You ready for redflags? What else is he going to do?
>"I'm talking about meaningful, write that word, meaningful, meaningful background checks," Mr. Trump said on August 9.
Who's ready to get sold out again?
You ready for redflags? What else is he going to do?
>"I'm talking about meaningful, write that word, meaningful, meaningful background checks," Mr. Trump said on August 9.
Who's ready to get sold out again?
His proposal seems to be opening up the NICS to everyone. Not a big deal
Oh, that's kinda neat. I could deal with that.
why not just pass hr8? it already passed the house and it gets rid of private sales.
Compared to UBCs it's much better. It also let's me finally check if the nigger I'm selling a hipoint to in the walmart parking lot is actually a felon or not.
Every. Single. Purchse. Checked with gov.
>not a big deal
Because that would be bad, you fucking leftist, faggot.
Background checks are always a weird area for me. 3 days is a stupid short time. That said "until it's done" is way less feasible because the one thing everyone can agree on is the government being slow as shit.
Then you get to the fact after you pass it you can snap so beyond screening criminals and fake IDs it doesn't do anything else
I dunno. Our gun laws are fucking retarded but ultimately it'll be ink be engineers so what could you ever do?
If you're that scared, why sell?
Eh. It was gonna happen eventually. Better we get an open NICS than beed to go t ok an FFL every time you want to buy a gun.
>not being allowed to sell something you own
t. tech company
>selling guns to africans but pretending hes racist by saying nigger
ok fed i know you love gun control proposals
Ink vs engineers, I meant.
>His proposal seems to be opening up the NICS to everyone. Not a big deal
That actually makes sense.
OP is a big disappointment again.
>not a big deal
Fuck off.
so much reddit in here
T. Bootlicker
>Bond market yield inverting
>JP Morgan dumping Mortgage Securities by the fucking billions since August
>No one noticing it's happening again and it's going to be 10 times worse
Gun laws are going to take a back burner to the economic shit storm we're about to enter.
Poorfag and scared.
what do you mean fuck off? i dont want it passed im just asking why the senate and president wouldnt just pass the bill already moving.
>Every. Single. Purchse. Capable of being checked with gov.
>3 days is a stupid short time
A super short time would simply be having a list of names, SINs and photos for felons, searching the customer at the counter, and being able to pass/fail him immediately.
3 days is fucking annoying.
Line so thin it doesn't matter. But thanks user.
i hope you're asking why he doesn't just do the easiest thing for goodboy points instead of suggesting HR8 go through and it's nbd.
HR8 would require you background check if you loan a rifle to a friend and then they background check when they give it back.
>>not a big deal
That's the big thing, I think. There's nothing stated so far that says it's mandatory.
I wonder how Trump supporters are going to rationalize his latest round of gun control. I'm legitimately going to crack the fuck up when this proposal is straight up criminalization of private sales and implementation of national Red Flag laws. I seriously can't wait
"Buttery males!"
"Hillary would have done dat AWB!"
"Well Obongo and import banz! Muh M1s and 1911s!"
ok so gun owners are going to embrace the phone app nics cuckery to avoid hr8 giga cuckery? typical.
I've been asking for a NICS phone app for a while. Most Armslist sales require a CCW already. But if course in some states and cities a CCW might be hard to get, so this would help private sales in cuck states.
Because Jow Forums-miga shills are wrong and he doesn't actually want gun control.
She lost, dude. Get over it.
>most armslist sales
you pulled that out of your ass
>It's good when trump stamps on gun rights
>you don't need bumstocks anyway
Yeah where my share blue niggas at.
>so far...
Go try to buy a gun off armslist and see how many people will sell to you without you showing your CCW.
Can someone explain why Jow Forumsliberalgunowners people still shill here? Have you watched any of the Dem debates?
well if they ban private sales but require phone app nics its essentially the same thing minus the fee. theyre still restricting you from selling your stuff legally without them knowing.
I don't see how you got that from my post. I'm not for any of this nonsense and am personally very uneasy about all phone apps. Stop making enemies where there are none, I was just hoping that user was being misunderstood.
>"Hillary would have done dat AWB!"
I mean yeah. I don't get why people are so defensive. This shit is bad, their shit would be worse.
He's a NY Dem for fuck's sake
Have you ever used Armlist? At least in Ohio where I live people usually ask for a CHL for handgun sales.
No one wants to take your guns away...
No one should have an AR15 or AK47 and I would institute a mandatory buyback!
Nah, if Trump passes an AWB/mag ban/red flag laws/UBC I'm done with him. But opening the NICS up to everyone is actually a good idea.
Lol you’re new
Until it's mandatory.
ive never seen an ad that said ccw required. maybe youre confusing where im from with your turbo pozzed hellhole
lol, he lost my vote with the bumpstock ban. If he passes more gun control shit, he can get me to vote next year, it just won't be for him.