instructors always struck me as people who know what they're doing but do it wrong anyways
Holy shit, I could never quite place the feeling but you nailed it.

6'2 195lbs
C-Clamp gives straight arm

I-I'm a manlet? How did this happen?

Superslick moves

Nah bro, just disarm them with your mind bro....works for me for years bro...

Holy fucking height over bore!

Attached: Untitled.png (1600x900, 2.26M)

>A riser mount on a riser mount
Why the fuck wouldnt he have just use a carry handle optic? God damn jews

This is jewish propaganda at its finest.


Absolutely 11/homosexual larpery
On the dial marked homosexual larpery they had to add an 11 as 10 was not enough.
Then they turned the dial to 11

Gets the noggin joggin.

Attached: goyim.png (1296x2188, 3.47M)

Manlet cut-off is 6'7

Do you train for this?


This is a very likely scenario. Far more likely than this


They succeeded in defending themselves, they are alive. A gunfight isn't over because you get shot.

You need to be able to continue to fight if you are shot, stabbed or whatever.

Honestly I thought it was a meme until I finally held an AR with a modern mlok rail. The profile of the rail is so skinny that the c-clamp style of holding the rifle is actually the most comfortable for me. Can it be exaggerated? Absolutely, but you don't have to have your arm fully extended with the shoulder on your off arm hunched up to the top of your head. You can actually use a c-clamp grip like a normal human being.

I don't see a difference between this, those Magpul idiots, Ronin tactics, James Yeager or Reid Heinrichs

It's just so dorks can leave their office jobs

"Test" their overpriced rifles they bought because the brand paid for a forum sponsorship and the mods delete anything positive about other brands

So they can feel like men for one weekend becaythey had a none officer level spec ops dude from 20 years ago grunting at them

While his wife fucks a college boy with and on tinder

Everyone of those fucks is the same person, office job, low t, married white boy with a dad bod and plate carrier

That only works with ARs and target ammo, the ar-10 once you start shooting fast it puts your wrist in an odd angle so that you don't absorb recoil as much as have your wrist fightbit and tends to wear you out

OFC the ATF won't storm this facility

Don't the Jews already have a military? The US military

>office job, low t, married white boy with a dad bod and plate carrier


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yeah wtf is that shit? This moron should lose his range before someone gets killed

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silence tripfag

Yeah I’m just glad their using simunition

What’s really funny is the Acog could fit better if he just took off the base lol. They were made to be compatible with the carry handle

I wanna smack her bazongas with my dicc

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holy shit I've never heard such truth

>complains about Charlottesville
>complains about antifa
>"to the issue of terrorism and violence? absolutely guns are the answer, yes"
dude has somehow gotten New York Jews to own and shoot guns, AND he got some QTs to LARP as IDF. I want to hate so bad but I can't, I'm just jelly.

Yeah when I found out my boxing coach lost a match I didn't want to train with him any more. Not only do I want to learn from undefeated fighters, but I want to learn only from guys who've never once been hit. If you ate a jab you aren't legit.

This but unironically. De-escalation is the strongest tool in anyone's toolkit. The best bullet is the one you don't have to fire. Obviously you want to be able to place that bullet where it needs to go if it's necessary, but it should always be your last resort.

Looks comfy, wish a group of white people could do that without getting red flagged as a nazi terror org

It's the old IDF sharpshooter setup. He is LARPing.

Attached: idf-marksman.jpg (512x341, 45K)

> Hi kids. Today, we will be learing the most common combination in self defense. The old "1, 1-BANG!"
I like it.

i want t use my face to roll her tits like cookie dough, and to give her tits a good meaty slap as i go down for the hole in one.

>Far more likely than this
Yes, one target is far more likely than three targets you strawman faggot

You know what's not? Grappling with the guy you shoot, unless you're a cop.
Train for both, obviously, carry appendix for weapon retention and the ability to use an ambidextrous draw. But you're a faggot for implying that's the most likely scenario unless you go around starting shit with people on purpose like a tough guy.

Not so sure how I feel about the first one. What if you elect purely to grapple but the other guy has a knife rather than a gun? This exercise fundamentally works off of the assumption that the other guy is packing, while if he has a knife and you try to grapple him, there's a good chance you're gonna get fucked up. To be fair, if he has a knife in that situation you're probably fucked anyway. The knife generally wins even from much further distances.

>C-clamp is fine but it's for manlets.
quite the opposite, I am a big big boyye with bear paws for hands, c-clamp is naturally how my hand wants to be when I'm holding a rifle with a skinny handguard

>you're a faggot for implying that's the most likely scenario
Not him. How likely the scenario is for you depends entirely where you live. Downtown? Get used to dudes asking for change or trying to bum a cigarette. Maybe they are bummibg. Maybe it's a gambit to close distance or provide cover for an assault from the rear. That's basically the entirety of what guys like Freeborn and Douglas are pushing.

Why complain like an asshole if you can do better be the change in the world go start a company

I rember when this guy started out and people made fun of him in his YouTube channel he didn't get mad he made positive responses noes he's sort of somebody with awards

Totally fair and legitimate argument user, but that guy started right off speaking in absolutes when there's objective data that proves him wrong.

I'm also being a bit autismo because in my personal experience nearly everyone that pushes that argument does it to avoid having to shoot at any distance or with any precision because they simply suck with pistols.
Guns are a distance tool, you should be proficient in using them at a distance greater than three feet.

that's a lot of autism op