Step one: become a cop

Step one: become a cop
Step two: find out ahead of time when the gun raids are happening so they can hide their guns
Step three: profit?

Attached: cop-viral-video-feature.jpg (2000x1339, 219K)

*and tell gun owners so they can hide their guns

Step four: get busted by internal affairs
Step five: spend your entire decade long sentence in solitary because gen pop ain't gonna care about why you became a pig, they'll kill you first and don't ask later

>hiding your guns
Hope you are the first to go

This. Be VERY CAREFUL about however the hell your tipping people off. Honestly it'd probably be easier to tell them the codes and encourage them to listen in on the radio.
Good degree of separation there

Have copbros planning to do and they wouldn't leave me outta the loop because they'd miss out on beef conies with homemade Cincinnati chili.

There will be cops doing things like

I'd be helping other gun owners who aren't cops keep their guns. Why would you want me to die?

Because you're a cop and they're in prison


Attached: Freg Says Shall Not.jpg (630x630, 48K)

Step 3 do not comply. The federal government is extremely small, they have enough of a force to stop manufacturer and sales at the FFL level but not to take our guns. States like Montana would quickly become gun sanctuaries
What jury would convict?

For the paranoid
>Buy cheap ass ultra low end $50 android with cash
>buy prepaid cards in cash (iWireless used to be pretty good)
>open up phone, physically remove microphone and camera
>only send messages through a message app that includes encryption like Signal
>use code in your texts
It's not hard to tip people off without getting caught. I put 5 seconds of thought into this. I'm sure if you ask people who are more tech skilled they can find something even better.

>five beers at the local bar later

Noone I care about drinks or does drugs

I'm a cop. I'm honestly just gonna quit if anything major is passed. Been setting my sights on other things anyways.

>incel sperg shows up to briefing for first day of work
>"hey fellow ociffers, so what's the plan to take all Americans guns again? Hehe, I forget..."

You fags probably wouldn't even make it through academy. If you did, you'd see we're already busy and dangered enough by the loosely organized drug and gang shit. I'm not participating in sparking a massive organized rebellion/civil war. I'd sooner quit and do literally anything else.

Most police aren't super idealistic, but at their core they're red blooded. What we care about is keeping society safe and putting away actual bad people. Yes that includes you druggie shits who pay the cartels. We don't see much of an issue with the average Joe owning a gun. The only people that are making a big issue of it are brainwashed fake news watchers. In fact, anything that prevents the victimization of good people, whether from violent crime or potential tyranny, I'm all for.


Attached: DLgB-hMW0AAA88A.jpg large.jpg (1200x572, 75K)

Sooner or later it's going to be the Turner Diaries irl and you're going to have to pick a side

I know some officers ready to do the same, small town cops usually don’t he it in them to disarm or endanger someone they know, go to church with or grew up with. Imagine being the guy who got Jim, the happy guy who always brought the BBQ to every church function and always had a smile on his face, killed over some bullshit no knock raid signed off by a kike in the big city miles away? You’d have to look at them every day and you will always be reminded of what you did just with the looks you’ll get, which is why I think it’ll be a mostly fedboi or big metro police show if confiscations happen

Your fantasies never really seem to come into fruition, but my side is whatever is in the best interest of the good people in this nation. The ones who are still hard working and give a damn enough to hold themselves to high moral standards.

>Most police aren't super idealistic, but at their core they're red blooded
Same with the military and for both it doesn't matter 70%+ will kill us when ordered to

Small town, even big city local governments are likely going to be an obstacle for the fed to overcome. There would be so much balkanization there would undoubtedly be massive civil unrest, if not all out civil war. The funny thing is we're the solid monopoly on power. The second amendment works in that armed Americans already are the biggest wolf in the pack. It's interesting to see so many paranoid people thinking the government even CAN take their guns. There's no chance in hell. There are (((entities))) pushing for it sure, but if it ever happens we would win the war within a couple months at most. Concern is fine, but don't push yourself to paranoia and hating groups who aren't even against you. We are very secure in our rights at this point by the sheer number of us there are. 2A isn't going anywhere in the foreseeable future, though I agree the kikes are pushing it with the red flag laws.