/o/ here. With electric cars becoming more common, would there be a market for an silent-running troop carrier for night/covert operations? Assuming another breakthrough in energy storage at least.
/o/ here. With electric cars becoming more common...
Of course, and there hasn't been one because of the last thing you posted.
Look at submarines
Didn't the Germans already do that with one of their scout 8x8? Hybrid with both gas and battery power so it could do silent ops and run over friendly soldiers who couldnt hear it.
Yes, all the major armed forces are working on electric vehicle deployments. Current problems are battery capacity (for heavy vehicles) and a viable supply line, since it would be kind of retarded to sortie in electric vehicle and then recharge them from diesel generators back at the base
Problems are with the batteries being compromised in battle and incinerating everything and one onboard. Dumbest fucking idea ever.
even without an engine going, 15000lb of steel makes a lot of noise moving along
Logistically battery electric vehicles are a complete fail for a military. They make zero sense.
no worse than liquid fuel, and maybe better, since batteries only catch fire and rarely violently explode
Does anyone have the screen cap of Dorian trapping people in Florida because they drove Teslas and all the charging stations were down with the exception of one or two in the state? I know they were whining on Twitter bitching at Musk about it all and some user on /o/ screenshot it
Light utility vehicles (LUVs) already exist kiddies.
none of these are electric or even hybrids, are they?
It's ranger EV for electric. The other is a chink one also electric, the prowler is electric as well, as is pic related.
Polaris does come with combustion engines and hybrids and electrics, all switchable power plants for their major sellers.
In testing when fuel tanks and batteries are shot with military rounds up to .50cal
The gasoline just leaked out and pooled. Hydrogen tanks blew out and the hydrogen dissipated almost instantly and the lithium batteries we are discussing lit into a raging inferno. Every, single, time.
Gasoline and hydrogen are far safer in combat than batteries.
Wouldn't infrared / heat be another advantage? Electric motors generate heat from the current in the coils, but aren't they a lot cooler than fuel combustion?
Fuck any military that is stupid enough to use massive lithium ion batteries as an energy source for a vehicle.
Hydrogen fuel cells are superior for going undetected via heat.