Post moments where you went full operator

Post moments where you went full operator
>be 7
>playing hide and seek tag
>hiding behind bush in the woods behind my house
>seeker is coming my way
>grab rock and throw it at tree to my far left
>seeker starts walking towards that direction
>make a run for the safe zone
>make it, win game

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>be 18 year old boot marine
>doing mout training in Camp Pendleton
>carried the SAW, had a runaway gun at the end of the day
>while cleaning weapon, realize the spring in the trigger housing is fucking gone
>come up with a plan
>my room mate is a fucking douche that everyone hates
>guy showed up without a shave and late to his own meritorius promotion to E3, somehow still got it
>he also carries a SAW
>we're sleeping in what is essentially a warehouse that night
>I make sure to make note of where shithead room mate is sleeping
>that night, on watch at about 3am
>I sneak through about 30 sleeping marines to shithead's spot
>his weapon is outside of his sleeping bag and he's not touching it
>quietly disassemble it by moonlight
>remove spring
>sneak back to my spot
>put spring in my own SAW
>next day, hear shithead getting his ass reamed for losing a piece of his weapon
>I approach my team leader
>"uh Lance Corporal, the trigger on my weapon doesn't feel right"
>he disassembles it and says "oh, these things are shitty and they basically pop out of place sometimes. Just tell the armory when we get back"
>shithead had duty every weekend for a month
Only time I ever blue falconed a guy

That’s a meanie thing to do

He was legitimately a fucking piece of shit
Just a small list of what be would do, none of which stopped command from sucking his dick because he could do a ton of pull ups
>almost failed every PFT due to run time and number of crunches
>regularly missed formations
>couldn't identify rank for shit
>every goddamn weekend he would get shitfaced and trash the room, meaning when I got back I'd get hazed for having a messy room even though I was gone all weekend
>failed humvee driver test so many times that he was almost barred from driving at all on base
>would regularly piss his whole paycheck away and would beg/steal as much as he could to keep himself in gummy bears and beer
>would fall asleep on post or while driving his humvee
>in front of the goddamn battalion commander he fell asleep and almost dropped his SAW OUT OF THE BACK OF A FLYING CHINOOK
>regularly failed rifle qual and would get to redo it like 3 times
>was always missing gear and would have to bum shit/share with others
>would go to the barracks laundry room, remove people's half dried laundry, throw it somewhere, put his own laundry in, and then leave
I finally didn't have to be his roommate anymore when I snapped after a 15 mile hike and literally started beating him with a boot. Staff Sgt saw us through the window and ran in to restrain me. Got moved out that afternoon

I don't blame you for fucking over

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>be me a year ago
>about to shoot kitten in the face with scoped pellet gun
>seal blows out as soon as my finger is just about to trip the sear

>be kid like 12 idk
>neighborhood shenanigans
>tp, doorbell ditch, paintball guns, general kid level mayhem that doesn't hurt anyone but is supremely jimmie rustling to boomers
>use radios to communicate across neighborhood, no names, coded locations and specific sayings to use in case of capture or discovery
>hard rule that we didn't talk about fight Club outside of fight Club.
>identify multiple escape routes and set up contingency plans with friends to prepare for different scenarios
>always wear dark colors with no identifying brands, good shoes, no reflective surfaces and ones I don't wear regularly
>understand dead space and lighting so well that we would literally hide in the front yards of the people we fucked with just by laying on the grass in the shadow of a tree or bush or something.
>Sometimes even just in plain sight but next to other objects so we were overlooked in the darkness.
>we'd set up paintball attacks on people's houses and improvised traps like kinked hoses pointed at their front doors that activated open door opening
>never once caught

Fucking with people is fun, but it's nothing compared to watching and listening to them freak out and yell at each other afterwards.
Cod 3.5 Suburban warfare

Dunno if I'd do it nowadays. People are more on edge and ready to shoot.

you should really go jump off a tall building

>ugly incel wants to harm all thats kind and pure in the world
classic post, NEXT!

Too late faggots. This is what Jow Forums needs, not reddit trannies like you.

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Aaaand, the thread has been derailed.

Just act like it didn't happen

Me and four close friends pretended to be from Chernarus on our 4 week AT hike. It helped that three of them spoke fluent russian. Had fun fooling day hike boomers and hippies who wanted to know about our country and culture.

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>Be around 11-12
>At summer camp
>Playing capture the flag in a clearring innawoods
>Its nightime and there is a bad thunderstorm several miles to the east
>Its pitch dark but every few seconds lightning lights up the sky illuminating the area
>be in "enemy territory" running between bushes and trees in the dark trying not to get caught in the open durring flashes
>circle behind the enemy flag
>two guards keeping a close eye on it
>wait for my opportunity
>other member of my team getting chased making a mad dash for the flag
>guards are distracted and sky is dark
>sneak in and nab the flag before rushing back to my hiding spot
>no one noticed me
>circle back around the long way moving cover to cover
>enemies have realized their flag is missing and are searching around frantically
>eventually it back to friendly territory and win

>I can't get laid so I wanted to kill a cat
>couldn't even do that

lmao wow

>>would go to the barracks laundry room, remove people's half dried laundry, throw it somewhere, put his own laundry in, and then leave
Yeah he fucking deserved it holy shit.
>mfw people would do that in the laundry room at ocs and BF the entire platoon

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pic related

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>18 in infantry OSUT
>after family day so have beret
>brought 2 cell phones to Benning, one for music and one for calls
>turn non working cell in with rest of phones when we get back from family day
>have working one rolled up in compression shorts
>sign up for Islam service on Sunday (better time slot, better drop off spot)
>battle and I put berets in pocket
>walk to Sand Hill PX from drop off
>empty hydration carriers, roll them up, and put them in cargo pockets. Put berets on head
>call taxi and tell him we're holdovers waiting to go to airborne school
>have him drop us off at Waffle House, go to gas station afterwards and buy 64 cans of dip
>call up taxi driver and have him take us back to PX, battle and I put dip in hydration carrier on ride back
>walk back to company, switch our nametapes with ones left on patrol caps on bunks some people in other platoons don't remember our last names
>go to other platoon's bay and talk to Puerto Ricans who we know sell candy bars, sell them all 64 cans at $40 a piece
>they resell at $60 a piece so everyone wins
>leave an anonymous note ratting them out under their DS office door because I hate Puerto Ricans
>they get busted, get article 15s, they try to hunt the rat in their own platoon and stress everyone out, threaten their friends with violence and create rifts
>their platoon never wins another competition due to not cooperating with each other
>battle and I laugh out asses off and never get suspected of anything

>be me, inna womb
>floating around and shit
>gonna be born soon
>get tired of waiting
>decide to tactically exfil early to get the drop on shit
>tear my way out of my mother's vagina like a bat outta hell
>born like a month early
Honestly, worst mistake of my life.

>MGS3 sounds

As you are about to shoot a mountain lion mauls you.

Leaving you to bleed out, your collection of glass bottles containing iodine on the shelf above you fall off and shatter into your wounds

This was like my childhood. We did airsoft instead of paintball and my nofun brother was basically the Kyle meme and made fun of me for wanted shit to be operator.

Fucking shitbag.

Bruh it does not matter.

>be me, also inna womb
>floating around and shit
>gunna be born soon
>like real fucking soon
>fuck this shit im not leaving, begin bugging in
>i get one more fucking week before a fucking glowie tears open my fort like its nothing and rips me out and slaps my ass

fucking brilliant.So right

>normie friend’s birthday party, after food and presents normies and I go play hide and seek in his neighborhood
>brush over the fence next to his house wasn’t off limits, go a small bit in with 2 other normies expecting them not to find us
>birthday boy finds us, tags 2 normies
>about to get tagged by birthday boy
>give in and walk towards him thinking “eh he’s already got me”
>something just snaps and I turn around, and book it into the brush
>soccer playing cardiostar birthday boy gives chase
>deeper into the brush, I check my footing and just refuse to stop
>he loses track of me and gets everyone to look for me with him
>lay face down in dirt, steadying my breathing and not making a damn sound
>he walks right past me at one point, doesn’t find me
>make him text me that they give up and I win before I get up

Those pants probably still have grass/dirt stains on them. They never washed out.

Shieeet I take it back, what a cunt

>I snapped...and literally started beating him with a boot

I kek'd out loud, good job user, he deserved it.

To be fair, Puerto Retards are almost as bad as niggers.

Should've killed that faggot nigger.
Got I hate the military, 90% of people in are retarded worthless welfare cases.

Based, fuck minorities

>be like 8 or 9
>rocking my lever gat Red Ryder Diamond 25th anniversary edition
>fucking tack driver
>playing outside and notice a copperhead slithering around
>stalk my prey
>hear mr.snek slithering on the other side of my fox hole
>pop up, ready to blast him
>he knows I'm there, rears up and hisses
>cap that fool right in his fucking mouth
>squirms into himself, coiling up, in death throws
>pretend to eat snek by eating beef jerky I had in my cargo pocket
>develop ever lasting lust for blood

> at benefit concert
> in games room
> nerf pistol and a dartboard
> pick it up
> immediately assume proper shooting posture and grip and use trigger discipline

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