Gorilla Drones

Jow Forumsan we get a thread going on gorillas using cheap drones with strategic effect? This is the future of war.

Attached: saudi drone attack.jpg (933x445, 23K)

those are 100% cruise missiles though

>buy a toy drone at best buy
>strap an M80 on it

Technically yes. Buzzbomb tier. However, the tactic is valid. Drone swarms are the future. Anyone savvy on commercially available drones that would be good for this job?

>commercially available drones that would be good for this job
Honestly, if you're already going to be modifying the drones to carry and detonate explosives, you might as well just build the whole thing custom. Most parts are relatively cheap off the shelf, and any terrorist group that can produce its own bombs likely has the engineering know how to assemble and program drones.

I'm shocked that terrorists and eco-fascists haven't done this more with critical infrastructure

Soon, brother, soon...

have there been studies on how well gorillas could control drones?
I figure if they can learn sign language to a degree then they could be taught to be drone pilots.

What is exact geo-position of this facility?
Where is evidence this attack was carried out by drones?

Shit why fly planes into buildings when you can fly drones into them?

somebody make a shop of a gorilla operating a predator drone for me

not photoshop , not gorilla but close

Attached: 3dr-drone-teaser-monkey-600x327.png (600x327, 104K)

Or the characters from Gorillaz.

Attached: donkeyxdrone.png (1024x653, 211K)

>gorilla drones
how far do you sick fucks have to take this shit?

Attached: _90617565_cat.jpg (660x371, 22K)

Anyone? also where the hell is the air defense?

False Flag , the wizards are at work

Anyone have a webm of a drone dropping a mortar on a apc?

It's about 850km away from Yemen, could be a small cruise missile but looking at how accurate the hits were I say they were drones. Probably flew low well below the radars vision. Most of these places wouldn't have the kind of defense needed to protect against a strike like this in something close to peacetime. Pic related is a sat image of the facility showing damage

Attached: 1000.jpg (1000x750, 148K)

its too far for the houtis , too far, too large scale too precise.


Attached: hqdefault(2).jpg (480x360, 12K)

It's not the 1980s where hitting what you aim at is impressive, user. Model aircraft engines, gray market turbines, and GPS/INS navigation are all public tech the Houthis have been using competently for years.

>Anyone savvy on commercially available drones that would be good for this job?

Just read up on the drones that have already been used.

Hint: Virtually any of them capable of carrying a significant payload. Some have been several different systems/parts taped together.

It's not like you need an all-up system to deliver shit. Every drone is just a battery to power it, an engine to push it to the target, and a computer to direct it. You can mix and match these components endlessly. 99% of these parts are available from China, over the internet, as we speak. The remaining 1% is just some not-especially-clever programming from a sympathetic source...which could be anyone, anywhere.

Attached: 5a54cc5bfc7e931c7d8b4567_0.jpg (900x506, 103K)

850km no way hose ,

because a "heavy-lift" drone carries about 40lb (18kg) and is difficult to come by

what is the scale on this image? How big are those tanks?