Alphabet boys

what are you gonna do when they come knocking boys?

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have my guns prepackaged in a "if it fits it ships" box and hand em over.

I notice the words “bois” and “boys” in a lot of zoomer memes. Is there an explanation for that? To answer your question, I would start blasting Corona’s Rhythm of the Night, open a jar of vaseline, and put on my tactical thong. This post is satire.

Strip naked and light myself on fire. If I'm gonna get slotted, I wanna give them PTSD as a parting gift.

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they subconsciously know they are faggots and cant use the term man


I like your style, dude

they use boys the be demeaning to men. Also

Knock back.

The ol' hand grenade pin tied to the door handle trick

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>he doesn't have a reinforced front door and an escape tunnel so he can get the drop on the fedbois when the boogaloo happens
and you call yourself a kommando.

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Suck their dicks.

Only so you can bite it off

>bite the dick that fucks you

serve them a warrant for arrest for not using a warrant and lacking probable cause.

Sue them in federal court for violating my constitutional rights.

offer them a Monster
show them my GTO
wonder why they're at the wrong house

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I'm going to follow in the footsteps of the previous champions of the second amendment, and as such, when faced with a situation that might result in the unlawful seizure of my firearms, I'll give my dog a rare steak before bopping him in the head with the back of an axe, my guns already being in the process of melting down in the backyard forge, as to not make the valuable work of our hardworking alphabet heroes any harder than it has to be. I'll proceed to slather all my orifices with vaseline and cuff myself to a radiator.
God bless America.

Buy a bunch of really really heavy guns, while theyre struggling to grab them all i’ll make comments on their flabby arms and legs. Eventually their feelings will be so hurt they’ll give up.

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Unless I get married and have kids, I suspect there will be lots of blue lights and crime scene tape around at my place along with a house riddle of bullet holes. This assumes of course that I’m not taken at work etc.

>he doesn’t keep one on him at all times.

Post about it on Jow Forums

Yea just a CC....I’d prefer to use other items when the time comes. It’s a when not a if.

I’d talk to them through the electronic doorbell camera thing. I would say something embarrassing like “hold on guys I’m coming sorry I have diarrhea!” If I needed a little bit more time then I’d say “uugggg I got the squirts again hold on I’m so sorry!” This is assuming some sort of parallel universe where the ATF were bad guys coming to take my property away unconstitutionally, of course.

Pic related

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take them and lock them up in my basement and force feed them female hormones and put cute dresses on them and fug them daily

Comply fully obviously

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Ruby ridge called,they said your family is collateral damage.

Glow harder nigger. Whose wife did you fuck to get put on Jow Forums duty?

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This is my first post on Jow Forums, I'm more of a Jow Forums guy myself, and know very little about guns. I'm assuming this thread is talking about illegally purchased guns, but how do you find them? Do you know somebody locally, or use the darkweb. I know for things like roids or HGH, the fed doesn't really care enough for small purchases, but what about weapons?

all guns. they're gonna try to take them soon

/Me and the boys with ar-15's waiting for the door to be kicked down

It's about legal guns pencil dick

This board is delusional then.

Says the faggot injecting third world horse steroids into his butt twice a month.

Beto is selling t-shirts emblazoned with "Hell Yeah, I'll Take Your AR-15"

How am i delusional?

Shake their hands and thank them for keeping me safe

Mention how heroic it is to be a law enforcement officer

>Implying Jow Forums will shield you from subpoenas

I can't even imagine how low of self esteem you'd have to have to inject unknown chemicals into your own ass just so you be more physically attractive. On what level does someone decide that they're so undesireable that they resort to steroids to make themselves feel better. That's some shit. Go back to your containment board.

i too think that blue lives matter and law enforcement is good
i like cops
i like atf and fbi

>Jow Forums
>containment board
What is that containing, fitness? But yes, I do have low self esteem, Jow Forums is one of the boards with the highest virginity rates.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Only twice a month?
He could run on a platform of "kill whitey", but it'll never happen. Trump was supposed to drain the swamp and build a wall, he ended up becoming the swamp.

> They came for a gun fight
> But I am here to dance

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it would almost be a tragedy if the Vietnam vets dont live long enough to boogaloo. They deserve it.

Nothing much. The tripwires ought to take care of everything.

Hope they like weird smelling air.

Well someone has to start it.

Comply, honestly. I love my guns but they're not worth dying over. If I give them up, I MIGHT die from not being able to defend myself against criminals. If I don't comply, I will absolutely, one hundred percent die or go to prison. I'm not a criminal.

Isn't it American wet dream to get their doors kicked in by swat and they respond with violent shootout until they have to call for army backup? Just like in gta when you get 5 stars.

>he hasn't drywalled his favourite guns into his bedroom ceiling yet

But you are a faggot.

You're a faggot

This thread glows harder than a rave

Knocking for what? I lost all my guns in a boating accident years ago.

OP back to clarify some things, some of you seemed confused as to what situation this is referring too. That situation being any altercation with the ATF, SWAT, and FBI that you Jow Forumsmanndos could run into if they had a no knock warrent, tho im happy to see knock warrent answers as well

Retard, go back to injecting synthol in your ballsack.

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Based and PTSD pilled.