China PLA Parade Rehearsal

Lots of surprises this time.
Lots of very incredible hihg speed surprises.

Hypersonic is the new stealth

Attached: DF-17 Hypersonic Glide Weapon.jpg (1438x871, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>It was first reported in September 2015 that an unmanned "hypersonic cruising vehicle" (>Mach 4) featuring a turbojet/ramjet combined cycle engine (TBCC) was tested for the first time after being released from an H-6 carrier. The vehicle was developed by the 611 Institute and might use the wave riding technology. After the hypersonic flight the HCV returned to the base and landed safely. A recent satellite image (June 2018) indicated that the triangular shaped HCV was entering the service with PLAAF as a strategic reconnaissance UAV (WZ-8) similar to American D-21. The latest image (September 2019) suggested that the WZ-8 is expected to be unveiled during the military parade celebrating China's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019.

Attached: WZ-8 HCV.jpg (1736x1088, 401K)

Another mystery launcher

Attached: 180755dpsrtzmyy0pyrppp.jpg (1356x943, 324K)

Nice cgi model from government run propaganda outlets

Attached: A26404E8-C87C-4B78-A6F0-847DD6D40A65.png (500x825, 188K)

Not hypersonic, but stealth.

Attached: EEcFueBUYAcQC2T.jpg (1920x1300, 629K)

DF-41 ICBM aka. NYC-Express finally will appear too

Attached: wxpjsbhhsjm31.jpg (1024x768, 81K)

DF-31AG ICBM, old friend from the 2015 Parade

Attached: EEbBIBhVAAAlSkO.jpg (1200x900, 124K)

>literally nobody
>r/asianmasculinity airsoft club: CHINA IS STRONG, WE NUMBAH WAN!!!

DF-5B or C, silo-based ICBM. Also seen last time.

Attached: EEbBI0wUYAIPeTv.jpg (1200x900, 130K)

JL-2A SLBM on display stand

Attached: jl-2.jpg (1200x949, 224K)

Also a major surprise: The new 370mm GMRLS with 280km range, aka. the Taiwan Shore Support, capable of bombarding the west coast of Taiwan from across the strait.

Attached: EEeXW5FVUAAcxeG.jpg (960x720, 96K)

YJ-18 supersonic Anti Ship Missile on display stand.

Attached: EEbEjGxUYAIdhO0.jpg (900x1200, 170K)

Sky Saker turbojet powered recon drone

Attached: EEbDGN1UEAAoLFQ.jpg (900x1200, 145K)

They should not display some tech cos America will just steal some designs.

Another surprise: Large tonnage UUV

Covert Shores immediately wrote an article:

Attached: EEbquJPUYAA6REy.jpg (868x435, 60K)

New member: ZTQ-15 Light Tank!

And note the new PDW carbine of the crew members.

Attached: 201048bgfpjddld771ym1d.jpg (2304x1439, 541K)

ZTZ-99A MBT, known from the last parade.

Attached: EEe_Ku0VUAE2NA7.jpg (1200x800, 186K)

6x6 ATVs spotted alongside the ZTZ-99A in the assembly area

Attached: EEbJ-SyUEAAdBDV.jpg (1200x900, 266K)

>featuring a turbojet/ramjet combined cycle engine
So, similar to the J-58's use of its bypass for supersonic flight on the SR-71 and D-21 family?


Attached: 48733118031_5f9d76a10b_o.jpg (1080x1440, 228K)

Imagine spending all day unironicly doing nothing but Samefagging yourself propaganda
Wonder if he’s some malnourished twink forced to post this shit or a fat victim of bullying in America

Attached: A0B0A52F-08E0-4B89-BAB0-63A29B4251C0.jpg (640x434, 46K)

Should be something along that line.

Attached: solid fuel scramjet combustor.jpg (782x623, 135K)

J-20s spotted during rehearsal

Attached: img-44620cf2c2cfa3d16abf61975d6da7d6.jpg (1440x1080, 32K)

Z-18 (?)

Attached: img-a32110ba385b388a197fdf66511244c2.jpg (1320x861, 212K)

Neat. Seems like China's been doing a ton of investment into high speed flight these past few years.

Anyone else think this is just like the cold war
>Russia unveils new super-weapon in red-square
>Western analysts shit their pants
>20 years later, when they actually get their hands on one, everyone realizes it was a complete P.O.S

>ywn attend a Chinese of Russian military parade

lightly mad about it

Top kek, never thought that they would actually build these things in number!

Attached: EEeLVtrUcAABMMK.jpg (960x553, 49K)

PLASF gyrocopters

Attached: EEeLa35UUAARq1A.png (640x427, 376K)

155mm truck howitzer

Attached: EEeWsz-U4AAnjSt.jpg (1200x900, 128K)

There's definitely some element of posturing in these parades, but I think it's fair to say the Chinese are significantly more capable of producing systems that do what they claim than the Soviets ever were.

New PLA BDUs and gear will also be unveiled

Attached: ED8Lg7sVAAAYC5d.jpg (2048x963, 287K)

That's the thing that I always find entertaining about China. They develop and produce a number of genuinely interesting, modern designs, while simultaneously doing North Korea-tier shit like this.

The new helmets have integrated ports for AR visors and other gadgets.

Attached: 48699745786_a446bb7daa_o.jpg (1280x899, 124K)

View on the AR-visor

Attached: 44016024545_a361ce03b9_o.jpg (640x1016, 108K)

Knowing the damage a chink can do with a moped.... This legitimately frightens me

nope. The russian would spew bs way before the unveil. The chinese doesn't say anything and just show them. And they only show them to tell the American not to do something 'regrettable.'

Some mutts think that the PLA cannot nuke NYC and that would be dangerous. So they show the DONG 41 etc. A PLA general said that what they show on the parade depended on diplomatic situation. They won't show jackshit if things go smoothly.

We also expect a new service rifle to be unveiled in the parade. But no sneak peeks so far.

It is expected to be something along the line of pic related, a conventional rifle.

Attached: 005uNy2ejw1f7wow5ue0yj30ku0g2gow.jpg (750x578, 153K)

Why? The Russian parade just contains rusty and well-painted ripoffs of Western technology, and the Chinese parade will contain subhuman ripoffs of Russian equipment.

I'd be more worried about the backblast from that launcher, but I guess it's not a huge issue as long as the guy sitting next to him stays out of the way.

>Another military using MemeCam and an AR15 derivative
It's all so tiring

China's been evolving from the Russian rip-off phase. I'd say they've already surpassed Russia in most relevant fields outside of submarines and jet engines.

To be fair, it could also be an AK or AR-18 derivative.

This is ridiculous, you can bring a gyrocopter down by flinging rubber bands at it.

I dunno, the one in that Bond film seemed pretty durable.

Attached: 1526004663820.jpg (634x1024, 134K)

A whole bunch of those are moving in

Bunch of DF-41

I’d pay good money to see op get doxed
It’s not that I want him to get killed by some fag from here, tv or pol
It would be funny and I’d help them get his address, I just want to see what kind of loser he is, in Minecraft of course

Looks like they have fixed the nozzle and turned it stealthy in the finished version.

>what kind of loser he is

Attached: hotbox.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

That's just a QBZ-03 made shorter.

But yeah, still really tiresome.

>his face while he's holding the door closed

At least we saw the Russian ones flying and have confirmation from satellites that they work, has that one ever even been launched?

>be the guy in the back left
>guy on the right shoulders his rocket launcher
>"lei, n-"
>gets backblasted off the helicopter
>tfw chang forgot the cardinal rule as told by sun tsu

Attached: oh god oh fuck pla edition.png (1024x576, 698K)

Attached: Only_God_can_judge_me.png (381x415, 153K)

>that pic
>tfw you realize you forgot to bring the field kitchen and have to actually eat your PLA-issued MREs

I see nothing wrong with that gyrocopter.

What the fuck all I'm seeing is a bunch of cylinders and squares covered by tarps, at least Russians show them.

Are Chinks going for the mystery box effect?

Attached: MysteryBoxpic1.jpg (480x360, 30K)

I think the intent is to showcase them during the actual parade.

what a useless fucking thread

With all those hypersonics getting into service, the age of the carrier truly is over

now THIS is standard chinkposting. always happens on the weekends too

Is Jow Forums currently the best english speaking site for staying up to date on chinese military tech?


It's unironically reddit. There's enough moderation on defense subreddits to filter out obvious shills/trolls while still maintaining enough people who actually follow Chinese defense industry developments.

>After the hypersonic flight the HCV returned to the base and landed safely.
If that's true, that is a significant, very significant advance over every other hypersonic drone or test vehicle ever flown. All have been disposable.

no, we just get a single chinkposter that routinely image dumps from chinktwitter and never has any actual information and makes absurd claims

>from twitter and blogs
in other words, the same sources that the DoD and the CIA rely on for military intelligence from China.
Pic related. I can't believe those glowniggers got rekt that hard. They still haven't recovered kek

Attached: CIA at its best.jpg (532x1024, 431K)

hes posting cool shit though. you are not.

i don't care i'm not a burger, try again nigger

This was Hillary's doing. The information was on her illegal basement server.

We could wipe all 1.4 billion of those little buggers off the face of the Earth in an instant. True MAD doesn't even exist between China and the US.

Meanwhile Trump has been documented to use personal email and refuse to abide by archiving rules. Oh, and he tweeted a fucking photo from a classified intelligence briefing.

> image was cleared before he posted it

christ why do you niggers lie so much?

Sinodefence and ironically Pakistan Defense are pretty top tier forums for that, if you can get through all the shitstorms and bait threads.

This is the team that designed the z-19 helicopter. Say something about them.

Attached: mmexport1567157905941.jpg (1280x778, 459K)

>so its exactly like the cold war
>endless Eastern posturing

Its all so transparent, all so tiresome.

>but I think it's fair to say the Chinese are significantly more capable of producing systems that do what they claim than the Soviets ever were.
You have clearly never had to work with a Chinese company or been to china. Its all a facade. Russians could at least point to institutional knowledge generated by WW2 to substantiate their design philosophy and engineering.

What's up with China and their STEM-fields being filled with women?

Attached: Norinco Tank Designer.jpg (550x394, 63K)

why do you even have to work with a Chinese company in the first place? No alternative? I think so too.

Attached: raugh.gif (218x218, 1.5M)

Why should he since it apparently isn't illegal? In fact its legal for him to have people assassinated like Obama and Hillary did too.

It's cultural women are the brains of the operation in Asia. I work in IT those Asian women will run circles around their male counter parts. There's always a solution with them and they rarely give up.

Countries that have limited career options for women tend to have a higher proportion of women in STEM. Turns out, the majority of women would rather stay at home or take social science related professions than do math.

Enjoy your buildings made of sand
Gutter oil
And fake food

Wait for the parade.
That's all in transit.

Why didn't you make the thread when you had some information then instead faggot?

Wasting my time.

Comes in size XXXS, XXS, XS and S for really big noodle niggers.

not an argument

wrong. Russia has a nuclear power version that can circle the earth infinitely.

Is it that thing related to the YJ-XX?

Attached: 055 AShBM.jpg (746x900, 99K)

>heh we have a cooler nation
>here is all the ways you failed as a nation
>whoa buddy thats not an argument

The PRC seems to have a functioning defense-industrial complex.
We don't have the level of transparency we do with certain other countries, but their progress and the point they are currently at is something to behold.
One must wonder how many of their projects stay on budget and on time while performing to design specifications. One wonders whether any of their procurement decisions are heavily influenced by the need to control costs.

Attached: ECa1wXZUcAA3tML.jpg (1080x1440, 167K)

Sure thing, buddy.

See here, according to that, America is worse than a failed state.

At least failed states have managed to wipe out dark-age diseases like bubonic plague.

r/asian_masculinity really loves making these threads

Yeah, say what you will about the American MIC, but at least it’s largely transparent since most of their expenditures need to be publicly disclosed by law.

China is basically a black hole as far as public information is concerned. All we get are propaganda pieces and “leaks” from Chinese Twitter.

But America IS a shithole.

>Trying to use LA as an example.

Preaching to the choir here, buddy. Even Americans hate LA with a passion.

And the rest of China hates Guangdong with passion as well, since they were the original rat/dog/cat-eaters and sleazy businessmen trying to scam people with fake goods.