What would be the best gun for waging guerrilla warfare against a modern authoritarian government?

What would be the best gun for waging guerrilla warfare against a modern authoritarian government?

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Some kind of .308 semi-auto. You'll be outnumbered and your targets will have body armor and armored vehicles. You'll need something that hits hard and has a pretty long effective range.

definitely not pic-related


5.56 is fantastic for militaries, kind of meh for insurgency.

Why not? Its long range and 7.62 is powerful enough for body armor

It's also way heavier than it needs to be and offers essentially no benefit over any other semi-automatic .308 rifles. Commercial dpms LR308 with mid-grade vortex scopes would unironically be better in almost every category including accuracy, reliability, ease of maintainence, adjustability, weight, etc.

G3 or FAL

FAL then?

It depends on the environment you find yourself in and the kind of operations you intend to carry out. You specify a modern government, which tends to imply you expect to be dealing with an urban setting. As it is guerrilla warfare, you can expect to have countless noncombatants around at all times, as well as omnipresent surveillance equipment, therefore, concealability is a must. Engagements will likely take place at ranges less than 100 yds so a high magnification optic would be unnecessary, though having a low magnification fixed optic could prove useful for precision work. A suppressor would also be invaluable. The ideal cartridge would ideally be manipulable between a subsonic loading, and a more high-powered one for dealing with body armor.

theyd probably have level 4 plates though so 308 would suck balls anyway.
because its like 15lbs and basically just a bubbad m1 garand

308 can't pen plates and a non penetrating hit won't "knock them down".

the same gun as what the local government in questions issues as their service rifle, plus a bunch assorted civilian hunting rifles

Neither can 5.56. I didn't say .308 would defeat everything. It's just about the most powerful/long range round you can reliably carry as an insurgent. It's going to defeat more than 5.56 will. If all you can get is 5.56 and .308 isn't feasible for you, then by all means use 5.56. It will do just fine.

There are countless semi auto 7.62 rifles that are better in almost every way

IEDs, hack saws, bolt cutters and instant chat messaging.

>what would be the best gun

I'm no kinda expert but you'll probably want to avoid head to head small arms fire. Damaging infrastructure, IEDs, are denial shit on main roads with ambush style attacks that end once any meaningful resistance is encountered is probably best. your biggest problem is plugging a couple of state hired security guards and then running home to moms house. them using your cell data/security footage/ drone footage to pin you as a domestic terrorist and fucking up any meaningful quality of life if not arresting/killing you.

I would say .556 on full fun mode. sure your not getting through chest plates but it sucks really bad to get shot in the dick/throat regardless. some hunting rifles with napa quiet makers and some heavy subsonic shit to make some really expensive repairs on electrical systems. explosives can also make it really expensive to continue being tyrannical.

also a really strong social media campaign these days is also a pretty good idea. make sure you can fight the perception that your not all alt right terrorists and make sure that any fuck up the governments part is at the top of everyone's news feed.

what were we talking about? fuck idk glock 10mm psa based frog poster something something black tip 300 blackout. reddit sucks and its sort of cool to be conservative now

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suicide vest

allahud and akbared

>What would be the best gun for waging guerrilla warfare against a modern authoritarian government?
One that plants explosives in places there are no people to be shooting at you.

>What would be the best gun for waging guerrilla warfare against a modern authoritarian government?
Roadside bombs
>I said best gun.
Roadside bombs

the best gun for a hypothetical hootenanny is a glock 29 to slot the unlucky soul who catches you planting thermite on pic related

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> It's going to defeat more than 5.56 will.
It won't pen standard level 4 ceramic plates, so no, it won't.

If you really want to sniper larp, get a bolty boi and 6.5 creedmore, 338 or another long range round.

Avoid direct confrontation so that means
>Mortar teams
>IEDs and chemical weapons out the ass
>Shoot and scoot squads

What are the "shoot and scoot squads" packing?

Whatever can dump the most rounds in the shortest time. You are not reliably defeating armor, infantry or otherwise, with most small arms so volume is more important.

Shoot and scoot squads can either be
>Recon teams taking out officers and NCOs
>Niggas in fuckin technicals doing hit and run tactics

single shot take down 50bmg
blast a fed and fuck off


The AR-15.

Or just aim for a limb/head
Big round does more ouch to the unprotected. Take a page out of the military book. A good wound ties down a squad better than a kill

Concealable pistols and SMGs for assassination and evasion. Fire fights are suicide. Main weapon will be bombs.

govt body armor is good, just use an AR and shoot them in the cock or face.
and as much explosives and incendiaries as you can get.

22 bolty boi with a can is a good option in Minecraft as well.

Also Thompson Contender and a garbage can/dumpster

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Cheytac Intervention M-200, when you're assassinating public servants, it's better to be as far away as possible.

A quality AR10 with M80 ball ammo.

M995 defeats level 4 plates

It's old pasta, but it checks out.

Clearly pic related.

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This. Start learning LR shooting, if you can't hit a limb at 600 yards on a stationary target you're never gonna make it.

Big Igloo's Aloha Snackbar

Results may vary by manufacturer of the plates. Several are rated for retarded stuff now.

.300 WM
.338 LM
5.56 N

Any firearm that you are comfortable with, know how to clean and maintain, and can find ammo for is going to be better than any other rifle that isn’t.