
New York State Rifle and Gun Association v. City of New York SET FOR ARGUMENT on Monday, December 2, 2019.

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what tiny aspect of what irrelevant to almost everyone law are they arguing?

Calling it now, narrow ruling, except for the curb-stomping the mootness defense. Which is fine. I'll take that.

SCOTUS issues a written bitch slap to everyone that filed the motion for being children. Ruling is narrow as fuck and tells NYC they don't have a right to restrict firearm movement outside the bounds of the 1986 FOPA.

What the fuck do you people think is going to happen with this case? This isn't a happening. This is about the most benign gun case the SCOTUS could touch.

Commerce clause, 2A, and right to travel.

>This is about the most benign gun case the SCOTUS could touch.
Which is why they're touching it.

Exactly, these people don't have any balls.

GOA is also going to be there.

I'm more looking forward to the Illinois supcourt opinion on the foid card, which held arguments last week.

It'd actually set a standard, which is cool.

what exactly is that case about?

>SET FOR ARGUMENT on Monday, December 2, 2019.
What are odds on mass shooting happening Dec 1?

Very high considering they happen all the time anyway

Mass shootings bring us together and make the best memes and discussion.

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Maybe you've missed the "SCOTUS never hears 2A" blackpill contingent. Maybe you're one of them, and this is your shitty-ass attempt at damage control. But the rest of us are fed up with them, and excited about this if for no other reason that that this will make them shut the fuck up.

>LOLOL we're all gonna lose our guns by flagrantly unconstitutional state laws and there's nothing you can do because SCOTUS doesn't ever hear 2A cases.
But what about DC v. Heller, McDonald vs. Chicago, Caetano v. Massachusetts?
>Those don't count because they already happened. They haven't heard any 2A cases since the last one they heard, so we know they won't hear any more. You wishful-thinking idiot.
But what about that NYSRPA v. NYC, which they already granted certiorari?
>Ah, but they haven't heard it yet, have they you fool? They're gonna drop it for mootness any day now, we know this because SCOTUS doesn't ever hear 2A cases.

I fully expect the chorus of circular reasoning to start back up the day after this case is done, but at least we'll get a couple months of peace.

What does this mean? I thought they had not even yet evaluated the 'mootness' of it. This was due to happen in October if I remember correctly

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Do we know who will be representing NYSRGA in oral arguments?

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TLDR - NYC Doesn't let you take your pistol outside of NYC, ever. You can only take it to one of a handful of "authorized" ranges in the city and even then with the ammo and the gun locked in a separate compartment and not at arms reach or near each other.

People complained because they want to go to other states, competitions, summer homes, etc and bring their pistol.

NYC argued this for like 8 years through the courts and right on the eve of SCOTUS hearing this case, NYC changed the law, and then NY State changed the law in an attempt to say its no longer possible IE: Moot to hear this case.

What 2A folks want: Strict scrutiny is declared the standard for 2nd Amendment cases, which would completely blow the fuck out of a shit-ton of state laws, if the lower courts abide by this recommendation. SAFE Act (Assault Weapons Ban), and even the Sullivan Act (NY State's pistol permit scheme where they can place restrictions on your CCW so you cant really carry for self defense) would all be affected.

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>Monday, December 2, 2019

>Sunday, December 1, 2019 - Biggest mass shooting in the history of the world at some daycare convention or puppy farm or some shit

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Minor as fuck gun law. Still causes Senate Democrats to threaten scotus and for yet another woman to remember suddenly Kavanaugh touched her 40 years ago.

Fuck the commies.