Your favorite gun

>your favorite gun
>(((your deepest darkest secret)))

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>I have way too much Hentai on my computer, covering many dark interests/fetishes that would make my family ashamed of me.

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Jow Forums normie right here

> The brand new cz 452 I just bought. My favorite gun is always either the one I just bought or the one I'm looking at buying next.
>Same as you, except yiff instead of anime girls.

I jerk off to futa hentai because I don’t want to support jewish 3DPD

Does your yiff include brother/sister incest and vore?

>no specific favorite right now but handguns in obscure, high powered cartridges and fusions between the fudd and the tactical make me hard
>I keep taking dangerous (non Jow Forums related so far) jobs hoping it gets ne killed

No vore, but tons, and I mean TONS, of incest. Plenty of brother/sister. Pic is literally the only SFW image in my brother/sister folder. You build or buy that AR10?

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>beretta 71
>I am attracted to anime girls

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Like what? Do they at least pay decently?

Build. I'd rather pick the parts myself right off the bat than buy a complete one only to swap out parts later.
Based on both counts.

See, I like the idea of an AR10 but with a lot of the parts not having a set standard I'm too put off to build one myself.

>Glock 19
>I sucked my thumb until I was 11

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>Steyr AUG
>I fantasize about taking my 16-year-old daughter's virginity

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Hey maybe there's some AUG incest thing because the augs my favorite and I fucked my sister

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>I want to bang traps

>Everyone i meet assumes im a psuedo-chad because im decent looking, tall, and fit but im actually KHV who only works out to help me cope. I never got the chance to learn basic social skills until I was in my late teens because of a rough home life and alternative schooling.

All guns I have no single favorites, I really want to see beta male faggot nigger o Rourke get domed on tv.

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>famae sg 540
>i only jack off to ecchi, and vanilla hentai, sometimes male on dickgirl, because logically its not homogay.
Also traps are fucking gay.

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>i think women in general are fucking retarded, but i love pussy too much to tell them.

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pics of daughter?
>Likes AUG
>Fucked his sister
You, sir, are a man of culture.

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Is your sister hot? Rank her on a scale out of 10 (1 being ugly as fuck. 10 being a fucking Goddess).

>I don't know what I'm actually going to do with my life once I finish grad school.

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>it's between the AKM, RPK and PK

>I fap to pregnant loli

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My 1903 Springfield
I actually, unironically have a waifu, and I started lifting for her

>my M1917 Enfield
>(((I'm a 6'4" 285lb grown-ass man and I want to be a cute anime girl so bad. Oh sweet christ it's literally the one thing I want. I pray to God that Elon Musk finishes his Matrix style VR world before I die so I can dump my brain into the computer and be a cute anime girl forever.)))

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She's uh an 8 maybe? Never found her crazy attractive because sister but my friends crushed on both of my sister's so I guess they're good. She was the aggressor because she was a horny teen and I was like, 12ish and socially retarded. That didn't get better till my mid 20s
We're still tight because who cares? I've rationalized it and she married a dude younger than I am. So did my other sister now that I think about it....
Nothing gets me off like /ss/ though and I fucking suspect that's why

Don't do that.

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I've never actually tried hard in my entire fucking life and I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm worried someone's gonna find out even though I've gotten plenty of validation of my skills from instructors. I'm starting commercial flight instruction this year.

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>"I pray to God that Elon Musk finishes his Matrix style VR world before I die so I can dump my brain into the computer and be a cute anime girl forever"
Is this actually a thing being worked on? If so, I will happily join you.
pics of sister?

He dumped a bunch of money into researching direct interfacing between human brains and computers. I assume a Matrix style VR world is the ultimate goal.

On here? No. I said socially retarded not actually retarded

my ar-10
(((I'm Jewish)))

M1 Garand
I'm a closet furfag I blame this place

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>I like dragons in a frighteningly sexual way

Same bud- u got a fucked mouthbreather face?

>Benelli Nova tactical
>I masterbate so much that my dick stopped working and I've lost interest in real women. Every once in a while, I try nofap until it starts functioning again and my interest in women returns. At which point I go on a date with a 3/10 from (((Tinder))) or (((Bumble))), and proceed to become so disgusted that I throw in the towel and relapse again.

Get help user. I understand wanting to fuck her friends but not your own daughter

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I don't want to fuck my sister

>I make cum pizza when my study group hangs out at my place to study
>>Only dude in the group


>Sometimes i wish i was a qt 4'11'' feanon.

Mainly cause i feel like life would be way eaiser. instead of being that weird guy who likes anime, guns, and weird music i can be a qt grill with interesting hobbies.

also dont feel bad i sucked my thumb for a good long while too. you know how when you stay in the shower too long your skin gets white and wrinkly? my thumb was like that 10x because id suck on it non stop. how did you kick the habit? for me it was just one day i decided not to suck my thumb and never did again

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I mean... whatever gets you out of the house or at least out of bed, right? Besides, no sense in being a fat fuck if you get truck of peaced and see her on the other side.

Did someone give you something else to suck on?

yeah, your mom gave me her tits to suck on

You’d probably turn into an unbearable uninteresting cunt after getting showered with shitloads of male attention. And you’d bleed out your snatch every month. The bleeding is the deal killer for me though, I’d never give up being a guy, I love it too much.

I do a masterbation once or maybe twice a day even though I wanna stop and it's usually to some depraved shit like furry trap bondage or something

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It's called "imposter syndrome". Don't worry, user. Virtually no one else knows what they're doing either.

>Ruger Vaquero in .44 magnum
>I'm Stalin tier paranoid and it takes a hell of a lot of willpower not to act on that sometimes.

>I took a pair of scissors to my art bag in elementary school, blamed it on someone else, and still feel bad about it

Well I can agree with you on all accounts except I was a closet furry before I came here.

>Spent $200 last month on artwork of my wife's fursona.

I fucking love this brrap goddess.

I fucked a horse.

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I feel remorse for killing randos in video games sometimes

>Schultz & Larsen M69
>I'm into chirpeh babbeh psychological torture (God help you if you know what I'm talking about)

>My grandpa's Remington Model 31
>Anime girls, anime bestiality

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>my favorite gun.
I'm torn between my springfield 1903, Arisaka type 99, M1 Garand(I don't own a garand), Lee enfield, slovakian AK, DPMS AR, and Berretta M9.
>my deepest darkest secrets.
I have a severe addiction to pornography.
Me and my Brother sucked each others dicks before we were even aware of what sex was.
I hate cucks but I wanna watch my wife get fucked by a dyke.
I hate faggots but I want my brother to drill my ass harder than Sailor drills a twink.

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I'm an EOD-in my country, with scuba instructor licence, fit guy and handsome with a good amount of friends with benefits. And still, I feel shit and depressed. I fight it with racional thoughts, and with a /x/-kind of veteran mindset.

I think this life can't work this way and I'm really eager that my country will go to war.

oh man man i havent seen those things in years since i quit going to /b/

Unironically good for you
The shame is unbearable.

Hope you hang pedo.

>I hate cucks but I wanna watch my wife get fucked by a dyke.
Is that really cucking? I mean I guess it is but I wouldn't equate object/hand insertion with dick. Oral has also this weird "sex but not as much" grey area that I'd be significantly more upset about if it was a dick and not another cunt.

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> favorite gun
AK74 and its variants
> secret
I am growing less and less attracted to my girlfriend and I don't know why

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Is your daughter hot? At lease describe her physically if you won't post pictures.

are you me?

Start some kinky shit. Everything gets boring after a time. Keep it fresh

>M1 Carbine
>I slept in my parents' bed, on one end, until I was 11

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I have to ask, Im pretty sure but i want to be certain. do you guys masturbate to it? cause when i would read those comics i was just fascinated by the fact that there were so many of them, and how creative? (i guess thats the word thats most appropriate) the tourtures were, also the spelling of those things talking. also if you do get sexual pleasure of it what is it about it that turns you on?

Maybe, user. Maybe.

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>wife's fursona
How did you discover this about each other?

>>your favorite gun
Beretta PX4 Storm .45 ACP
>>(((your deepest darkest secret)))
Most of my porn involves Mom-dom/mature women/SS/nurturing/moderate fem-dom. I'm a 6'6", buff, manly man type of guy who loves stuff in my butt.

>mfw I'll never get to be the small spoon

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>wifes fursona

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>Sopmod Block II
>I have zero desire to be with 3d women; it's getting increasingly awkward to explain I'm not married, not gay, and don't have a girlfriend. I've given up on explaining it's simply because I don't want to. People genuinely can't understand that.

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HK MR762
I have herpes

>HK G36
>Literally this
Most women I came across are fucking worthless time- and moneysinks. If I really need to get my dick wet, I'll just fuck a hooker.

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I can't speak for everyone else but it's not even remotely sexual to me. It's probably a kind of deep sociopathic impulse of some sort (I'm otherwise pacifist as fuck and I wouldn't even consider hurting a real animal for pleasure) but seeing virtual weak and useless creatures get tormented feels so good.

I actually had a hooker comment on that.
>"You're such a nice guy! I'm honestly surprised you don't have a gf!"
I just tell her to shut up, put the anime colored wig back on, and make sure her thigh highs are pulled all the way up as I fuck her.

>Bren 10
>when I was 12 and on a family camping trip I was sharing a tent with my twin sister and nutted on her face when she was asleep
I have only ever brought it up this one time and plan on taking it to my grave.

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Absolutely based as fuck.

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Something is off with this babuska

My fucking sides. I don't get everyones obsession over getting into relationships. I guess I had too many negative female role models while growing up with the only positive one being my Mom, so I may actually be somewhat emotionally handicapped.

Got my waifu, my raifus and my baiku. Here, have a Sopdog for your troubles.

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>getting a hooker to cosplay
I really should do this, my lack of a cosplaying gf is starting to hurt quite a bit.

I ordered the wig online and told her to get some tight fitting bright blue thigh high stockings and striped panties. She thought it was funny, but she was into it. I wanted pictures but she wasn't willing because she's a college girl working for some extra cash and doesn't want her face out there. I fucked her in every single position I could until it physically hurt my cock to cum again

>actually realistic comic-con cosplay pro tier Miku wig - $240
>Reimburse the call girl for her stockings and cyan/white striped panties - $65
>6 hours of her time - $420 ($70 per hour)

She was a quivering mess by the time we were done and just let me do whatever I want with any of her holes because it was easier to just lay there after the first 2 hours. Not having a gf/wife/kids lets me spend stupid money on my guns and anime whores.

>tfw no anime cosplay brothels

>Remington 870 my dad gave me
>I'm in a gentle femdom/role reversal relationship with my wife. We wore each other's underwear when we got married.


>My Colt SP2
>Im a closet furry so I jack off to gay & straight yiff and I want to fuck my girlfriends gay Twink friend

I have a problem, pornography is really unhealthy and I feel horribly disgusting after I jack it to anything remotely gay. I don't know why these urges started and they'll go away but come back after months. I fucking hate it.

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Watch gore threads to stave off suicidal thoughts

Based and fluffypilled

Mini 14
>I just fucking HATE chimpanzees

He’s clearly stated why he’s doing it. He’s deathly afraid of self aware AI being separate from humanity and think the only way we’ll survive the creation of proper AI is if it’s integrated with us like a 3rd brain lobe.

No, I don´t, it just makes me salivate and makes my heart beat really fast. There is no sexual thought involved to be honest, it´s just the pleasure to see something so inocent, helpless and cute suffer

this isnt a secret tho user

>that pic
Jesus Christ help us. This is satire is it not? Please say yes

Is your waifu Springfield? If so, good taste.

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>Stgw 57 / PE 57
>I don't even care about being a virgin or having sex anymore. I just want to hug someone.

>Lee Enfield No4 Mk1
>I jerk off to thinking about fucking Abigail Shapiro and turning her into a sex slave

I am really depressed and I want to kill myself but dont have the balls to do it

Wait, the animal kind or the people kind?
>inb4 whats the difference

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